Broken Bonds

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(Alleycat1024 suggested Broken and Bonds being the title to the chapter before False Thoughts. So, I put them together and THIS)

Cassidy wandered around, she didn't know what happened to Dave.... Yeah.... He lost his eye..... got kidnapped.... Now that she thought about it, he had SOME reason to be angry.... But... Not THAT angry..... angry enough to push Fredrick and threaten him?

What had Oscar said to break Dave like that? Cassidy sighed, she knew Dave.... He wouldn't do that.... would he? Just then Dave passed by her, the normal emotionless look on his face, she followed, maybe he'll..... maybe he'll just talk to her..... Maybe he had some time to cool down?

It was worth a try, so Cassidy made her decision and followed her brother, he got some bread and put it in the toaster, waiting, then getting the toast out and eating it..... At least she knew one thing that didn't change was Dave's love for toast didn't change.... She walked into the room, Dave instantly noticed her "What?" He said, getting out of his emotionless state as if it was on cue....

The golden haired girl sighed "Dave.... Why did you push Fredrick?" Dave glared "He didn't leave me alone AND commented about my eye to the others!" He said coldly, Cassidy sighed "You never were so sensitive to it before.... You only take it as a joke.... What's going on with you?" She asked, not really noticing or rephrasing, not even noticing what she said could've offended the short-fused boy.

"What's wrong with me?!" He raised his voice, Cassidy stood her ground "YES! Ever since you came here, You were all with this attitude and hostility!!!!" She said, raising her own voice "YOU THINK I DON'T HAVE A REASON FOR THAT?!" He yelled, Cassidy flinched slightly, but she needed to know WHY.... What was Dave trying to avoid telling her?!

(Btw, Dave has ONLY told Scarlett about the abuse, all Cassidy knows is Dave lost his eye and was kidnapped..... Continue!)

"WHAT ARE YOU NOT TELLING ME DAVE?! THE ONLY REASONS I SEE IS THAT YOU LOST YOUR EYE AND YOU GOT KIDNAPPED BY OUR GRANDPA!!!!! NOW, WHAT IS THE OTHER REASON!!?!??! I KNOW YOU'RE HIDING SOMETHING, SO TELL ME!!!!" Cassidy yelled, Dave still glared, even though he wanted to push her out his way, he still loved her..... loved Fredrick.... loved all of them..... But, the anger boiling inside him made him yell out....

"HE'S NOT MY GRANDPA!!!!!! OSCAR HAS PSYCHICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY HURT ME!!!!! HE AND CARLA HAVE IGNORED ME!!!!!!!! TOOK AWAY MY SWEATER AND REPLACED IT WITH A T-SHIRT!!!!! YOU HAD FREDRICK AND ALL YOUR OTHER FRIENDS AND HALF-SIBLINGS!!!!!! WHO DID I HAVE?! NO ONE!!!!! I GUESS WHEN I WAS GONE FOR A WEEK, YOU NEVER THOUGHT OF CHECKING ON ME!!! HUH?!" He yelled, Cassidy just stood there, silent, at lost for words.... Dave panted, tears started to come from his eye "ANSWER ME CASSIE!!!! OR ARE YOU GONNA STAND THERE AND NOT DO ANYTHING, LIKE WHEN I COULD'VE BEEN HELPED?!?!?!" Dave's hands were trembling with anger, he then walked past her, ignoring the urge to push her out his way.....

Cassidy turned to Dave "D-Dave! I'm sorry..... I didn't know!" She called, but Dave kept walking. The girl lowered her head, she took a deep breath....

How could she fix this....?

Maybe he'll get better..... Maybe.......

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