Helpy (Pt. 1)

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*Have a meme that gave me the idea above XD*


Delilah was working on something important, she then heard the door to the basement open, she covered he project with a white blanket, only seeing it was Dave "Hey sis... What'cha doing? You haven't left the basement in hours.... Haven't actually left in a day.... And Mike is getting worried..." He said, then saw how tired Delilah looked, dust in her hair and her purple shirt covered in oil stains.

"You look.... awful..." He said "And that's just the tip of the iceberg..." He added, Delilah just glared "I need to get this ready at least on his birthday..." She said "Which is in 2 hours..." She looked away, taking off the blanket and continuing, Dave say beside her, handing her tools she needed.

"How did you learn to do this anyway?" He asked "My-...." She stopped "OUR father...." She corrected, Dave nodded slowly "Oh..." The two continued, until it was like 2 PM they were finished "Thanks for the help Dave...." She said, a small smile on her face, she put the project in a box, wrapping it in blue-purple wrapper "Go see Mike...." Delilah said to Dave.

The man nodded, walking away upstairs, Delilah sighed, she grabbed the box carefully and went upstairs to change.


Delilah heard the doorbell ring, he opened it to see Neil and Chris "H-Hi... S-s-sis...." Neil stuttered, Delilah hugged him "Hiya Neil..." She said with a soft smile, Chris just crossed her arms and rolled her eyes with a little smile "What about me?!" A child asked, Delilah turned to them "Who's this?" Delilah asked as she kneeled down to the child's height.

"This is Lisa..." He said "Your... um.. niece..." He said, Delilah just blinked, picking her up "MIKE YOU HAVE A NEW FRIEND!!!!" She called, Lisa just giggled as Delilah ran off with her, waving to her mother and father.

"She is SO getting eaten alive in this world..." Chris said, joking a little "Wait wha-" Neil started, Chris grabbed his hand and walked in the house, looking around "Well, These two sure have your lives together..." Chris said "Three actually live here..." Dave said, making Chris flinch, she turned to him "Who's the third one?" She asked.

Mike turned the corner, seeing the two new people, he squeaked and hid behind his uncle's leg, peeking around to see them, Neil blinked "I-I-Is he n-normally th-this shy?" He asked, Dave just shrugged "Sorta..." He said, nudging the child in front of them. Chris waved, Mike just trembled, his eyes closed "Um... Is his eyes okay?" Chris asked, noticing he probably didn't see her wave "Yeah... He's kinda... embarrassed by them....." He said, then showing his robotic eye and then pointed Mike's eyes "Oh... Okay!" Chris said cheerfully, kneeling down and then reached out her hand, it touched Mike's hands.

The boy looked at where the hand touched his, he held the hand and Chris shook it "I'm your aunt Christopher, but you can call me Chris..." She said, Mike got less tense, smiling a little "I-I'm M-Mike..." He said, Neil slightly smiled "GUYS!!! WHO WANTS BREAKFAST!?" Delilah called.

"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!" Chris yelled, running off, Dave facepalmed, Neil just shrugged and followed, and Mike held Dave's hand as he lead him to the kitchen

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