Hurt... (Pt. 3)

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(If you guys are wondering, Dave talks in a monotone voice, he doesn't process emotions easily, but he kept pretending and pretending to the point where his emotions seemed real to him, but he can have some moments where emotion isn't in his head.....)

Dave sat in the closet... his head hurt from crying, he put a hand to his cheek and winced when he touched a bruise....

*Earlier that day*

Dave had found a way to escape the closet, he waited and waited until he heard footsteps "Hunter! C'mon, we'll be late for work!!!" His Grandma called, Dave waited and waited until the front door closed.

He quickly got up and moved some clothes from under a piece of wood, he saw a vent about his size, he crawled through it, not being bothered that the walls of the vent were tight or the pure cold he felt and the dust getting in his eyes.

He poked his head out to the living room, he never felt so relieved to see that room, getting out the vent, he got his sweater and walked out the front door, he felt a little better this morning, the warm sun glowing down and the calm, cold breeze made him smile, he loved this kind of weather....

He saw the same family he saw the other day... He stared at them as they walked away from him, he continued on to the park, seeing only Cassidy, he turned his head as he walked over, he smiled as she turned to him and waved.

Cassidy brightened when she saw him, a few minutes later they were talking on a bench, when a question popped in his head, he had wondered what this was about...

"Cassidy? Why don't I look like dad? I mean... you sorta do and Fredrick takes most of mom's looks..... But..... I don't really see me like that...." He said, Cassidy froze up, looking at him, a feeling of dread crept to her "I... Well.... I guess you're old enough to hear this without freaking out... I think...." Cassidy took a deep breath.

"Well.... You and me..... um.... Aren't..... We aren't related to Chad.... We're um...." Dave raised a brow, confused "We... Are the children to mom and...... William...... Afton...." She said, slowly, looking up to see a reaction, she did get one.... Dave had a look of pure SHOCK and even a hint of sadness, he looked away from Cassidy, he then heard a ring from Cassidy's pocket "Oh... Need to get home... It's 2:54 PM...." She said.

Dave froze completely, quickly getting off the bench "I have to go too, Bye and love you Cassidy!" He said, then running away, he was going to get KILLED by this! His grandparents got home at 3:00 PM!!!!! He looked around, almost bumping into loads of people and getting weird looks or concerned or even disgust, probably because it was rude to run into people and not say sorry....

But, if they really did know the truth why.... They might've ignored it.... The thought of getting in the closet made him run slightly faster, but.... the thought of.... William.... in his mind..... Why? He remembered William came to visit him often, but he never understood why... He always thought his mom and him were just super close.... Like high school friends or.... Why had he been so stupid not to realize something so important?!

He gasped for breath now, his lungs ached and BEGGED him to rest or even slow down... He didn't though, reminding himself that he could be in the closet for probably longer.... even a month.... Most likely.....

He then stopped when he saw something that made his heart stop.... the same way that he saw Tyler cheating on him.... The same feeling he felt of what Cassidy had told him....

His grandparents' cars in the driveway... the images of two people inside the window.....

*To Be Continued!*

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