Hurt... (Pt. 6)

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Dave blinked at the girl, who looked at him confused "Hello? Are you deaf?" She joked "N-No!" He said firmly "Jeez, Don't have to have an attitude about it..." She responded sassily, he opened his mouth to object, but she cut him off "Anyway... It's hot in here since Delilah's air conditioning doesn't work... Can't you take the hoodie off?" She asked, reaching over to take it off his head.

Dave was about to say something, but the girl was too quick and took the hood off his head, revealing the giant purple bruise on his cheek, it seemed the girl froze "Wh-What happ-happened to your ch-cheek?" She asked "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!" He yelled, turning away "Go away...." he mumbled.

There was a pause and Dave thought she went away, until she turned his face to her, he froze up, no one had ever really looked at his face most of the time so... this felt awkward.... especially since it wasn't a family member or close friend...

Dave tried to back away, but hit a wall, the girl sensed his discomfort "Sorry... My name's Scarlett, What's yours?" She asked, a small smile on her face ".....Dave......" He said, "Sorry that I got so close... I just never seen a bruise so.... purple?" She said, Dave blinked at Scarlett "I just need some rest...." He said "Oh... Okay...." As she finished her words, she turned away and walked out.

Dave took the jacket off, sighing, he looked at a mirror and now saw how bad it was, it made him wince as he looked at it, he saw a top bunk and bottom bunk, he saw a name on the top bunk saying Delilah, so he guessed the bottom bunk was his.

He crawled into it and put the covers on, putting his shoes next to the bed, he blinked his eyes, resting his bruised cheek on the pillow, he wondered how long it would stay there, probably the rest of the week or maybe three...

He wondered if his grandparents were looking for him, but, soon he drifted to sleep....

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