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Avni was becoming restless. She had reached work about fifteen minutes ago practically running past staff in order to get to her office. Once getting in she changed into her work clothes and sat down. She couldn't afford to do this, she had work to do. She sat down finishing court notes that were needed for a cases hearing today, she absorbed herself in her work but a phone call broke the concentration. "Hey Abeer." "Avni we have some news on the Khanna case." Avni rested in her chair "We beat those two into giving us answers and we have some bad news, Khulbushan works closely with a lady named Guru ma and...." "And what Abeer come on." "And Guru Ma was a regular at the prison that Dayawanti Mehta was held."Avni put everything together"WHAT Abeer you can't be serious." "We are going to try and investigate further into this but i have a request." "Shoot." "Don't do anything stupid just wait okay, hang in there." Avni hummed in response, Abeer knew her, she was not going to idle. Avni let out a frustrated screaming as her head dropped into her hands. She needed to do more research on this Guru Ma and even this Khulbusushan- should she tell Neil, 'No, no Avni, stop the whole reason of pushing him away was to keep him safe, i need to do this alone.' Sighing she looked at the clock, her eyes widened as she grabbed her notes as well as her robe before rushing out to the hearing.


She stood before the court rubbing her temples, Neil along with Bebe, Maddy, Prakash and Karena had been there right from the start and noticed that Avni was loosing her patience with the offender. She faced the judge "Sir, this man is a rapist. I have no other way to put this. Miss Heer was on her way back from a party around midnight this man attacked her by placing a rag over her face with chemicals knocking her out, and taking her to a shed before raping her. I got in contact with the doctors asking them for the reports, there was signs of being drugged and raped, and in fact Miss Heer is pregnant." The girl burst in too tears. "When we checked the DNA it came back positive as this man's child." Avni handed over the reports to the judge who analysed them. The judge looked towards the offender "Do you have anything to say?" He gave a perverted smirk looking towards Avni "My only regret wasn't raping her until she was dead, oh and Miss Ayesha why don't you come here so i can have a go at you." Avni wasn't in the mood, Neil's fists clenched. Avni stalked up to the man as the judge watched her, she raised her hand as an echo of a slap silenced the entire court. "You are sick. A woman isn't sometime of frickin toy, we have feelings to you know, at the end of the day we all bleed the same but this..." She gestured at the man "is societies fault. This stereotypical society still hasn't moved forth, men still believe that women are weak and inferior, they use there silence against them but let me tell you something Never and i mean never mistake a woman's silence for weakness, Remember that the air stills sometimes before the onset of a hurricane because every women is a queen in there own way and its about damn time that you animals understand that." Neil looked at her with a proud smirk, his wifey could handle everything and still look hot whilst doing it. Neil was having a hard time to control himself but the judge cut of his naughty thought by praising Avni "Miss Ayesha, am judge i'm proud that we have female courage in this industry and i know for a fact that you will never let any woman's character be questioned, for that i thank you and salute you. You are like a breath of fresh air and i have hope that one day you'll be sitting here taking decision like i am today." He smiled down at her in a fatherly way before turning to look at the offender "Order, Order...You are sentence for two years in prison with the add of community service. Court is adjourned." Avni looked at the young Miss Heer who attacked her in a hug, Avni smiled "Good Luck Miss Heer with you future, its going to take time but don't worry there is someone out there that will open their arms to you, And i suggest you contact your parents tell them everything, they have the right to know." Miss Heer looked at her "I know your scared but no parent will turn their child away and if you need anything you have my number, i'll be happy to help." Avni bent slightly in front of her stomach  "You be good for you mum okay, don't stress her out to much." In response she got a kick as the two women laughed. As they separated Avni began walking but was stopped by the Khanna family, she shifted under Neil's gaze uncomfortably "Umm excuse me. I have something to do." Without giving them a second look she speed walked away. Avni leaned her head back on her seat both hands on the stirring wheel. She knew it was only amount of time before Neil asked her what she was doing but till then she needed to avoid him.


As she walked through the door she collapsed atop of the sofa putting a cushion on top of her head. She closed her eyes. She was already regretting not getting any sleep last night. Suddenly the cushion was ripped away from her face as the light blinded her, she groaned as she sat up only to be greeted with an angry Neela ma closely followed by the rest of the family. Neela whacked her with the cushion "OWW." "What OWW? Where were you Avni? We were so worried, you just left so early in the morning without telling anyone, that's not done- what if something happened to you? Huh..then what?" Avni looked at the angry woman in front of her. "Ma calm down..." "Avni was quickly cut off "Calm down..You expect me to calm  down, Avni i was so worried...." This time Avni cut her off "Ma i left a note..." "What note?" Avni sighed and walked to the fridge as the family followed her she crouched down and picked the piece of paper up handing it to Neela as Avni rubbed her temples. "Ohhh..Bacha i'm sorry..i was just worried." "Its fine Ma don't worry." Neela smiled at Avni before saying "You need to get ready." "What?...What for?" "You should eat some almonds your memory will improve...Its the party for the opening of the NGO." Avni faced palmed herself before collapsing into a chair as Neela ma said "Get ready properly okay? i left your clothes on your bed." Neela patted her head gently before leaving. Avni sighed..Well this should be intresting.


So we have the party. What do you guys think will go down??? Let me know. I don't know what else to say. Oh yeah...Please comment your thoughts on this chapter, anythings you would like to see that maybe we don't get in the serial comment and tell me and i'll try my best to add it in and make you all happy. Also don't forget to vote and follow too. Thank you.

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