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After cutting the cake, the guests settled themselves on the tables enjoying the food. Khushi was eating with Arnav, both were very much lost in their own world. Zoya smiled sitting near Arnav, making the smile on Khushi’s face disappear.
Zoya: Haider tomorrow we need to go to the hospital, so you have to wake up early..
Khushi interrupted looking suspiciously at Zoya: I already took him to a hospital, you don’t need to do this..
Zoya looked shocked at Khushi: Kya?? When did you took him to hospital?
Khushi: You don’t need to know the details. I’m already doing his treatment with another doctor.
Arnav sigh: Can we talk about other things?
Khushi gave him a tell-her-to-stop look, Zoya went from there wiping the sweat beads that were forming on her forehead..
NK came there with his plate: Oh my God this food is so delicious, I just love this..
Lav came behind him rolling her eyes: What type of husband you are? You let your wife serve alone, and you’re enjoying here…
NK grimaced at her. Payal and Akash joined the table with the usual shy smile they have when they look at each other.
Lavanya: Now that we are all here, Arnav you could give Khushi her gift, I’m so excited to know what is it?
Arnav smiled: Wait for Khushi to finish her food. Khushi excitedly: I’ve already finished it, gimme my gift..
Arnav nodded sideways. Khushi pouted, then started eating fast making everyone giggle..
“ Arnav where are you taking me?” Khushi asked letting Arnav guide her…
“ Have patience Khushi” Arnav said walking outside the hall, and soon they reached a small garden decorated with red and white ballons all over the place…
Khushi was awed by the location, it was so dreamy, the ones she always thinks her prince charming would take her one day..
Arnav knelt down in front of Khushi, making her look at him confused. She smiled little unsure about his next step..

“ Khushi I don’t know if it is right or wrong doing this now, but all I want to say is that I love you, I was confused whether to confess my feelings for you or not but since its your birthday I decided to give you this happiness today. Maybe I’m hurrying in things now because I still don’t remember everything about us, but you know my heart doesn’t repent saying this to you, my heart doesn’t mind forgetting Zoya for you, my heart strangely only wants you. I don’t know why I feel like this, maybe because I was madly in love with you, even God doesn’t want my heart to forget you. You may feel all this is fake now, and I want to use you but believe me Khushi, I love you… I really love you! “ Arnav said looking at Khushi trying to read her emotions..
Khushi smiled while tears left her eyes. The next moment she was in his arms hugging him tightly.
Khushi: I never think like that Arnav, I know your remember few things about us. And I love you too…
Arnav smiled hearing her shy “I love you too” to him.
Khushi buried her face on his neck: I’m so happy today, I will never forget this birthday in my life..
The next day Arnav was jogging, while Khushi was with Payal and Zoya cooking.
“Khushi what did the doctors said about Haider’s health?” Zoya asked smiling..
“ Nothing much, he said that Arnav will recover..” Khushi said looking at Payal, Payal was also confused about Zoya wanting to know much about Arnav..
“ And please call him Arnav, why do you keep calling him as Haider? “ Khushi furrowed her brows.
“ Like you I don’t force him to remember his past, he will remember it gradually and he doesn’t have a problem with me calling him Haider Khushi..” Zoya said mocking Khushi..
“ He already accepted that he is Arnav. Yesterday only he confessed his love for me, and very soon we will not need you here Zoya” Khushi smirked.
Zoya left the kitchen embarrassed. Khushi went with Payal behind her to see what she will do.
They reached her room, she was talking with someone over the phone. For Khushi it was Rehan.
“ I think Khushi stopped giving him the medicines, she isn’t telling me anything in details, but if Arnav is forgetting me and giving all the attention to her then you can understand what it means..” Zoya said..
Khushi and Payal looked at each other smelling trouble ahead for them.
Arnav came back and directly went to his room, Khushi was passing by and saw his clothes on the bed, she smiled knowing that he has reached, she entered the room waiting for him to come out from the bathroom.
After some minutes Arnav came out shirtless wiping his wet hair, Khushi gasped looking at him with big eyes. Arnav smirked seeing his effect on her, “ Kya hua Khushi?” he asked as if he didn’t do anything to the poor creature in front of him.
“Why do you roam around shirtless?” Khushi asked avoiding his gaze..
Arnav pulled her near him and said with his husky voice: This is our room Khushi, and only you will see me like this..
Khushi blushed looking at him weirdly “What is wrong with this Laad governor today?”
Arnav bend his head to reach his lips, Khushi place her palm on his mouth: You’re very strange today…
Arnav raised his brows: Why? , Khushi shrugged her shoulder: I don’t know, I feel like you’re more ASR today..
Arnav smirked a little but making sure Khushi doesn’t notice it. Arnav: I think its good no? If you feel like that maybe I’m recovering fast hain na?
Khushi nodded smiling brightly at him: Come I will serve your breakfast. Arnav nodded putting on his shirt. Both went downstairs, Arnav was eating his toast looking deeply at Zoya, his constant gaze at her, was making her uncomfortable. Khushi was looking at him angrily, then pinched his arm, Arnav turned to her frowning.
Khushi: Don’t forget you confessed your feelings to me yesterday only.
Arnav chuckles: I know that…
Khushi raised her brows: Then why are you looking at her?
Arnav nodded sideways: Nothing.
Zoya gasped scared after sensing some hand touching her on her waist. She tried to turn, but the person wasn’t letting her do so..
“Relax Zoya, its me” Arnav said smirking…
“Haider tum, I almost got scared” Zoya smiled touching his hands..
“ Zoya how much I pity you.. you invited trouble for yourself..” Arnav said with eyes burning in anger..

“ Haider whats wrong with you? Why are you talking like this?” Zoya stepped back confused and a little scared with his behavior..
“Arnav Singh Raizada.. You better not call me by this invented name of yours. And yeah call your Rehan to try and help you here because it will be very difficult escaping from me now.. “ Arnav said walking to go out of the room..
“Arnav you…” Zoya looked at him shocked..
Arnav stopped on the door, turned to Zoya crossing his arms: I have regained my memory back and I didn’t forget anything you both did to me. I promise you both from now on you will see pain wherever you go…
Arnav left the room, but bumped with Khushi who was passing by making both fall on the floor..

Khushi (fuming in anger): Can't you see while walking?
Arnav smirked: Its good I didn't see otherwise you wouldn't be in my arms..
Khushi turned red hearing him, Arnav caressed her hair staring deeply at her, " I love you" he whispered taking her in his embrace, Khushi: You're forgetting we are on the floor Mr. Raizada..

Arnav bringing her more close to him: I don't mind. Khushi blushed hiding her face on his chest. Hearing sounds both got alerted, Arnav lifted Khushi from the floor already cursing Lav and NK for disturbing his moments with Khushi after a long time. Now that he remembers everything he wants to give full attention to her, after all she was the one who suffered the most when he wasn't here, she deserves all his care.

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