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Bye Khushi" Arnav placed one more kiss on her cheeks, then went for his work..
Khushi went back home with a smile playing on her lips, finally her life seems to walk on the right side..
* AR:
" Well I want you to publish all the things that happened with me exactly like I'm telling you, I want Dr.Zoya's name spoiled" Arnav said to Akash..
" Yeah I can do that bhai, but then how will you find out where Aman is?" Akash asked..
" Aman is already at my farm house being beaten up.. " Arnav said smirking..
" Ohh you're so fast.." Akash smiled, then went out of the room..
Arnav after going through the files, went back home, or to say to stay with his wifey!
Arnav reached home he went to his room, Khushi was putting his clothes on the closet, he went near her hugging her from behind, Khushi gasped but after recognizing the touch she smiled: Laad governor...
Arnav: Can't you call me by a sweet name? Seriously Laad governor Khushi?
Khushi chuckles: That's a sweet name.. I invented for you.. Hmm.. Tell me how was your day at office?
Arnav: It was good, at least Akash and NK took care of AR, when I wasn't here..
Khushi nodded smiling, she still remembers how they supported her when Arnav wasn't there...
Arnav: Today Ma is coming back..
Khushi nodded: Haan..
Arnav moved her hair to the left side, leaving a space for him to plant a kiss there. Khushi blushed feeling his touch. Arnav turned her to face him. He tilt his head to capture her lips, Khushi was nervous she shut her eyes tightly holding Arnav..

Arnav stopped seeing her position: Khushi...
Khushi opened her eyes slowly, Arnav gave her a what-happened look..
Arnav: I can kiss you right? Or is there any problem?
Khushi blushed nodding. Arnav chuckles: I can't believe it Khushi, are you shy?
Khushi: Nahin, I'm not shy..
Arnav smiled: That's not what I'm seeing..
Khushi started beating him: You love to tease me always..
Arnav laughed holding her tiny hands, Khushi smiled then hugged him...
Khushi: Arnav I love you.
Now this was surprising for Arnav, Khushi broke the hug pouting: Don't you love me anymore?
Arnav: Khushiiiii.. Khushi crossed her arms with a cute angry face: Then say na.. You love me too..
Arnav pulled Khushi near him whispering near her ear: I love you too Mrs.Raizada...
Lavanya: ASR...
Arnav and Khushi turned to her, Lav smiled: Ohh interrupted your romance, sorry for that.. Actually I just wanted to talk about some work and all..
Arnav nodded: I also want to talk with you over some deals..
Lav nodded, Arnav went with her...
Khushi continued arranging his clothes..
In Lav's room, Lav was explaining Arnav how the situation of the deals are.
Arnav was listening with all the attention.
Lav all of sudden placed her head on Arnav's shoulder sobbing. Arnav made a confused face.
Arnav: Lav kya hua? Is everything alright?
Lav cried more: My life is ruined ASR..
Arnav worried: What happened??
Lav: I wish I could have a partner like you, NK doesn't give me attention, I'm just a doll for him. He doesn't love me..
Arnav furrows his brows: What are you talking about? NK loves you a lot okay, all these years he is with you, he never betrayed you.. How can you talk like this about your husband?
Lav looked away wiping her tears: No one will be like you Arnav, the way you care for Khushi and you always risk your life to save hers. I also wanted someone like you for me..
Arnav: Lav are you mad? Why are you talking like this?
Arnav handled her a glass of water not making eye contact with her, he was hell angry on her for thinking about NK like that.

Lav took the glass drinking it, making sad faces. She left the glass at the dresser, then looked back at Arnav: I'm sorry..
Arnav: You better be. And never talk about your husband like that. I know NK loves you a lot..
Lav nodded looking down, while Arnac left the room feeling uncomfortable. Khushi was coming near him: Aree wah! I was just coming to you... ( Looking at Arnav's worried face) what happened Arnav?
Arnav: Nothing. Lets go out today..
Khushi jumped in happiness: Yes! We will watch Salmanji movies today. Because of you I haven't watched his new movies..
Arnav nodded faking a smile to Khushi..
Khushi was on her own world dancing on Salman's moves.
Arnav smiled brightly seeing her happy, he shouldn't think much of Lav now. Aman and Zoya already gave him lot of problems, now he wants to live his life with his princess forgetting everyone else..
Arnav: Khushi go and change. If you keep dancing here. Then you will watch the movie of my choice..
Khushi went running from there pouting.
After making Arnav wait for at least 20 min she descended the stairs with a blue outfit, Arnav captured her every move..
Khushi reached near Arnav with pink cheeks: Stop staring at me.. I'm your wife..
Arnav smirked: Then stop looking so beautiful. I can't take my eyes off you..
Khushi buried her face on his neck not able to face him, Arnav caressed her waist smiling..
After their 5min romance, they left to the cinema. Arnav held Khushi's hand searching for a place for them to sit. He chose the place with less people sitting around, so that he could romance with his wife. Khushi was already warning him not to spoil her moment with Salman, but he wasn't going to listen her.
The movie started, Khushi was so excited to see Salman's entry, that she didn't even noticed Arnav caressing her hand. Arnav placed a kiss on her cheeks making her eyes travel to his side.
Khushi: Arnav I already told you to..
Arnav placed his fingers on her lips, making Khushi look at him with big eyes.
He retired his fingers slowly, then moved his face near hers.
* Slaps sound*
Khushi looked at the screen whistling: Yaaay Salmanji beat that goon Arnav.. See na..
Arnav sigh hard in frustration, Khushi looked at him with her baby confused face..
Khushi: Kya hua? Don't you like to see Salman winning?
Arnav: Khushi we aren't watching a match okay. He will always win in the end..
Khushi: Toh kya hua? He is my hero, he has to win always..
Arnav rolled his eyes: He is not yours..
Khushi pouted: He is only mine...
Arnav: What about me?
Khushi giggled: Are you feeling jealous? Seriously Arnav..
Arnav made a stern face looking at the screen, Khushi pressed her lips, she cupped his face but Arnav looked away..
Khushi again cupped his face, pecking his lips quickly. Arnav's mood changed, he smiled a little making Khushi blush hard..
Khushi placed her head on his shoulder, Arnav hugged her possessively, both continued watching the movie..
The movie ended, both left the hall.
Arnav said: I completely forgot about Ma Khushi, she must be home right now..
Khushi nodded worried: I also forgot about it. I'm sorry Arnav, its all because of me..
Arnav shook his head: No Khushi, its alright.. We are going to meet them..
Ragini who was waiting impatiently to see her son alive, smiled when she saw him coming with Khushi. She held Neil with one hand smiling as tears left her eyes. Neil, Rohan, Anjali and Shyam were also shocked seeing Arnav alive. Now this is like a miracle for them.
Arnav eyes were moist after seeing his parents in front of him, he hugged Ragini tightly, then Neil..
Ragini cupped Arnav's face: You don't know how I managed to live without you Chote.. I never thought all this would happen that day.. Thank God, my son is alive..
Neil nodded happily, he completely broke down after hearing that Arnav died, but had to behave like he is strong because he couldn't see his family break.
Anjali and Rohan also hugged Arnav smiling: Chote/Bro we missed you a lot..
Arnav smiled: I also missed you Di and Rohan..
After the emotional family encounter, Arnav was resting on his mother's lap, hearing her stories.
Khushi was in the kitchen with Payal and Lav preparing the special dinner for today..
NK came there smiling: Look today this house is filled with happiness. Finally..
Lav smiled a little, while Payal nodded happily: I'm so happy for you Khushi. See na DM returned your happiness, your Arnav to you..
Khushi nodded..
" Arnav you will not win this game, I have to make sure you lose your wife.." Zoya thought sitting on her bed, frustrated. Arnav's words were ringing on her her ears everytime, she was scared. Arnav can do anything to her, he will destroy her life. But she will also not let him win completely, she decided that she will find a way to make Khushi leave Arnav. This will mark Arnav's failure...
After having dinner with his family, Arnav talked with Rohan, Anjali and Shyam about random things.
Khushi was with Ayan playing with him, Nk and Akash.
Payal was chatting with Neil and Ragini.
Zoya was looking at them thinking what to do to destroy Arnav's life.
Ragini looked angrily at Zoya: You're still here? Just get out from this house, aren't you ashamed?
Arnav: No ma, she will stay here..
Zoya looked at Arnav, trying to figure out what is he going to do with her. Ragini: Why Chote? You know everything she did with you still you want her here? And where is that Aman?
Arnav: She will leave tomorrow to her permanent house with her friend Aman..
Neil: Where?
Arnav smirked: My jail..
Rohan: Bro what are you going to do with them?
Arnav: I have told to Akash to publish in news what Zoya did to me, so its obvious she will not practice medicine now and will go to jail. But I talked with the police that I want to torture them in my way. So they will stay at my farm house and will receive special treatments from my men. And don't worry Zoya, since you're a girl. A woman will be there to show you how to cook, wash clothes, and will also beat you if you don't do things as per her orders..
Zoya gulped her saliva hearing this. So practically they will stay as slaves all the life..
Arnav: This is only my punishment for what you both did to me, I also want to feel your pain. After that I will send you to a real jail, where doctors like you belong..
Zoya went running to her room worried.
* Arshi room:
After freshening up, Khushi came to the bed, placing her head on Arnav's chest: Don't do this na..
Arnav frowned: What Khushi?
Khushi looked down sadly: Are you really going to torture them?
Arnav: Khushi they deserve this. What they did to us is unforgivable. I just can't take them to jail and end my revenge like that.. They will scream like I did..
Khushi pressed her lips nodding: You're right...
Zoya was pacing around when she heard Lav talking with someone over the phone...
Lav: I'm tired Sonia, I just wish I was Khushi, Arnav loves her so much.. You know why I accepted to date NK, it was only because I wanted to stay near Arnav, but circumstances made me marry NK, but now seeing Arnav care for Khushi. I don't know why I'm feeling jealous.. I think I really loved him..
Zoya smirked hearing this, she patted Lav's shoulder, Lav left the phone hurriedly in shock..
Zoya smiled: Relax, it's me...
Lav: What happened? What do you want?
Zoya: So you love Arnav right? I have a plan to make him yours..
Lav glared at Zoya: Just shut up okay.. I don't need you..
Zoya smirked: Think Lavanya, I can make Khushi leave Arnav, then he will be all yours. You just have to help me..
Lav smiled: I'm saying I don't need your help..
Lav went from there, while Zoya fumed in anger.
* Arshi room:
Arnav smiled mischievously looking at Khushi's lips. She blushed understanding what he wants. Khushi lowered her eyes accepting Arnav mark her as his.
The next day as expected in all the newspaper and TV were talking about ASR being alive and what Dr.Zoya and his PA Aman did to him.
Police came in the house taking Zoya with them, Arnav signaled the police to take Zoya to his farm house. Police nodded understanding what Arnav conveyed to him.
Arnav went to get ready to start his new life, normal life with his wife. Finally Aman and Zoya are out of his life. He will go to his farm house now once in a week just to see their devastated state, he wants to smile seeing them suffer like they laughed at him..
" Where is Khushi?" Arnav thought frowning. He didn't see her since yesterday, the most beautiful night of his life!!!
He went outside the room adjusting necktie.
" Ma did you saw Khushi?" Arnav asked seeing Ragini..
" Haan Khushi is in kitchen with Payal.." Ragini smiled..
Arnav nodded, then went to the kitchen. Khushi was cooking there wiping her cheeks with force..
Arnav looked at her confused: Khushi what are you doing?
Payal went from there leaving the couple alone. Khushi looked at Arnav with big eyes, then walked fast to leave the kitchen, before she could leave Arnav pulled her back: Kya hua?
Khushi stammered: nahiii..
Arnav raised his brows: Do you seriously think I'm going to believe you? (After noticing her face Arnav laughed) Khushi you're still blushing?
Khushi pouted wiping her cheeks again: Its all your fault Laad governor.. Only thinking about last night I start becoming red like this.. You know even Jiji asked me what happened?
Arnav laughed more: That's why you didn't show me your face today?
Khushi nodded pouting. Arnav cupped her face: You know I love you so much Khushi..
Khushi smiled hearing this, Arnav pecked her lips. Then left to his work, Khushi continued cooking with the same smile..
Lav who was looking at both love birds all this time, was getting more jealous of them..

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