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Acha Chote, now that your brother is going to marry, you should put some sense in him, take him to AR today to work.. " Ragini said smiling..
" Ehhh work.. No work mom" Rohan said making faces..
" Take Khushi also with you guys.." Neil said indicating Rohan what's the purpose behind it..
" Okay.." Arnav said while going to his room..
" When I come back, I want to see you both in the car" Arnav stopped to look at them, then left to his room..
" Laad governor" Khushi muttered..
She was going outside with Rohan..
" Khushi" they heard a shout..
Khushi looked at Arnav's room then at everyone with what-happened? look..
She went running to his room, opened the door slowly..
Khushi: Dji?
" Change this saree" Arnav said sternly while taking his office bag..
" Kyun? " Khushi asked confused..
" Do you want lie or truth?" Arnav asked with his gaze fixed at her..
" Of course truth" Khushi said frowning..
" You're looking hot, and I don't want men to look at you the way I'm " Arnav said without breaking the eye lock..
Khushi's eyes widened hearing his talk, she went running from there to change it..
Arnav went to the car with Rohan waiting for Khushi..
In the car Arnav looked serious at Rohan..
" Do you love her? Or just playing with her?" Arnav asked looking deeply at Rohan..
" Woh.. Bro.. I thought I love her.. But you see.. Do you remember Anaya? My ex? She came back two months back in my life... " Rohan said pressing his lips to suppress the smile, he was enjoying making stories..
" What the.. Now why you introduced Khushi to ma? By the way you gave a ring to her? You're such a liar Rohan... You're playing with feelings of an innocent girl.." Arnav said getting irritated..
" Destiny bro.. Its not in my control.. After seeing Anaya I felt something.. I think I went back to Khushi because she is very beautiful. But love is for Anaya.." Rohan said placing his hand on his chest with a dreamy look..
" Rohan I will beat you up.. How can you do this? Dad introduced her to everyone.. Are you mad? Tell the truth to Khushi.. Don't play with her.. If you play with her heart, I will forget you're my brother .." Arnav said with a warning tone.
Rohan gulped his saliva scared: Okay.. What about mom? She is also going to beat me, she wants Khushi as her daughter in law...
" But Bro.. You can accept Khushi no? It's she will cry a lot after finding that I'm betraying her... I don't want to see her crying..
(Arnav remembered Khushi crying in the kitchen..)
Ohh but how can I forget.. You already have Akira in your life.. Khushi ka kya hoga?
" Nothing will happen with her... " Arnav said lost in his thoughts...
Meanwhile Khushi came there and they headed towards AR..
Reaching there everyone was giving looks to them..
Akira came there burning in jealousy: What is she doing here?
" Akira I pay you to work here, not see who comes or not with me... Okay? " Arnav looked irritated, neither in the past, nor now he will let anyone talk bad about Khushi, he was, is and will always be protective about her.. Only she betrayed him, otherwise she would see his attention only on her..
Rohan looked at the canteen with a bright smile: Foooooodd... Let's go Khushi..
" Mr.Raizada you're here to work.. Not to eat" Arnav said to his brother smirking..
" Aman explain him the work.. Khushi come with me" Arnav said heading to his cabin...
Khushi looked at herself " Now I'm looking normal.. Not hot.."
She went behind him running..
* Arnav's cabin:
Arnav leaned on his chair indicating Khushi to sit..
" Rohan really doesn't love you, as you said the pics in his mobile are of his ex girlfriend Anaya, he is dating her for two months.." Arnav said..
" Kya? When did this happen? " Khushi said confused, as Rohan didn't told her anything..
" What the... He said to me today, soon he will also break up with you... But that's not my problem... What I want to tell you is that my mother loves you a lot, and she would be heartbroken if she gets to know that Rohan doesn't love you, and also Dad introduced you as the daughter in law of the house, so not to spoil his reputation. I decided that I will marry you.. Only if you want.." Arnav finished his speech looking at Khushi..
" Woh.. I need time to think.." Khushi said while fake crying..
" We don't have time Khushi.. Decide what you want now.. And it's better you accept because I don't want to see my family sad.." Arnav said irritated..
" Will you love me after marriage? Or you're just doing this for your family?" Khushi said hoping to hear a good response..
" Some words you said to me years back still ring in my ears.. Impossible to forget.. So I'm just doing this for my " Dear own" " Arnav said stressing each word to Khushi..
Khushi looked down controlling her tears: " Wish I could tell you everything Arnav... But without proofs and knowing who is behind all this I can't."
" Okay I will marry you" Khushi said wiping her tears..
" Do you love Rohan?" Arnav asked..
" I don't know... Some words I said two years back.. Impossible to forget.. Now I'm repenting.." Khushi said looking at him smiling sadly..
" Even if you repent.. I'm not going to forgive you. And I'm loving that you're repenting, because choosing a man you met once over a man who took care of you all days is foolishness.." Arnav said not looking at Khushi..
" Laad governor.. I didn't betray you.. " Khushi thought looking angry at Arnav...
Rohan crying: Mumma they are really giving me work.. I thought I came here just to bring Bro and Bhabhi close.. But they made me work.. Why? They aren't letting me eat also..
Ragini: Hahaha good for you.. Keep working baby..
Ragini hung up the call laughing with Anjali..
Person: No.. No.. Khushi you can't get close to Arnav.. I will not let you.. Happiness will never in Arnav's life... I will not let you clear the misunderstandings I created between you both.. Never...
The person entered Arnav's cabin: ASR.. ASR... Akira.. Akira is trying to commit suicide..
Arnav looked shocked: What? But why Aman?
Aman: She is insecure of Khushi.. Lets go fast..
Arnav went running downstairs, while Aman came behind him smiling evily...
Khushi also went to see what's happening she stood outside the canteen so that Akira doesn't take wrong steps seeing her, Rohan came near her: What happened?
Khushi worried: Akira wants to kill herself..
Rohan rolled his eyes: Drama only.. She wants Arnav attention.. What a plan!!!
Khushi: But Arnav said he will marry me..
Rohan hugged Khushi jumping in happiness: Congrats Khushi...
Khushi looked around with a sheepish smile then whispered to Rohan: Someone is trying to kill herself and you're hugging me happily.. People will think we are happy because she dying you know..
Rohan stopped looking at the office staff that were giving them weird looks he entered inside the canteen: Sorry.. Let's continue watching the suicide drama.. Sorry for the disturbance..
* Inside the canteen:
Arnav: Continue.. Kill yourself.. Come on..
Aman: ASR what's wrong with you?
Arnav: If she wants to die, then let her..
Akira looked at Arnav crying with a knife in her hand: I will really kill myself Arnav..
" Go ahead then" Arnav said with a challenging tone..
Akira looked at Aman worried while he gestured her to faint..
She fainted expecting Arnav to catch her but fell on the floor..
" Ouch..." Akira opened her eyes slowly to see why Arnav didn't save her and was shocked seeing Arnav going away sighing..
Arnav: Come to my cabin.. I need to talk with you..
* Arnav's cabin:
" I want to break up with you.." Arnav said looking at Akira.
" What? But why... Ohh that witch right? I knew it.. She was going to come in between us.." Akira said wiping her tears..
" She is not a witch .. And I want to marry her.. " Arnav said trying to be calm while dealing with Akira.
" No!! What? You want to marry her... But why Arnav? She has a boyfriend.. Why is she doing this? She wants my pain only .. Shi I hate her, she is playing with you both.. But I will not let you fall in her trap.. You're not going to marry her..." Akira said determined..
" Listen I'm going to marry her whether you want it or not, so the question is you want to be my girlfriend after marriage? And I guess the answer is no right? So we have to break up.." Arnav also said with the same tone in his voice..
" I also didn't want to things happen like this.. I wanted to move on, but life is taking me back to my past.. And you weren't in my past, so sorry for that Akira.. You will find a better man than me.." Arnav said genuinely..
" No Arnav.. I really love you, please don't leave me, I'm even ready to dress up the way you want.. Please.. I will be Khushi for you" Akira said hugging Arnav crying..
" I'm not marrying her out of love Akira.. " Arnav said..
" Then? " Akira asked confused..
" You don't need to know.." Arnav said breaking the hug..
Khushi came there seeing both close to each other she felt jealous..
" Sorry to disturb" she was about to leave again but returned " Mr.Raizada you asked my hand in marriage, please respect the relation we are going to share.." Khushi went from there angry..
" How dare he? I guess he wants to continue with Akira after marriage also..." Khushi said pacing around the room angrily..
" Relax.. Khushi, you know today only he talked about marriage to you.. I guess he was talking with Akira.. I know my bro.. He isn't like me who betrays girls.. " Rohan said laughing at himself..
" Heyy sorry Rohan.. Everyone will get fake angry on you because you're cheating me.. Really sorry.. I'm making you a villain, sorry to Anaya too, she is staying away from you because of me " Khushi said holding her ears..
" Heyy are you mad? I'm more than happy to help you.. There is nothing to be sorry about okay" Rohan said cupping Khushi's face smiling..
Khushi smiled, if it wasn't them she would be crying craving for Arnav..
" Let me tell Mom about this so soon good news.. She will be so happy.. And yeah will tell her to not over react when she gets to know.. You know mom will start doing K3G drama there.." Rohan said while calling Ragini..
Arnav was driving the car returning home to have lunch..
Rohan cleared his throat: Bro.. Since when do you know Akira, I mean when did you both started dating?
Arnav looked at Rohan: Tell the truth to your girlfriend, then come to know about mine..
Rohan turned to Khushi: Khushi I need to talk with you about something important.. Okay?
Khushi nodded then looked at Arnav sadly ( as she already knows what Rohan wants to talk about, she had to fake sadness in front of Arnav)
Arnav maintained his look..
Rohan: Now tell na..
Arnav: I met her one year ago, I liked her so we started dating..
Khushi looked at him angrily, Rohan smiled: Do you love her?
Arnav: Yeah..
Khushi: SHUT UP...
Rohan and Arnav looked at her while she faked a smile: I'm mean shut up you both. My head is hurting..
Arnav worried: Do you want water? I guess there is a hospital near here.. We will go there..
Khushi: No.. Its not needed..
Arnav: Of course you need it.
Rohan: Let it be Bro.. She is telling she is fine..
Arnav nodded still looking at Khushi.. Then continued driving..
They reached home..
Rohan took Khushi to his room..
" Khushiii I'm betraying you with another girl.. So sorry for that.." Rohan said laughing
" Nooo.. I'm going to die.. Why you did this Rohan? You gave a me a ring, with a promise... You're breaking it.." Khushi also laughed..
" I think it's done.. We already talked with each other now.. You can marry bro.. Just some family drama.. " Rohan said as both went out of the room with serious faces..
All were trying to control their laughs, only Arnav who wasn't aware of anything was serious thinking about Khushi..
" Bro.. We have decided to break up" Rohan said with a sad face..
" Haan.. I can't force someone to stay with me when he doesn't love me.." Khushi also said wiping her fake tears..
" Rohan you're really a child.. How can you play with a girls feeling? " Ragini came there scolding him..
" Your brother told us that you have another girl in your life? How can you do this.. I made such a big party for you and Khushi and next day you betray her?" Neil said trying to act, he isn't so good at it..
" It's not next day Dad, I'm with Anaya since two months" Rohan said with an innocent face..
Khushi cried more loudly..
" Shut up Rohan" Arnav signaled him to keep quiet..
" I had so many dreams to my daughter in law.. You're a fool really.. Now who is this Anaya? " Ragini said slapping Rohan, who looked angrily at her.. She made a sorry face to him..
" Don't beat him Ma" Khushi said trying to control herself, seeing the drama she really wanted to laugh... What was making her laugh more was that Arnav was the innocent of the story.. He really thought all this is happening for real.. He was the only one with a real worried face..
" Ma I decided to marry with Khushi, in this way your reputation won't be spoilt neither you will lose your daughter.. " Arnav said..
" Acha? Really Arnav.. You're ready to do this for me?.." Ragini said smiling..
" What about your girlfriend? " Neil asked..
" I broke up with her.." Arnav said..
" Wow so soon.. You did everything in just one day Arnav.. You're so fast.. " Shyam said impressed..
" I don't like wasting time" Arnav said going to his room..
All started dancing in the living room happily..
" Now that villain will come very soon after getting to know that I'm going to marry Arnav" Khushi said smiling victoriously..
" Bro helped us without knowing it.. " Rohan smiled, now their plan will be more easy now..
" Akira out, Rohan out... Arnav and Khushi closeness after marriage, and the villain will expose himself after getting the news.." Ragini clapped excitedly seeing their plans getting successfull..
" What Rohan out? I'm still in the family.." Rohan said pouting..
Ragini smiled and hugged him: Thank you my baby.. Because of your super acting, Arnav and Khushi will get close so soon..
Rohan smiled and hugged his mother like a baby..
" Khushi" the famous shout reached their ears...
Khushi went smiling upstairs..
" Dji.." Khushi walked in his room..
" We will do court marriage" Arnav said typing on his laptop..
" No.. I want traditional marriage, with all the ceremonies" Khushi said crossing her arms..
" You're not in condition to put your demands here.. You're the one who was betrayed, I left my girlfriend for you.. So you have to do as I say" Arnav glared at Khushi..
" Nahin.." Khushi looked away with an angry kid look..
Arnav let out a sigh " Stubborn woman" ..
" Then tell ma to do these things quickly" Arnav said making Khushi smile..
" Akira can't you do a simple job? " Aman asked getting angry..
" What do you expect then? He is ASR. Once he decides to do something, he doesn't change it.." Akira said sitting on the bed of a dark room angrily...
" They can't marry.. Khushi can't tell Arnav the truth.. " Aman said scared if Khushi succeeds in bringing happiness in Arnav's life..
" Let's kill her... In this way Arnav will be mine, and also be in pain.. What we both want.." Akira said smirking at her plan..
" Not bad Akira.. We will surely execute this plan" Aman said..
At night time:
" Tomorrow we will talk with the priest.. " Ragini said to everyone as they were watching TV in the living room together..
Arnav ignored what he heard and continued drawing with Ayan..
" Don't think I'm sad bro.. Enjoy your marriage" Rohan said coolly..
" I know you aren't sad at all.. But Khushi is.. " Arnav said glaring at him..
" Okay but let's forget this incident now.. We can't be sad like that" Neil said tired of the sad looks..
" What the... What's wrong with you all? Why are you behaving so strange? Rohan played with Khushi feelings, he breaks up with her.. And you're all just sad.. Ma doesn't Khushi mean anything to you? " Arnav asked getting suspicious of his family now..
" Haan I'm sad Arnav, but the fact you thought to save our reputation by marrying her made me very happy.. So what if she isn't Rohan's wife, she will be yours.. I know you both don't love each other, but believe me Khushi, you will fall in love with my Chote too.. Maybe you and Rohan weren't the perfect couple.." Ragini said trying to convince Arnav..
Arnav seemed convinced, Khushi came and gave him kheer..
" What the.." Arnav said looking at her weirdly..
" Desert Arnav.. Don't worry it's sugar free" Khushi said with a half-smile..
Arnav took it from her hand and savored the food made by her..
Khushi smiled seeing him eating it so fast, it means he liked it..
After finishing his food, he went to his room..
As time passed by, everyone started going to sleep..
Khushi was the one who was still watching her daily soaps..
" Wow like in shows Arnav will also marry me.. But I'm sure that villain will do something to separate us.. I have to be alert.." Khushi thought..
She went to check Arnav in his room and saw him sleeping so cutely like a baby.. She went near him and pulled the blanket covering him properly..
She went close to him and her hands couldn't resist but stroke his hair.. Placing a soft kiss on his forehead she went to her room with a smile playing on her lips...
She went to sleep in her room..
" Hahahahaha" Khushi heard a sound of someone laughing.. She pulled the blanket more to herself..
" Hahahahahaa" Khushi started sweating hearing these sounds.. She turned to the left side of the bed closing her eyes tightly..
After sometime that sound stopped, she opened one eye slowly and was shocked seeing a shadow through the wall playing with knife..
" Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" she screamed not wanting to look behind her..
Arnav was sleeping deeply woke up startled hearing screamings..
He went running to Khushi's room, and found her looking at the wall breathing heavily..
" Khushi what happened? " Arnav sat on the bed..
Khushi recognized the voice and immediately turned hugging Arnav: Woh...that sha..dow.. Shadow..wants to kill
Arnav caressed her back to calm her down: I agree my house looks like a vampire place, but it isn't.. Okay..
Khushi shakes her negatively seeing Arnav not getting what she wanted to say: I ..heard.. someone laughing.. Arnav.. that shadow wan..ts to k..ill me..
" Okay stop talking, drink this water" Arnav said while handing her a glass of water..
Khushi refused and rested her head on his shoulder: He wants to kill me.. Listen to me..
" Who? Who wants to kill you? " Arnav asked confused..
" I don't know" Khushi said not looking at anything only crying..
Everyone came there..
Ragini worried: What happened Khushi? Why are you crying?
Khushi looked at Ragini crying: Ma.. There was a sh..shadow here.. He wants to kill me.. He was playing with a knife.. Its very scary..
Neil and Rohan looked at each other, then left the room..
They went outside the house to see if that person is still there..
Rohan: Dammit.. He was here today..
Neil: Let's ask the guards..
They asked the guards but they said no one came inside..
Rohan massaging his temples: How can this possible? Whoever he is, very smart I must say.. Now he is planning to kill Khushi, to separate her once and for all from Arnav..
Neil nodded: And as we expected the news had already reached to him.. In just one day how can he know that Arnav wants to marry Khushi?
Rohan: Dad.. This means he is very close to Arnav.. I think this person work in AR, see Arnav talked with Khushi about marriage there maybe he listened.. We are very close Dad..
Neil smirked: He won't escape from us..
They went back to Khushi's room, Neil signaled Ragini that they didn't find anyone outside..
Arnav looked at everyone: You can go and sleep, I will stay here with her..
All left leaving Arnav with Khushi..
Arnav made Khushi sleep, as she was slowly drifting to a deep sleep, Arnav got up to leave, Khushi held his hand tightly: Don't leave me please..
" I'm here only.. If you want anything call me." Arnav said assuring her..
" No.. Stay here.. I'm scared" Khushi said as if her life depended on Arnav..
Arnav stayed back with her: Should I sleep here with you?
" There is recliner there" Khushi said pointing to the recliner in her room..
" Really?" Arnav asked her in disbelief. She nodded innocently..

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