Chapter 1

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The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them.
Psalms 34:7

Lilium sways back and forth on her feet as she tries to walk down the staircase at Rocking Sole, Bar. She staggers down the path toward the boarding house where she stays. Her legs feeling like jelly, wobbly. She almost couldn't keep herself upright.

"Hey sexy girl. Need a ride?" A stranger asks from his car. He is slowly driving next to her while she is walking on the curb.

Lilium tries to walk faster. She could swear his eyes were glowing red when she looked at him a minute ago. She really did have to much to drink tonight. She must be hallucinating. Stumbling over her feet makes it difficult for her to move faster. She wishes that she didn't drink so much tonight. Manny was right. She should have stopped at drink number three.

"Lilium, I think you've had enough. It is time to go home. You should have stopped at drink number three. I am not serving you any more drinks,"

Since she left school three years ago, she has been working at the bar. Manny, the owner, and her mom's best friend, gave her the job to help her out. If it wasn't for him, she most probably would have lived on the street. He was always looking out for her. Sometimes he was too over protective. She couldn't get him to lay off.

"Wait wait wait. No, 'm nit drunk. I'm ash sober ash 'm gonna git. And nuffink... nuffink you can do 'boutit," She stood up from the bar and made her way over to the door without as much as a hiccup in his direction.

"Come on baby, I think you need a ride," The man says laughing from his car.

"Go way.. 'm gid,"

She takes a short-cut into the woods, hoping that the man will leave her alone. She stumbles over a rock and falls to her knees, scraping them through her denim.


"Let me help you up, girlie." The stranger grabs her by the arm and drags here deeper into the woods.

"No! Lit go if me."

He throws her to the ground and pounces on her. Instead of ripping her clothes off, like she was expecting him to do, he just pushes her hard to the ground and held her there.

She didn't hallucinate earlier, his eyes are glowing red. Helpless and incapacitated she couldn't defend herself.

Some kind of black smoke or smog is coming out of his mouth. Trying to turn her head away is impossible, it is like something is forcefully holding her head in that position. She had no choice, but is forced to look into his face. She couldn't make out his features. All she could see is darkness. A whirlpool of darkness.

Tears are effortlessly spilling from her eyes. Struggling to pry herself free, exerting herself, she felt how life was draining from her body. Feeling smothered by the smog forcing itself into her mouth and nose. Not being able to breath, she hates herself for being in this situation. She should have listened to Manny and stopped drinking, and stopped spending all her money on booze. Finished school and got a better job. Why was it that she always thought she knew better? 'Please, God help me.'

From the corner of her eye she sees a bright flash. There, before her, a pure, beautiful being appears. A man dressed in white linen, with a sash of delicate gold around his waist.

His body is glowing like a yellow torch, a face like an electrical bolt. Eyes flaming like beams. A bronze, glaze-like gleam covers his arms and legs. Truly a heavenly sight,

Before he spoke, she sees magnificent, radiant wings spread behind his back. Angelical like a blanket of purity, brilliance, glory and grace. His wings engulfed in flames. Burning like an inferno. But strange enough the fire isn't out of control. It is beautiful.

Not feeling scared any more, she stares into his kind yet peaceful face and hears his thunderous, though, compassionate and harmonious voice: "Do not be afraid, I am here to help you." She didn't struggle anymore, because right in front of her, he transforms into the most beautiful man she has ever seen. Help had come. Before she lost consciousness she sees his wings take flame once more, and a blaze of fire scorching the man on top of her.

He picks her up in his arms. Cradling her like a small child. Sweeping her up into the air, taking her home. Once he enters her room, his blazing wings disappears. He lays her gently on the bed and kneels in front of her.

He is taking in her innocent features. She has a baby-face. A round face like a young child's. He felt like cupping her face in his hands, but withdrew it. She has a short bob hairstyle, chocolate brown, that are wild and untamed at the moment. Skin so soft and silky, a fair complexion that glows with a hint of pink.

He could still remember her hazel eyes when she looked up at him when under attack. It was big and round. The expression in her eyes were sad and haunted at the same time, then understanding and relief flashed in it.

He looks at her rosebud lips that causes dimples to form when a faint smile forms on her lips. She must be having a good dream that causes a smile to dance on her lips.

Getting up from his seated position he looks at her one last time, taking in her fragile body. She was short, small built and skinny. Being underfed must be the cause.

"Don't worry Lilium, my beautiful flower. You are save now. He won't hurt you again." Aedus whispers softly to her. "Your innocence and purity won't be harmed. I am here to protect you."

Remembering the commission he accepted two days ago:

"Aedus!" A thundering voice speaks to him.

"Yes, arcangel Aarao. I am at your service." Aedus bows down to the leader of his legion.

"I have a commission for you. You must go to Kandersteg in the canton of Bern in Switzerland. I appoint you as their guardian. Fallen angel Vvall, has summoned a legion of fallen angels to attack the town. You must do everything in your power to protect the citizens of Kandersteg. You will be able to switch between your angel form to human, and still have your powers. Live there in your human form, to blend in with the people."


Aedus has been watching the people of Kandersteg for two days, waiting for Vvall to strike, when he stumbled upon Lilium. He is sitting near a beggar now, that stays on the street. The man hasn't eaten for two days and was weak of hunger. While staring at the unconsious man, he inched closer to him and warmed his body with the glow of his hands.

A tear slips from Aedus's eyes. He felt such compassion for the man, so much so that his heart is aching for him. He feels sad for the way Vvall's angels blinds the people of Kandersteg. They are blinded to such an extend that they didn't believe in their guardian angels anymore. As a result they banish them without knowing it. It was his job to help them believe again.

Just as the beggar was about to wake up, he left, but not before leaving the food parcel that he brought for him.


Aedus sits and watches how the rays of the sun turns Kandersteg from night into day. A single shaft of sunlight spotlights the mountain tops. An orange glow just above the horizon. He drinks in the slow warmth on his skin while taking in the town that lay below him. A picturesque Kandersteg is surrounded by high mountains.

Neither Bunderchrinde and Hohtürli Pass carries a road, but both form part of the Alpine Pass Route. It's a long-distance hiking trail across Switzerland. East of Kandersteg is Oeschinen, the largest lake in the valley. From where he sits he can see people on the frozen lake, fishing. Others are hiking on Bunderchrinde and Hohtürli passes.

There is a hustling and bustling at the railway station. Lötschberg Tunnel is a major railway line across the Alps. Road vehicles are carried by sided car shuttle trains. Passengers remain in their cars while being transported for the fifteen kilometres through the tunnel that emerges at Goppenstein in eastern Valais.

From this distance he could see troubling looks on their faces. A kind of hopelessness that pains him. There were several severe accidents, killing over 38 workers, between 1906 and 1908, 110 years ago, with the construction of the line. Aedus, could see a dark force hovering over the area.

For more than a hundred years they have been dealing with demons without knowing it. People don't understand that whether they believe in demons or not, they do exist, and they should never, ever say a demon's name out loud. By speaking a demon's name gives it power and summons it to them. If they are already being haunted by a demon, saying its name will increase its power over them.

He knows he has a lot of work to do. A feeling of despair makes him turn around. Despair that so many humans are caught in satan's trap. Turning around makes him feel distant from the darkness that he has to battle.


A single sun ray touches the ashes on the ground where Aedus scorched the man that attacked Lilium. Then a sudden draft sweeps over it and lifts it up, swirling it into the sky. A whirlwind throws it round and round untill it bursts into an angry, glowing light.
Thousands of shards glistening in the light like glitter. Suddenly the light disappears and the ashes falls to the ground, but before it touches the ground it sweeps up once again. Ashes twirl and turn and bounce off of each other, like confetti falling.... falling. Then it freezes in mid air, a cloud of smoke and ashes forms into a ball, then... into a man.

Saphire blue, wide cold eyes, like ice, looks up to the heavens. He has a look of supremacy in his eyes. Clenching his square jaw, a vein jumps in his left temple that makes his already dark features look even darker, more evil. His dark brows touches where his frown forms.

Looking down where the rest of the ashes lay, his almost black brown, long frizzy hair, falls over his face. He kicks the ashes with his pointy shoes, making them turn into dust that rises above his head. He pinches his sharp nose to stop it from entering his nostrils.

His black trousers are covered in grey dust, which irritates him. Pulling his black leather jacket tighter around his shoulders he zips it up. Breathing out a slow sigh, he chuckles with an evil glint in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Aedus, but you can't get rid of me that easily. I have work to do, and you won't stop me. My name is Phoenix. I am reborn, and I will arise, again and again." He said wrathful, his temper like a volcano, ready to explode. He jetted off the ground and bursts into flames, wings flapping with a grace only he can muster. He glides smoothly away over the horizon.


I was the very highest angel in heaven. God says I rebelled against Him. Now, I'm called a fallen angel. Thrown out of heaven, I am now looking to torment people, possess them, and lead them to self destruction. I took a large number of angels with me in rebellion. I am the prince in charge of this destruction, and my demons have principalities and powers to help me do just that.

There is conflict in the invisible realm between my demonic hosts and God's loyal messengers. I blind people so that they don't know they can turn to God's saving order. I don't want them to pray, then God cannot use their prayers to stop my demonic activity. I don't want them to realise their prayers can unleash and direct the angel's powers to control and stop my demons.



The night is here.
The rising moon spins on its axis.
Creatures settle down for sleep.
The wise owl opens its eyes in defiance.
Who creeps in the night?
Who dares to leave dead bodies in their wake?
Hide ye beyond closed doors and shuttered windows.
For THE DEAD own the night.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

This is my first try at a paranormal story. Please vote, and comment. Tell me what you think.

I have done a lot of research and much of it was in the witching hours. It really scared me to know what evil demons are out there. I found a piece where they warn the readers not to say a demons name out loud. So, this is my warning to you: DO NOT SAY A DEMONS NAME OUT LOUD!

The poem above was written by Author, Susanne Leist, a poem she wrote for her story, THE DEAD GAME. Go to her blog and check out all her poems, she is an awesome writer.-->> Kindle

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