22 | batshit crazy man

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"You'll be staying here," I explained as we approached the Salvatore house, "My friend who can help will be over soon but until then let's get you settled in."

She nodded her head before entering, me following right behind.

"Your sister really is the exact opposite of you," Cassidy laughed slightly after I shut the door to her new room. "I thought you were being dramatic."

"Nope, not this time."

"And Damon," she said before fanning herself dramatically, "He is definitely a keeper."

I laughed slightly, rolling my eyes at her usual behavior, "Look, I know this has probably been really hard for you but Caroline can help. She's a mastermind when it comes to control."

"I don't doubt it…" she frowned slightly.

"So what's wrong?"

"I miss my family," she answered honestly, "Yeah, they weren't always the best but they think I'm dead and I can't go back and see them."

I nodded in understanding, "Maybe we can figure something out. To where you can see them when you're in complete control."

She nodded, "Yeah...I hope."

"I have a few things I need to do but I'll be back. Just try to get as comfortable as you can."

I made my way downstairs and found Stefan, Damon and Elena talking.

"Hey, what did I miss?"

The three of them exchanged looks and I merely rolled my eyes, "I'm gonna find out one way or another? Is it Klaus or is there someone else hell bent on killing all of us?"

"We don't know," Elena answered honestly.

"You don't know?"

They all shook their heads.

I closed my eyes, counting to three in my head. I opened my eyes and saw them all watching me cautiously, "Then let's find out."

"How exactly do you suggest we find out?" Damon questioned.

As I walked toward the door I answered, "Oh my dear Damon, sometimes the answer is right in front of you."

I opened the door and froze in spot. My previous statement being made completely true.

My eyes widened at the man who stood in front of me. I hadn't seen him since I found out the first part of the truth.

I went to push the door shut but he immediately put his hand on it and pushed back, "Stefan!"

Within seconds he was in the room, Damon and Elena right behind him.

Stefan was by my side in a flash and we easily shut the door before sprinting toward the other.

"I think I know who it is," I panted slightly before grabbing one of the hidden stakes, "Elena go upstairs."


"No buts just go!" I shouted before the door was kicked open. Her eyes widened before she ran up stairs.

"What a horrible greeting for an old friend, Eve…" Scott teased, "Don't you miss me as much as I miss you?"

I rolled my eyes and Damon looked at me in confusion. I opened my mouth to explain but nothing came out and I just sighed.

"What do you want?" I asked, waving the Salvatore brothers back so they wouldn't attack.

"I just want to talk."

"And I'm supposed to buy that?"

"Just give me a chance," he suggested and I rolled my eyes.

I turned toward the two behind me and tossed Stefan the stake. They both looked at me in alarm as I made my way toward Scott. 

Please trust me, I thought to myself as I came face to face with the boy I had tried so hard to forget.

"How have you been, princess?" he asked.

"I've been great and I don't appreciate you trying to change that."

He shook his head, "You were always so...dramatic."

"We already met Isobel, there's no reason for you to be here anymore."

"This time is different."

"Oh? And how's that?"

"I'm not here on anyone's orders except my own."

"Just spit it out already, Scott! I don't have time for your stupid games."

"I'm here for you."

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow, taking a slight step away from him.

"I want you back Evelyn," he explained, "Isn't it obvious?"

I opened my mouth to speak but was rendered speechless as I stood there, baffled by the obscurity of the comment.

"I love you."

This snapped me out of it almost immediately, "Have you lost it? Like actually lost it? I mean I knew you were batshit crazy but this? This is a whole new level not even I saw coming."

Scott let out a low, sadistic chuckle as I studied his every move carefully. He took calculated steps closer until he was a mere few inches away from me. "I want you, Evelyn. We're meant to be. Whether you see it yet or not, you will soon enough. And I will stop at nothing to make you mine."

I stared up at him in silence before I bursted out laughing. "God, do you even hear yourself?"

He didn't seem as amused as I did and I straightened my posture and took in a few breaths. "Do you realize how absolutely ridiculous you sound? I mean, 'I will stop at nothing to make you mine.' What is this, some shitty teen angst novel? Did you really think that would work?"

This seemed to anger him even more as he lunged at me, easily holding me up against the wall.

I immediately put my hand up, stopping the two brothers who I knew for a fact had entered the room.

Scott looked over at the two before facing me with a malicious grin, "What, did you trade Tyler for those two?"

He faced them again before looking at Stefan, "Nice to see you again. How have you been?"

Damon looked between the three of us in utter confusion but easily masked it with anger. Pure anger.

"You know-" I pointed out, placing my hand around his throat and squeezing- "you really should be careful who you make an enemy of."

He slowly but surely released his grip from my neck as mine tightened, "You never know how much fight they've got in them. And, well, me?"

"I have a lot," I finished, before easily tossing him out, "Don't come back."

I shut the door on him before leaning on it, closing my eyes and counting to three once more.

I opened my eyes after a moment, flashing the Salvatore brothers a smile, "You hungry? Cause I'm starving."

I walked past them as they both shared a look before following.

"Evel-" Stefan began but I cut him off, turning to face him.

"Don't even start, Stefan," I shook my head, "I'm fine. And this time I mean it. I'm not going to lose it. I'm not going to turn it off. Yes, I'm pissed but I'm fine."

"We know who it is and now we need to find a way to get rid of him," I continued, shivering slightly, "One that doesn't involve me becoming his."

Damon opened his mouth to ask the question I was dreading when both Cassidy and Elena made their way down the stairs.

"What did he want?" Elena asked immediately.

"Evelyn," Damon answered, his draw clenched tight.

"What?" Elena questioned, moving her sight from Damon to me.

I let out a sigh, "He wants me. That's why he's back."

"Who?" Cassidy asked. Clearly she hadn't been listening in.

"Scott," I answered.

"I thought he was long gone?"

"He was and then he was back, and then he was gone and now he's back again."

"Right…" Cassidy said, attempting to follow what I had just said.

"Look you guys, we deal with this like we deal with any other problem." I stated and they all stared at me in confusion. I rolled my eyes before continuing, "We fill everyone in. Including Tyler who will probably be a target as well. Everyone needs to know. Right now we are just playing defense, we don't know if what he said is the real reason he's here. He's a pathological liar. We can't trust anything he says."

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