5 | the inevitable

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Evelyn woke up with a gasp to find three people staring at her. Stefan raised his chin and looked into her eyes, confusing her greatly. He looked back at Elena and nodded. She let out a sob.

"What's going on?" Evelyn questioned, taking a second to understand why they all looked so upset. And that's when it hit her. She was dead. Or at least she should have been. "I...I have to go," She mumbled, hopping off the metal table.

"You can't leave," Damon argued, blocking the exit.

"Damon," she stated, "Let me go."


"Let her go," Stefan defended causing both Damon and her to look at him. "You know what's going to happen, you know what you have to do. It's your choice."

Damon reluctantly stepped out of the way allowing her to pass.

Her head was throbbing and she felt as though someone had punched her in the jaw. Her eyes though...That was the worst of it. She made her way out of the hospital and immediately blocked the sun with her hand. It was far too bright.

Memories. Memories of events she didn't even know happened. Scott, in the hospital room, at work, in her room.


He loved me? He's in love with me? How did I not know?

Because he compelled you to forget.

But why?

He's dating your sister.

Right, makes sense. How do I feel about this new information?

He's your best friend but that's all.

And Damon. He compelled her too. But it was different.

I walked down the street on my way home from work when I heard a growling noise coming from an alley.

I shouldn't have gone there but I did anyway and what I saw wasn't what I was expecting.

"Damon?" I questioned warily.

The person turned and he was holding someone else, blood dripped down his chin.

"Oh god," I said quickly, turning away.

He was suddenly in front of me, his face perfectly clean.

"What, what was that?" I asked although I already suspected.

"It doesn't matter because you won't remember."

"Sorry?" I said not understanding when he put his arms on either side of me.

"You saw nothing here. You left work and went straight home. You don't know what I am or what happened in this alley. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

So that's why he left. She found out his dirty little secret so he left without a word.

She couldn't go home because Jenna thinks she's gone for the weekend so she went to the next best place. She knows about vampires but if she knew Evelyn was one...

Evelyn sat on the edge of the cliff, watching as the clouds slowly covered and uncovered the sun.

"Elena told me you might be here," Damon spoke from behind me.

"Hey," she greeted as he sat next to me, a blood bag in his hand.

"It's your choice," he said, handing me the blood bag.

"I don't know. I was already halfway there and couldn't handle my emotions. What's going to happen when I'm a full blown vampire?" Evelyn asked, looking up at him.

"There's only one way to find out."

Evelyn played with the blood bag in her hands, "What happens if I decide not to?"

"Your body will dry out, it'll be slow and painful at first. But then eventually you'll just be dead."

She nodded, "What do you think I should do?"

"Well, of course I want you to drink the blood and live forever but if I make you do it, I just seem like a dick. I'm already pushing my luck by being here."

Evelyn laughed a little, falling back on the grass, legs dangling off the cliff, "I don't know what to do."

He laid down next to her and turned his head to face the girl, "Go with your gut."

"My gut has never made good decisions," she responded, turning to him.

He quickly looked away and up at the sky, "Why do you come here?"

"I like to come before sunrise and sunset but I come to clear my mind. It's...refreshing. New scenery, new perspective. It helps me think."

He nodded, not saying anything else.

After a brief moment of comfortable silence she spoke, "I was ready to die."


"When Stefan came for us, I knew there wouldn't be enough time. I made him get Elena first. I had time to think, even if it was a small amount. I realized I had lived a pretty decent life. I had people who cared about and loved me. I knew they were safe, or as safe as possible. I mean, I was free. But now when I think about it, it scares me. I don't know what's out there. I went to church when I was younger but I was never that religious. I believed in a heaven and hell. But where do people like me go? Fledgling vampires? I don't know what I want anymore," she explained honestly, sitting up.

He was going to respond when there was rustling from behind them. He quickly stood up, Evelyn following in suit.

"You're supposed to be dead," an all too familiar voice spoke, "I thought I had made sure of it. You and your sister, both stubborn as hell. It's annoying, really."

Damon stepped in front of Evelyn protectively but she stepped in front of him, confusing him greatly.

"You must be the infamous Katherine people always confuse me for," Evelyn smirked, "I really don't see the appeal."

"You're a lot less annoying than your sister that's for sure. You don't cry for help when things go wrong, you fix them yourself. Maybe you are more like me than I originally thought."

"Oh god, I hope not."

A scowl quickly took over her face and she lunged at Evelyn but she managed to dodge. "You missed," Evelyn taunted.

Damon shot the girl a wary look when Katherine suddenly came at her with stake. Neither one of them were quick enough and she impaled her abdomen.

Evelyn gasped slightly at the sudden pain.

"That should do it," Katherine said with a smirk, dusting her hands off before vamp speeding away. Damon caught the girl quickly and pulled the stake out.

"Blood," Evelyn tried sitting up, but it hurt too much.

"Are you sure?" he asked and she nodded.

He grabbed the blood bag that she had dropped on the floor and opened it before handing it to her.

Evelyn raised the opening to her lips before slowly pushing the blood out of the bag and into her mouth. It slipped down her throat smoothly and she closed her eyes, letting out a satisfied moan as Damon braced her back.

Evelyn swiftly finished the blood bag before looking at Damon, "Let's go home." He nodded, and helped her up.

"Did you drive?" he asked.

"No, I took a cab."

He grinned his usual cocky smile before putting his hand out for her to grab. She took it cautiously before they were off. Evelyn could feel the wind fly through her hair and it was the most amazing feeling ever.

"That was..." Evelyn began in awe. "Words can't even describe...just wow."

Damon smiled down at her before he opened the door to the Salvatore Boarding House. Elena was waiting inside with Stefan.

It her all over again. Stefan. How could she have forgotten? How was she supposed to act? Does she pretend she can't remember, or just that she doesn't care? Does he bring it up? Do I bring it up?

She shook her head, pushing it to the back of her mind. She would deal with it later.

"Do you think Bonnie will make me a ring?" Evelyn asked, breaking the silence. Elena grinned at this, clearly happy that her sister hadn't chosen death before running over and hugging her tightly.

Damon joined his brother's side and Stefan looked at Evelyn with an unreadable expression.

Evelyn pulled away from Elena, "We are still getting our weekend away from all of this drama. Even if we have to spend it here near all of the drama."

She nodded quickly, wiping away a stray tear. "But before our total disconnect from the real world, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Katherine was the one who tried to kill us." She looked appalled by the thought and Stefan tensed up. "It's fine though because we have leverage."

"Which is?"

Evelyn looked over at Damon who nodded before she spoke, "She doesn't know I'm alive."

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