epil | maybe there is no fixing this

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Taking into account all the ways I could have gone out, dying for Damon really wasn't the worst option. However, what I wasn't expecting was where I would end up.

I'm not sure what they call it but it's exactly like the world we live in. Well, the world I used to live in.

The only difference is that I can't talk to anyone. I can see them. I can see what they're doing and what's happening but I can't talk to them. I would do anything to talk to them just one more time.

"Stop it, Damon," Elena demanded, taking the bottle of bourbon out his hand. "Evie wouldn't have wanted this."

Damon reached for the bottle but Elena threw it at the wall causing it to shatter, "That was expensive."

"Too bad," Elena scowled at the smell of his breath.

"She's dead, Elena. Don't you get that?" Damon inquired with a pain stricken face. "Dead. Gone. Never to return. Bourbon makes dealing that a lot easier."

"Only you aren't dealing with it!" Elena exclaimed. She then took a deep breath, "Her funeral is tomorrow. It would be nice if you would show up."

I had been gone for a week. I know that because there isn't much else to do here. You just sit back and watch.

"He's reverting back to his old tendencies," Stefan shook his head as he laid with Elena in her bed, "The drinking is home coping."

Elena frowned, "She wouldn't have wanted him to do this."

"I know," he sighed, kissing her on top of her head before his gaze landed where I was sitting, "I know."

It was awful. It's one thing to know they'll be sad but a whole other thing to see it.

"Evelyn Isobel Gilbert was born on June 22, 1992 to Isobel Flemming and John Gilbert and adopted by Grayson and Miranda Gilbert of Mystic Falls, Virginia," the pastor began reading the obituary and I frowned as I watched my friends and family sitting in the front two rows. "She died April 12, 2010 at age 17 in a horrible car accident. Evelyn is survived by twin sister Elena Gilbert, adoptive brother Jeremy Gilbert, and adoptive Aunt, Jenna Sommers. She was a student at Mystic Falls High school and was captain of the cheer team."

I grimaced slightly at the last part. Even though it was true, it wasn't entirely my greatest achievement. Besides, after I turned it off and then left, Caroline took over and I'm fine with that. Not that I have much of a choice now.

As soon as Elena stepped up to the stand for the eulogy, I knew I had to leave. I couldn't sit and watch her talk about me.

"Is now really a good time for this?" Elena asked at the Salvatore house.

"Yes, it is," Damon replied, "Like you guys said, Klaus made his first move now we need to counter it. It's simple really, I don't know why you're having such a hard time with this."

"Why I'm having such a hard time with this?" Elena inquired. "You have got to be kidding me! I'm at least handling this. You just keep looking for distraction after distraction. I'm not playing your games Damon. You're not coming to the dance, end of story."

"Yes, I am," he responded lazily as Alaric entered the house, "Took you long enough. I need you to add me to the chaperones list for the dance Friday."

"No, he doesn't," Elena countered.

Damon narrowed his eyes, "Yes, he does."

Stefan stood behind Elena and shook his head. She let out a sigh and looked down.

I missed the next part of the conversation as I observed Alaric. He looked...different. And not how everyone looked different from the other side but different, different. Like he's not himself.

The dance could not have gone any worse than it did. 

"Why were you so adamant on being here?" Elena asked as Damon took a drink.

"Because she asked me to."

Elena looked taken aback, "What?"

"She asked me to keep you safe. All of you," Damon explained, "So that's what I'm doing." He raised an eyebrow, "What, does it surprise you that her dying wish was for me to keep you safe?"

"No, that's not what's surprising," Elena shook her head, "I'm surprised that you're actually doing it."

Damon shook his head, when his eyes fell on Bonnie who shook her head. What is she up to?

"Jeremy," Stefan followed after him in the hall, "Jeremy, stop."

"What?" he turned to face him.

"You should stay with everyone," Stefan suggested.

"I have my ring, I'm fine."

"Look, I know with everything that's happen-"

"Just stop, okay?" Jeremy shook his head, "Just stop."

Stefan frowned, "Is there something else going on?"

Jeremy hesitated at first, "If Bonnie goes up against Klaus, she will die trying to kill him."

I shook my head. She can't do that. I ran back into the dance but as I did, Alaric was guiding Bonnie and Elena out, "Klaus has Jeremy."

"No, no, no," I mumbled before running after them.

I arrived just as Bonnie realized it was really Klaus. She can't kill him.

"Bonnie!" I shouted, but of course she couldn't hear me. And then I blacked out.

When I came to, I was surrounded by all white. The walls, the floor, the ceiling, everything.

"Let me go!" I shouted into the sky, "I need to go back, they need my help!"

"There's no one out there," a new person said and I turned quickly.

"Sheila?" I said with wide eyes. "How can you see me? How can you hear me?"

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that we're here to help. We all are," she said as more Bennett witches joined her.

"Why?" I asked with a shaky breath.

"Because you're right, they need you. Bonnie needs you."

"What exactly are you gonna do?" I questioned cautiously.

Sheila smiled, "You'll be fine."

I nodded and they all began chanting. I closed my eyes, unsure of what was actually going to happen. I felt a pull before everything went pitch black.

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