Chapter 22: Harsh Words

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Legolas POV

I was looking for Tauriel when I hear someone say my name, “Hello Legolas."

I turn around to see Aerlinniel and someone who looks a little like her standing next to her. “Hello Aerlinniel! Who is this?" I ask.

“This is my sister, Elarinya!" She exclaims.

It takes me a moment to process what she just said. Then I realize, “Your sister? I thought that you had said that you were the only survivor." I say a bit harshly. Why would she not tell me that her sister had survived also.

She looks a little taken aback. “I thought that I was the only survivor. She has no clue how she got here. She did not even remember her name. For the past few years she has been called Vandathiel."

“When did you find out that she was your sister?" I say, still being a bit harsh. Because if she has known for a while, why is she telling me this now?

“I just found out a few minutes ago. I think we are going to get going now, you seem like you are busy." Aerlinniel says and they head towards the village.

Why was I being so mean to them, that is not like me. I will just apologise to them later. I still have to find Tauriel. I look in the throne room, and she is not there. Maybe she is in the archery area. When I get there I see her.

She is so beautiful. And she looks amazing when she shoots an arrow. All I do is stand there, watching her for a few minutes before finally going over there. I walk up to her and wait til she shoots her last arrow to talk to her.

“Hello Tauriel." I say, giving her a smile.

“Hi Legolas." She says back.

I take a deep breath and ask her the question I have been waiting to ask her, “Would you like to go for a walk in the gardens with me?"

Aerlinniel POV

Elarinya and I are heading back to where she lives. All I can think about is how weird Legolas has been acting. Actually, now that I think about it, almost everyone has been acting weird recently. There must be something bigger going on than I had thought. And I am going to find out what.


Yes, I know it is short and I am very sorry. I have been so busy with school and babysitting the past few days. I will try to update again today, if not I will definitely try to tomorrow. Thanks to those of you who understand. :)

                        ~Ellethwen <3


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