Chapter 9: Voices in the Woods

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This Chapter is dedicated to: pingufish!!! She is the one who asked me to update, and I was very happy to! :) Thank you so much, mellon nin! <3

Aerlinniel POV

“So, what are some things you enjoy doing?" Faelwen asks me as we have our talk after our ride.

“I love to practice with my arrows and go on rides. What do you enjoy doing?" I ask her.

“I love going on rides. And I love to paint!" She says joyfully.

“Week, if I ever get my site back, I would love to see them." I say.

“You ready to head back?"

“Yes, Faelwen, let's go."

On our ride back we heard people talking. “Who do you think that is?" Faelwen asks me.

“I am not sure, let's get closer." I say.

We get off our horses and slowly and quietly walk towards the voices. There are a lot of heart beats, but there are two that stand out. “Legolas and Tauriel are there and there must be some guard over there." I tell Faelwen.

“Can you tell what they are saying?" She asks me.

“No, stay here I will be right back." I say.

I walk closer and hide behind a tree. “Where are the orcs?" I hear Legolas ask.

“They said they were around here, the orcs must of moved." Tauriel says.

We have to find them before someone gets hurt or killed." Legolas says. “Alright, everyone listen up. We are going to split into two groups to search for the orcs. You guys go with Tauriel. And the rest of you come with me. Let's go" He shouts the orders.

I run back to Faelwen and tell her everything I heard. “We have to help find the orcs. We could ride around and you could listen for their heartbeats."

“I am not sure that is a good idea." I say.

“Come on, I know how to use a sword. And you are amazing at fighting. We can do this!" Faelwen pleads.

“Alright, but stick by me. I don't want anything bad happening to you, mellon nin." I say.

“Yes, my Lady Aerlinniel." She says and we head off, searching for the orcs.


Sorry it is short, I have stuff I need to do. I will update tomorrow. And I will try to make it longer. Also, I might update this book a couple of times. But I am not one hundred percent sure. I will do my best to, though :)

                                                 ~Ellethwen <3

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