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Lights flashed as the most adorable Ashton family got down the car. The paparazzi knew Ashton family was untouchable especially since Eric Ashton assumed the complete charge after James. He hates media and he has clarified that at several instances.

But today was different, the media was invited, unlike any event hosted by Ashton's before.

The event was a highlight also because some murmurs have been heard about David Wellington being back in Rome. Some media houses claim they spotted him in the city, with his son but there were apprehensions all over. But who would want to miss the absence of this heartrobe in the city?

There was also a paper circulating in the media that has some details about the court case going on over the custody of the Wellington baby.

In short, Eric Ashton's birthday party was a hub of breaking news today, and it'd sure help the newshouses to boost the profit of this month.

After a significant numbers of cars came, a black Porsche grabbed everyone's attention. Because there were not many people who liked it black.

As anticipated, out came none other than David, flashing a naughty grin towards the paps. It is after ages he willingly came before them.

"Hey camera people!", He waved his hand coming round the car, and opening the other door.

Like he did, the cameras were too captivated by the beauty that came out of the car to stand beside him.

Hope was known as discreet, but today she did smile gratefully at her plus one who offered her his hand infront of so many cameras.

He smiled back that not really needed any acting. After all, he did find her beautiful.

"Mr. Wellington! Are you here permanently or leaving soon again?"

"David! Are you dating again?"

"David we have heard you married secretly??"

"Hope! David! Are you two dating?"

As the dating questions increased, David put his hand around her waist bringing her nearer if possible, "You can only guess."

He mustered up all the love he had for all the world and then looked at her.

"I think they are buying it.", He whispered.

She nodded, "We are good at it."

To the camera it looked like a secret conversation. A pretty intimate one for that.

"David! What about your son??"

"My son is the most adorable boy on the face of this earth."

Just then, someone among those flashes of lights happened to accidentally look at Hope's left hand that she used to push back her hair strand behind her ear.

"Ms. Ricci! Are you wearing two rings on your ring finger???"

The question caught both off guard. They were so damn observant. Jefferson said this would happen but not before they enter the party.

"Hope..time to run..", he whispered in her ears and carefully escorted her with swift steps out of the prying eyes of media.

Enough show for now.

Their was chaos behind them. But that was what they wanted to create.

Once inside the venue, they took a sigh of relief creating a distance between them. Hope calmed her butterflies who fluttered violently at every touch of him, and looked away to come back to the world.

This is the first act and she's already melting.

The main hall was at the end of the corridors where few people were passing now and then.

He knew it is just the start of pretence and he has to have a strong hold on this situation. But he also knew that Hope may not like him getting too touchy with her. She has not been a man's lady. He knew it.

"Are you okay?", He asked. She looked at him still dazed but nodded.

"I do not stop to answer them.", She made an excuse for her nervousness.

David nodded understanding and offered his hand, "Should we go in?"

He was hesitant to ask her again and again to perform his acts. But he was a man on a mission.

She smiled assuredly and took his hand.

"Remember. Stay natural, a little touchy and have secret conversations.", Words of Jefferson, their lawyer, who is also invited to this party.

The two entered the hall, and momentarily stopped seeing the swarm of people chatting among themselves. It was crowded, unlike Eric. But it was important birthday so all is well.

Eric and Erica were among some people. Eric could be seen scowling, while Erica was politely interacting with people. The kids were with Jessica and Embrey, who looked overjoyed at the event.

Hope's parents were also present and so they proceeded towards them first.

Harry was also invited, and he had Cia beside him. It was all over a merry environment despite the apprehensions running in some minds.

As people met with Hope and David, and glanced briefly at their conjoined hands, they wondered what is fishy. It was true that David's play boy ways were not a secret in the business world. And he has been seen with many women after his first wife's death. Sometimes outside hotels, events, in his cars, coming out of his various penthouses, but it was rare to see him publicly holding hands with anyone after his wife. They knew Hope is a friend of two most difficult men, but which friends stick to each other clutching each other's hand. The seed of doubt was firmly sown. And fruit was expected to be born soon.

Jefferson came in the light and greeted the two near the dance floor, "I see you two are acting good.", He complimented sipping on the alcohol in his hand which attracted David's attention.

"...but you both need to pass each other more loving glances, like heart eyes. Make each other blush like you are talking about your plans after this party of fuc...."

"Shut up Jefferson! Shut your mouth..", David said as soon as he felt Hope going rigid at his words.

All his friends have a potty mouth and nothing comes out good when they open it.

Hope sighed, "We are trying Jefferson."

He chuckled in response, "Well try harder then! 'Harder'.", he joked at the end making David glare at him.

This guy and his double meaning jokes.

Hope shook her head and looked at David, "I'd go and help Erica a little."

He nodded in approval and let go her hand, a part of him already missing the warmth and support he had by her being beside him.

He looked at Eric who was standing with Oliver, talking animatedly to him. If it was before, he would have went towards them and irritated Eric like usual. But he knew he can't go there.

Everyone was busy in their own world. And he was here starting to feel alone the moment his frie...wife left and his son was away.

The weight of everything started to feel a little more heavier. And he sighed walking in one direction he promised himself to never go.

"One crown royal whiskey please.", He uttered the words to the waiter who was sitting idly at the counter.

He nodded eagerly and went to fetch the drink and soon after, offered him with appropriate amount of ice.

David gulped it down in one go, as if knowing a part of him will start regretting if he delays. He did start regretting it the moment he felt the drink scorching his throat.

But nothing could stop him from ordering more when he saw his son with Eric. Oliver looks so happy with him. Will he ever be able to give him that?

Next moment he saw Hope and Erica coming out with a cake, signalling every member of the family to assemble near it.

He saw her trying to search for him and so stood up immediately with the drink in his hand and sneaked out of the room to the terrace.

He is a sore thumb who would stick out like a thorn. He has been the part of that family even when he was not. It was a harsh reality but he was an orphan. He had a child who he never became a father to. He had a wife who left him alone in this world. Now he had a new wife who he knew he'd disappoint everyday.

On the terrace, he sat against a wall and stared at the sky above that was filled with countless stars. Sometimes he wished for atleast one star to shower a little blessings on him.

He lost his parents. A wife. A son. A best friend who was more than his brother. And now he was supposed to act and disrespect another woman, who was also his only accomplice. He hated himself.

He could hear the announcements from downstairs and could hear the loud clapping at a probable cake cutting. He gulped some more of that poison.

Soon after, he could hear Eric speaking on the Mike, and then his eyes teared when he heard, "...and I declare Oliver Vincent Wellington to be my heir as soon as I gain his full custody."

"Full custody, my foot!!", He yelled throwing the glass in his hands flat on the floor shattering it into tiny little pieces. Sometimes he wished he would shatter like that and render himself useless to the world.


Hope was anxious. She could not see David.

Eric came to her as soon as he passed the Mike to James, "Where's David?"

He noticed his absence before cutting his cake. No matter the present dynamics of their relationship, he had some habits which he can never abandon.

While cutting his cake, he liked to have David on one side and Erica on the other. But today, he felt bare, as if something was missing. And someone was indeed missing.

Also, he wanted a reaction from David at his declaration. He wanted to stir a nerve which could motivate David to fight against him and win Oliver's custody.

"I don't know. I am myself searching for him."

The two nodded in understanding and left the hall to see where he went.

Eric was the one who decided to check on the terrace only to find David sitting there, clutching his head hard in his one hand and holding his stomach with another.

Fuck!-He exclaimed, yelling for Hope as soon as he spotted her near the stairs.

They rushed to the terrace, to shake him a little.

"Oh god! He is drunk.", Eric muttered when he smelled the pungent stench.

That had the world stopping for Hope. She remembered in a moment how she saw him puking his guts out because of alcohol overdose. She started sweating as she saw him clutching his stomach.

"Eric! Take him to hospital.."

"Hospital...he is drunk...he needs to go home. He probably had too mu..."

She shook her head desperately, "He is not well...I saw him puke his guts the day he ate breakfast after returning.."

"What??!", He was baffled and devastated at the same time, but he knew that he can express his emotions later on. Right now, they need to take him to a hospital.

He fetched his phone from his pocket, and called his most trusted man, Stephan.

"It's an emergency. Come to the terrace. Alone."

It barely took Stephan any time to follow his boss' orders.

And a million questions ran in his mind when he saw David lying lifelessly in Eric's embrace while Hope was slapping his cheeks softly to wake him up.


Soon enough, the three of them were in a car where Stephan got in the driver's seat, and Hope sat at the back with David's head on her lap.

Eric was coming in another car after making a suitable excuse to everyone about ditching the party. He knew he can't tell this to Erica and freak her out. They had kids to take care of.

Stephan drove fast through the traffic, while Hope slowly caressed the cheeks of the one in her lap, "Wake up David.."

She did not cry with Eric in front of her, and she could not cry because she knew Stephan was just two feet away. But as she saw his pale and unconscious face on her lap, tears threatened to leave her eyes.

"Why did you drink David?", She silently asked him as if he would answer. He did not.

The tears from her eyes finally left their abode and fell on his cheeks. She was feeling like someone was clawing her heart out without mercy. And at that moment she knew that if their was one thing she hated to witness in the whole world, it was him weak and vulnerable.

His eyes lazily fluttered open when the tears touched his skin. As if water was sprinkled on him, or most probably rain..

"Is it raining?", He asked, his words incoherent but audible.

Hope smiled through her tears at his voice but her tears didn't stop making him finally look at the source of the so called rain.

As soon as he saw Hope's teary eyed, his own softened. He can never see his loved ones in tears, "Why are you crying?"

"..You...You were unconscious.."

"So what? I wasn't dead.", His voice was weak, hoarse and sleepy but his brain was just fine.

She shook her head wiping her tears with the back of her palm while he helped using the pad of his thumb, "Don't ever cry unnecessarily...I hate it whenever you shed a tear.."

She nodded smiling. His words held so much emotions and love. She felt like she was on top of the world.

"I won't cry..", she promised.

He hummed in reply, groaning a little in pain, "I know you love me..."

Her world stilled at that moment.

"...but you shouldn't cry. I love you too..."

As if God was slamming her somewhere deep again and again and she didn't knew how to not melt at his words. He may not know what he was doing to her with his words.

-But he said he loves you and that he knows you love him too.

Her heart clenched in an indescribable feeling.

"..I love you too much to be able to bear seeing you cry Venus."

And just like that, the mountain her heart seemed to reach came tumbling down mercilessly, crushing her heart in the process so badly that it physically hurt her.



"...seems his liver are sixty percent damaged and that a single drop of alcohol now will be a poison for him. I wonder how he never noticed this before since lived malfunctioning is a lot more painful. You see how he fell unconscious from the intensity of that pain. I hate to tell you this sir, but Mr. Wellington needs to get on proper medication to revive his liver or the case can become way more dangerous than we can handle."

"I would take care of that Doctor.", I heard a familiar voice before I drowned again into dark.

The next time my eyes opened, I could feel a numbing pain in my head. It was bearable so I looked around to find an unfamiliar room with grey ceilings, dim lights.

I observed my own self to find myself lying on a medium sized bed, with blue hospital clothes.

What happened!?

Last I remember I was in Eric's birthday party. I looked around again to find the familiar figure, in a very familiar velvet dress sitting on the couch looking at a particular direction, without blinking her eyes as if thinking of something really serious.

"Hey Hopeless!", I couldn't recognise my own voice but it was enough to grab her attention.

As soon as he looked at me, the cold and blank look on her face got replaced with concern as she walked towards me.

"David..", she breathed as soon as she reached me, "...are you okay? You want some water?"

I nodded, "That'd be good."

She immediately grabbed a glass and poured water in it, bringing it close to my lips. She gently helped me rise up a little and I gulped the water feeling instant relief being hydrated.

I laid back sighing to myself.

"How did I get here Hope?"

She looked at me for a moment, and then looked away, "You were drunk. So much that it affected your liver...the last year you spent drinking to your guts has damaged your liver by sixty percent. And.."


"..and you are a fool to drink when you know there is so much wrong with your body!", She snapped at me.

Taken aback at her comment, I tried to avoid her eyes and sit back up.

I could see she was troubled. A little angry probably.

"What time is it?", I asked in a low voice sensing the seriousness of this situation.

"11 in the morning."

"And you were here all the time?"

She looked at me and passed me a sharp look, "What else do you expect?"

I stayed quiet then. The doctor came in soon after and explained my situation telling me how they had to drain the alcohol from my system. I'd better not imagine how they did that. He also warned me of alcohol with elaborated speeches. And told me how I'd be put on medicines.

I looked at Hope to find her standing at the back with her head down. She looked exhausted and sad.

"Hope...", I called out beckoning her to come closer when the doctor left.

She sighed and came to sit on the chair beside me.

"You should go and rest for a while. I'd be fine here."

She looked at me and shook her head, "You really think I will leave you alone for a single second after the stunt you pulled yesterday??"


"Don't Hope me David! I understand...I understand that this is all difficult for you. But has alcohol ever provided solution to even the tiny bit of your problems? I married you, only so you kill yourself and make me a widow? What about Oliver? Did he not flash before you a single time before you thought about drinking?"

I knew I had no explanation to this. No matter how hard it was, I have disappointed her with me deeds.

"..I...it was all too much for me...the fight with Eric...the court case...the forcing you to marry me..."

"Wait a minute? Forcing me to marry you? You really think I am a damsel in distress that you can force to marry? God David! I married you willingly!! With all my heart and soul! For Oliver! For you! And for myself! You are not the only one getting your deed done! I am too."

I just hummed feeling a little at ease after her lecture.

But another thought had me sitting up straight, "Does Erica know? Eric? Oh god! He'd definitely use this against me in the court."

She looked at me pointedly, "No one knows about this. Okay???"

"But how did you bring me here all on yourself?"

"Stephan..he helped me. And I forced him to make a promise to keep this a secret."

I sighed in relief at that. Thankfully, my case is not yet in the ditch.

"The doctor has asked to feed you something light. I have asked Rebecca to cook and deliver it here. I hope you are hungry."

Now when I feel it, I was indeed hungry. It's been more than twelve hours anyway, "I am hungry."

She nodded picking up her phone to probably tell Rebecca to hurry up.

"Hey Hope! Erica lives just a floor above! What if she visits us while we are still here?"

She looked at me bored, "I've told her we are out to meet some lawyer and the meeting is scheduled outside the city."

"Oh Hope! You are the best!", I grinned at her, in return of which I recieved a glare. I am sure she would have smacked me if i was not on a hospital bed.


"Here! Have this.", She forwarded me the bowl of lentils.

I made a face at the bowl. She is definitely angry. I can sense that. I need to make her forget that anger. Because she's the only one I have right now. And no way I can upset her with my reckless deeds.

"Well Well Well! That's not how you take care of your husband Mrs.Wife! You married me and it is your duty to feed me when I am ill.", I did not have to look to know the look on her face. She was flushed. I know. And that's when Hope is the most vulnerable.

I used the marriage card because she used it moments before. The least I can do is make fun of her for that.

"...feed me Hope baby...", I cooed in her direction only to find her turning stiff and Rebecca trying to suppress a laugh.

God! I flirt will every female creature except my sister and niece. Why wouldn't I flirt with the woman who is my wife as well as my best friend??

She nodded stiffly and picked up the bowl and stood beside the bed preparing a spoon.

"You know there are no thorns on this bed. Believe me, I have myself checked it by lying on it."

She rolled her eyes, making a face, and then took a place on the bed just beside me.

"Uh.. Rebecca...can you fetch some clothes for Hope? She's persistent to watch me like a hawk, but she's also giving the doctors and nurses the show of her white long legs in this dress."

A giggle escaped Rebecca much to the displeasure of her boss lady, who turned redder if it was possible. She shifted back her legs a little and adjusted the dress.

"Oh please don't! I wouldn't mind the view of your hot and sexy legs, while I eat this bland porridge.", I mused making her sigh in defeat.

"I have already brought a set of clothes for you Hope. Here, I'll keep them on the couch.", And with that, she left the room.

I waved her a bye making her uncomfortable, while the one beside me was scowling, "Is it necessary to embarrass me before my assistant?"

I nodded, "What is the fun in the otherwise baby!!"


"Here is the hospital bill, that is already cleared and all the required documents. You won't have to stay here anymore. I have already explained the medications to your wife, and you need to take an appropriate amount of rest."

I looked at Hope confused, "Who paid the bill?"

Hope looked at me briefly before turning away, "Me."

"Hmm... thanks for everything."

"Whatever.", She waved me off, and collected our things.

"Rebecca has arranged a car for Home."

Home. The thought made me smile wide. I literally wanted to go home. I was tired of this place in mere twenty four hours. Hope's presence made this place a little bearable.

"Can you walk?", She asked.

I shook my head and grinned cheekily, "No! I need to hold your hands."

She looked at me bored, "C'mon let's go."

It wasn't hard to stand up and walk. The stomach was little sore but I could manage. Still, I held Hope's hand like a clingy man I am.

"Get well fast and then we'll schedule a meeting about how you will challenge Eric's will."

I nodded, "I am absolutely fine...why not schedule it for dinner today?"

"Shut up Daft!", She glared at me, "Look at yourself, still flushed and pale. We are keeping your illness a secret from your family but I am not going to compromise with the time doctor has suggested you to rest for. I am perfectly capable of looking at Oliver's case. But you are going to rest for a while."

I surrendered, "I give up Lady Don! Just keep entertaining me while you are at it."



As he laid comfortably in our bed, while I was applying a balm on his forehead because he complained of a headache, my thoughts shifted back to the night before.

".......to revive his liver or the case can become way more dangerous than we can handle.", The doctor ended his long fledged speech about David's health.

My heart broke at what this man has done to himself. I hate the fact the life has been so unfair to him that he lost his proper sight of the world, drowning himself in the alcohol.

I wiped the tears that escaped me, and looked at Eric who slumped down on the couch of the hospital room. His eyes were teary. And I would have missed it if he was not in a daze.

Who would say he's the same man David is having a court case against?

Right now, I can see him breaking down for his best friend. And I swear that made my heart bleed.

If it was some other time, some other place, where their friendship was as good as it was before, I can bet Eric would have woken him up, beaten him black and blue for being this reckless about himself and then putting him on a medication.

I sighed to myself looking at the unconscious man on the bed, who looked so peaceful yet so much in pain. I wish I loved him enough to take away his pain.

"Hope..", I heard Eric's voice and looked at him to see him standing up with his blazer in his hand, "...do not tell him I came here or I even know about this. He'd be in misery to know I can use this health issue in the court..."

Now when I think of it, "...Will you use it?"
At that moment, I was ready to beg him to not do that. It would break David beyond repair. Oliver is his last and ultimate hope in life.

He looked at me briefly and then back at David, "I would never do that to him."

With that, he left giving instructions to Stephan who took care of the doctors, medication, reports, bills and everything. As much as I wanted to tell David about this, I knew David would think of this as a charity act which was obviously not so.

My attention to my thoughts wavers the moment a finger clicks before my face.

"Who are you thinking about Hopeless?"

I looked at him and narrowed my eyes, "I was thinking how to get that large wine cellar in the dining room out of this house. It'd probably take seven to eight men."

His eyes widened at that, "Oh no Hope! There's no need to do that!", my glare though made him eat his own words, "I mean...you may also need some in a month or two? Especially when you're living with me!"

"I will survive. Don't worry!"

He sat up forgetting all the headache he was whining about before, "Listen Hope! We are rich people! What multi-billionaire doesn't own a wine cellar!!!??"

"A multi-billionaire with a damaged liver."

"Oh c'mon Hope! Please!!", He made a innocent face, as if about to cry but I knew better so I looked away.

"How can you resist this face!!", He pointed at his face.

"I have seen better.", And that instantly reminded me of Oliver whenever he asked me to stay with him.

"You know what! How can I forget!? You are the same hitler who used to not allow me to go to the party because I couldn't do integration by parts!"

I looked at him and grinned. Ruffling his hair, I chimed, "Smart boy!"


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