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When everyone was informed about the impending wedding, there were a variety of reactions. Some found it shocking, while some found it exciting. But the most prominent one was confusion. How come suddenly? -the most asked question.

David and Hope sat together with the lawyer Jefferson, and created a story.

" can be like when I came back from Australia and saw Hope with Oliver, I knew she's the one."

"That's lame.", Jefferson commented making David role his eyes.

Hope sat quietly watching them argue back and forth. For her, there was no story truer than her own.

She did not believe how suddenly her life took a turn, that huge. But everytime disbelief surrounded her, she looked at the band of precious stones around her finger. Which made it all so real.

She sighed and stood up.

"I'd be in my bedroom David.", She said and he nodded.

He agreed everything must be taking a toll on her. But he didn't know, it was a different type.

She sat on her bean bag facing the window of her bedroom. The real story where it all started, clouding her thoughts, as apparent as it was years ago.


She clutched her maths book tight to her chest. It was cold here in California especially. And she forgot to wear her sweater today.

Mrs. Willow had bailed on her class today, feigning illness. And so she spent a major part of her day in the library. It was the time of the closing of the campus, and she was very hungry since being not eaten anything at lunch.

Her red bangs waved with the wind, no matter how much she tried to tie them. They were absolutely rebellious.

Since it was closing time, the campus canteen would barely have any food, so she decided to walk to the nearby pizza takeaway corner and would buy one for her and her roommate. She was still trying hard to become friendly with her roommate, but first year was difficult. Especially with all running in her mind. Her studies. Her mum. Her da..

"Hey Redhead!!! Stop there!!", She cursed under her breath hearing the very familiar unwanted character in her life.

The basketball team captain, and his group, some Jake or Jackson...have chased her since the start. It was starting to irritate her, which was pretty rare. She was an extremely patient person by nature and this is something she herself never expected.

She stopped and looked at the guy coming to her, with his two sidechicks tailing behind him. The girls of the group, the cheerleaders, have decided to stay behind and enjoy the drama from far.

She looked around for a quick assessment, and found some nerdy boys sitting, ignoring the situation as if they don't live in this world, some other girls passing. And lastly, the two peculiar friends- a talkative one, and an arrogant one, playing around with a football. The arrogant one was definitely winning because the talkative one was busy talking with the two girls who were standing beside the field.

"Where you lookin at? I am here."

She looked at the Jake guy, who was oogling at her. She was not a conservative girl, but some creepy gazes made her feel the need to be one.

"I want to go. Please leave my way.", She said clearly.

"Awww!", He made a puppy face, which was a shame on the whole puppy community, "..not after the last time love! You really think I will spare you after you spill your coffee on me..."

"Accidentally.", Not.

He shook his head, "These types of accidents don't happen here. Either you don't know me, or you think you can escape."

Both. "I am sorry for the last time I spilled coffee on you. It was not on purpose."

He chuckled, followed by his sidechicks, "I don't want the word sorry! I want to know how sorry you are...", the way he trailed off the sentence made her feel weird. In a real bad way, "Kiss me right now. And leave."

She took a step back, "I said I am sorry. Let me go!", she said more like announced, and started to walk past him.

Soon after, a rough hand clutched her elbow, "Not a chance girl! You made a joke of me it's my turn...Kiss..."

She started struggling in his hold. There was already so much on her mind. Not to forget, she just cried an hour ago in the library. For once, she wanted peace.

"Leave me!!", She yelled but her voice  was defeated before all those mocking laugh, who strangely found this situation funny. There was excited cheers of kiss kiss! And she felt disgusted.


"Leave her Jacob!", A strong voice fell in her ears but she didn't stop struggling in his hold.

"Oh David! You came to rescue 'her'!"

"Yeah I did. Leave her."

"No I won't!"

"Jacob..your actions won't have good consequences. Stop manhandling the girl!"

"What if I don't David!!??"

In just another moment, she felt her hand free, and the boy fall on the ground with a thud.

"You called for it Jacob!", She turned in the direction of the voice only to find her saviour, the talkative one among the two friends, supposedly David.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the boys were standing against each other.

She felt a soft and warm hand on her elbow, "Move out of our way girl. You are taking away my spotlight."

She heard the whisper, and moved, turning to find the most beautiful obsidian orbs she has ever seen. When she thought he was handsome from far, she didn't think he was this good looking up close.

The eyes were filled with mirth and mischief, so much life in them, as if all he's been doing is enjoying his life.

For her, the moment did halt.

But the face she was staring at was pushed out of her vision when something hit it. Or more appropriately someone.

On accessing the situation, she found out that Jacob had hit David on the face.

"You sneaky little bitch...", He cursed but before he could do something, the Jacob boy was pushed to the ground, as a punch was landed right on his face.

"How dare you hurt him!?"

It was the scarier friend of David, the more intimidating one.

She panicked seeing the chaos.

"Hey hey Eric! Stop it...he'd doesn't hurt me that much."

After Eric gave him two more complementary punches, which were sure for his heart content, he turned and glared at the blood that drew from David's lower lip.

"Don't you know how to defend yourself!", Eric scowled at David while in turn David smiled cheekily and shrugged, "When I have a bodyguard Ass-ton, why would I need to protect myself??"

"Dick!", Eric mumbled under his breath and left towards the exit.

"Hey!", His words brought her out of the trance, "Miss. Redhead...are you alright?"

Hope nodded, "I am fine. But there is some blood."

"I'd live.", He smiled at her, "..but how did you become a subject of entertainment here.."

"Uhm...that boy, Jacob..has been bothering me since day one. Last time I spilled a coffee on him.."



"Good girl."

Soon after, Eric reappeared and threw a first aid pouch at David, "Clean yourself."

"Go soft on me Love!", David chuckled at his annoyed friend, and he went to a nearby bench and started opening the pouch.

Hope stood there for few moments, before going in the same direction.

"Should I help?"

"I'd manage.", He said dipping the cotton ball in an antiseptic.

She sighed, "That's the least I can do as a thank you."

He looked at her, and stared for a moment as if contemplating, "Uhm...okay...go on.."

He handed her the cotton ball, which she gladly took and went a little nearer to dab it lightly on his lip.

David hissed, as the antiseptic hit a delicate spot.

"Well..Miss. Redhead...may I know your name?"

"Hope..", she mumbled too focused on her task.

"Hope as in less? Hopeless?"

"Hope Ricci."

"You must be already aware. But I am The Handsome David Wellington.."

"Don't move your lips David!"

He shut up, but rolled his eyes, "You are like that asshole.", he pointed behind her, and she heard a scoff in return.

She didn't reply, as her work was done. And straightened up, "Done."

"Well...thanks Miss. Re....Hopeless."

She then glanced at him, and Eric, "Thank you to you both for helping me there."

Eric only glanced at her for a moment, then looked away. She looked decent to him. But looks to him, are the prime deceivers. On the other hand, David smiled warmly, "It was the least 'i' could do. But don't mess with them. They are jerks."

She nodded and smiled at him.

"Where you off to?", He asked her before standing up.

"Uhm...I live in the dorms. But I was going to this cafe across the s.."


She replied with a yeah, over the name of the cafe.

"Well...come with us...we too wanted to grab a coffee.."

Hearing that, Eric made a irritated face and left.

"I don't think your friend would appreciate my presence.."

In reply, he chuckled, "That's because he thinks I am hitting on you. He doesn't like and support my adventurous side much. But I am the most innocent boy on the face of this earth. And I wouldn't hit on you..."

She chuckled to herself at his rambling.

"...not yet atleast... because you are hot!"


A waving hand before her face, made her look up, and she saw...the same obsidian orbs, only that they didn't belong to the boy but a man now.

"Whose thoughts got you smiling like an idiot Hopeless?"

And then she realised, she was actually smiling.

She shook her head, "Just stuff.."

"...but I think I have a story in my mind."

He looked at her surprised, "You do..??"

She nodded, "You can tell I have liked you since the first day, in college. But it didn't work back then with you being all playboy and me not taking it seriously. When we met again, you were already married. But when you came back again after Venus, I confessed my years long feelings, and you knew you wouldn't want to miss a chance on love the second time."

He looked at me intrigued, "It is a one sided love story...I wouldn't want to put you in that pressure."

She shook her head, "You won't. You were married with you can't claim about having feelings for me. And I was never in a relationship, so I can."

"That's practical enough to be believed.."

"Yeah....think about it."

He nodded.

"Well, there is a more pressing matter at hand right now."


"When do you want to get married?"

"When? I think it'd be only fine that we marry before the court proceedings start."

"Eric's 30th birthday is next Thursday. And he'd make a declaration of his will then..."

"What do you suggest?"

"Let's marry before that...", His proposal shocked her. In one week!

Well today was not even a week now.

"It's on you though... Jefferson suggested we can make our first appearance then.", He said silently, " a husband and wife."

The title alone made her head spin.

"Uhm...I only want time to talk to my parents and Harry. Nothing much."

He nodded, "...and don't you worry about the'd get the best wedding you could. I'd make sure of it."

She smiled at his thoughtfulness. He did not want her to miss out the experiences she desired. But what more she could desire of a wedding, in which he was her groom, and he was bringing with him, his most adorable son.

Also, she knew it wouldn't be easy on him to go through that all over again. The least she could do, is to make it easy for him.

"You know what...I don't want a lavish wedding with thousands guests. I always wished it to be intimate. My father, now Ed, walking me down the aisle, my best friend being my maid of honour, my mother asking me to keep it together, and my brother cheering me up from the little crowd."

He smiled, but also read her underlying motive, "You sacrifice so much for me Hope. How will I ever return what all you do for me??"

Love me back.

The answer was on her tip, but she instead said, "Be my friend always. That's all I ask for."

He took a seat beside her, and took her hand in his, the one with the ring.

"I promise to cherish our friendship till my last breath and beyond."

What she felt was beyond ecstasy. She knew why she loved him. And she knew she would never regret it.

"Well, did you ever imagine me in you wedding? Especially when you went MIA?", he asked narrowing his eyes.

She giggled, "I didn't."

"Oh Hopeless! You didn't just insult me in the worst way possible."

She just shrugged in response, "I never thought you'd crash my wedding this way..."

"Yeah...I bet you didn't.", He snapped, "But I am your fiance now...and you have to deal with it."



"So you are marrying him just like that??",Harry said exasperated.

"He's a friend Harry! He needs my help right now. I know it must be difficult for you to accept the idea but I think we'd grow find of each other."

He sighed irritated, "Grow fond Hope? Is that it? You really think that is enough in a marriage? You need love, trust, partnership, tolerance, patience, care and so much more. He has just left the thoughts of his first wife behind. God knows if he even did. And you think he will love you one day? What about that guy from your school??"

He's the same guy Harry. -I wanted to admit, but I didn't. The story we plotted was for others- media, court and other. My parents and my brother still think that me and David have found a liking for each other, and I am only marrying him early so I could help him.

But Harry claims it is a hasty decision and not wise to sacrifice my whole life for someone else.

"That guy is a chapter over for me. Okay!? I think this marriage with David will give me a purpose. I already adore his child. There is everything between us except love, which I think will come eventually."

Will it ever?

Harry looks outwardly tired and settles on the couch, rubbing his face, "You have already decided huh!?"

I nodded meekly. He was my elder brother. There was still a respect factor between us.

"I promise I won't get my heart broken."

His face softened and he extended his hands and hugged me.

"That is what I am scared of Hope. I saw you then. I don't want to see my baby sister like that, ever again."

"You won't. I promise."

"No! Don't promise me that. Feel free to come to me whenever you are at your lowest. You know I'd be always there for you."

I nod in his arms. He was the best brother one girl can have.

"I'd still want to warn David. I need to let him know that I can be a sadist when someone hurts my little baby sister."

I laughed, "Go ahead. I believe he'll live."

"If I still come to know who's that dick back from your school, I'd definitely punch him."

I looked up at him, "You have said that a ninety thousandth time already."

"Tell me his name."

I chuckled, "Not a chance."

He rolled his eyes making me laugh.

"So? You are happy that I am getting married?", I asked carefully.

"If you are happy, then I don't have anything to be not happy about. And I guess Mom and Ed are already over the moon that you are getting married?"

I smiled, "They are shopping for their clothes right now."

"See I told you."

"Bring Cia as your date."

He nodded, "Ofcourse, I will."


Mom and Dad were still out, and I was sitting on the lunch table with David on my left and my brother on my right.

"How can I be sure you will keep her safe?"

David looked at him, passed me a glance and then looked back at my brother, who was at his intimidating most.

"She's my friend before everything else. And I have her in my life since years. Marriage or not, I'd always protect her."

My brother abandoned his spoon and folded his hands and glanced at me, "I am glad to know you are not just using her for the custody. And I am willing to see you both grow in this relationship. But believe me David when I say this, that the moment Hope cries and her tears are not the happy ones, you'd see the worst of me."

It looked like he was scaring him away. I saw David visibly gulp at that. My brother was intimidating.

"I..I understand..", David assured him in a small voice.

Moments of tension and finally my brother found the appropriate time to drop his act.

"So do you plan to use the marriage plan?"

"I think it'd be more appropriate..."

And that's how two most important men of my life bonded.
I couldn't help smiling at all this. If only David really wanted to marry me, and not because he doesn't have any option. If only I could truly be happy.



"Sir! Here it is...", Lilly placed a file before me that I asked for.

" Erica...she has some tasks for you regarding me. And in the evening, have a dinner for two delivered in my new penthouse."

She nodded diligently and got to her work.

It was Monday morning, and my wedding with Hope was scheduled on Wednesday. No one really knows about it except family. Mine and Hers.

Today they are out to select the wedding dress and so the kids are with us, that is Eric and me. But Eric has completely hijacked their attention, so I decided to get some work done.

I wasn't really participating much in the preparations. Yet, I have taken some responsibilities like selecting the rings, and our cake. My clothes were being selected by Erica, who was going to be the maid of honour.
And me? Like my first wedding, I probably won't have a best man this time. Because my only confidante has become an ass to me. And I wouldn't want to bend my ego and ask him to be one.

It's alright though. I don't need a best man.

My thoughts are interrupted when my cabin door swings open, and my little sperm strolls in followed by his so called Papa, who had Eve in his arms.

"How can you work huh? We were given a collective responsibility.", He snapped.

"Collective?? Not like you taking over and explaining them how I am a shitty dad?"

I see a hint of smirk on his face, but nonetheless he came in and placed Eve on my table, who pointed her hand at me.

"Shitty dad. Yeah...that's the correct usage for you."

I leaned forward and pulled Eve's basket near me, who grinned at the motion, "You like that my beautiful lizard?"

"Lizard?? Seriously??"

It was my turn to smirk at him, "Ofcourse! A chameleon like you can only make a lizard. But since she has some of my sister's genes, she's a beautiful lizard! Are you??", I cooed at Eve who squealed in response throwing her legs and hands in the air.

I felt a pull on my pants, so looked down to see Oli trying to climb up my chair.

"Ah! Someone finally comes back to their sperm donor!"

Not knowing any meaning, but still grinning in acknowledgement, he was lifted up to sit on the table beside Eve.

I push away the paper weights and other important stuff, because now that this devil is here... he'd definitely experiment with everything.

Just yesterday, he scribbled all over the documents related to the Paris deal, and I had to request them to be prepared again.

While the two started entertaining themselves, I saw Eric sitting there looking all focused.

"Are you cooking another recipe for my doom?"

He looked up and his eyes met mine. He nodded, "Yes...since I have no work left in the world right now, so all I do is think about you and your doom."

Sarcastic. But that is a fact.

I rolled my eyes, not wanting to continue this conversation with him.

"Well, congratulations for your wedding."

I looked at him pointedly. At this point, I won't be shocked if he's mocking me. After all, I am doing all this because of him.

But when I look up, I see genuine happiness floating in his eyes. I mean I know those eyes too well to mistake their interpretation.

"Why are you happy about it?"

That seemed to catch him off guard as he immediately looked away.

"Well, I am glad it is Hope and not some one night stand of yours. I don't know about you, but if there is a one percent chance that I lose the custody of Oliver, then he's going in good hands."

I sighed and settled back comfortably in my chair, "I will win the custody."

He smirked, "We'll see who eventually 'wins'."
I am sure his words had an underlying meaning which I failed to decipher.

"What kid of mine is hungry??",He turned to the kids.

Oli seemed to realise the meaning and raised his hand, "Papa! Me! Hungwy!"

"What about my small monster?", He cooed at Eve, who made a sound in return.

And then I see the mighty Eric Ashton folding his sleeves ready to feed the two. I decided I must help him, and so as he fetched out their bottles from the bag, I took Eve in my lap, and settled on the couch.

"Well, I don't have your mommy's boobies, but I can certainly give you the milk.", I talked to her, and soon enough Eric popped the bottle in her mouth beckoning me to hold.

Seeing the attention Eve was getting, my dick son decided he wanted it too. So even after being perfectly capable of holding his bottle, he refused to do it. Instead he clung to Eric like a panda, whimpering.

I rolled my eyes at this attention seeker.

"Here! Have this you notorious piggie!"

He grinned taking the nipple in his mouth, but did not hold it at all.

"He is a big time attention seeker.", I pointed out.

"Nothing you are not David. He's got his father's genes in an adequate amount."

I glared at Eric who only looked amused..

"He's a pervert too... totally like you."

"Anything else?"

"He cries when he doesn't get something..."


"And he's a dick."

"Good!", I exclaimed. He was not complaining about Oliver, he was actually pointing out my nature.


The doors opened to reveal Erica and Hope, while the three near me were fast asleep. Yeah, the giant too.

"Oh man! They look so cute!", I scowled at Erica.

"Come take your daughter. I smell something bad. I was going to open her diaper and dump it on her father."

She chuckled, "Did you do that?"

I shook my head, "He's too peaceful sleeping. Wouldn't want the devil king to wake up and go chimpanzee mode."

She understood my misery and picked up her daughter carefully and went in the washroom to change her. As a potential to be father, I must know how to change diapers. But I tried and I failed. They move their legs all around making it hard and flying in all directions. And I love my suits!

I signalled Hope to sit near me and she complied.

"How was your shopping for the wedding dress?", I whispered to her because of two sleeping beside.

She smiled and whispered back, "It was tiring. But I found what I was looking for."

"Cool..And we have one task at hand. These two have got a penthouse renovated for me just below theirs. We need to check if it suits our needs. Also, since you'd be moving there after the wedding, I want you to check it all personally."

She nodded, "When do we leave?"

" 6."

"Fine by me."

"Should we take Oliver too?"

She nodded, "It's only fair to take him since he'd be living there too."

We could hear Eve whimpering from the washroom. That girl hated diaper change. Eric was already waking up hearing her.

When he heard her voice clearly, he fully opened his eyes, looking down at Oliver and then carefully standing up and laying him on the couch. I secured him with the one seater because he moves alot while sleeping. 

"Is Erica here?"

"She's in the washroom with Eve.", Hope answered.

"Ohh! My little bunny is being tortured by diaper change...", He muttered to himself and went for the rescue.

After he left, Hope turned to me, "Have you asked him to be your best man?"

I shook my head, "I didn't. Infact, I won't. I'll find someone else."

"Someone else? Seriously?"

I sighed, "He is not my best man at this moment of my life."

"But David..."

"Is it necessary to have a best man??"

I see she doesn't have a reply to it.

So, I'd probably get married this time without a best man. Because my best man is currently the worst man for me.


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