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One may leave their love behind. But if they truly loved, it is never leaving them behind.

H O P E   R I C C I

I walked through the road kicking the stones on my way.

Georgia was her safe haven after she returned from Italy. Heartbroken.

She liked it here. Her mother was newly married then, for the second time. And she didn't share with her what caused her to move back abruptly from another country. The place where her father lived.

Only Harry, her brother knew of what conspired but ofcourse she was careful to not reveal David's identity. She didn't want Harry to hate him.

How different life would have been if she stayed back? She often wondered over that. But a part of her knew life has it's course, and she is just one aspect of it.

Her reverie breaks on hearing her phone ringing in her pocket.

She takes it out to see it a call from Erica. She has not contacted with anybody from Italy since the last two days and a part of her knew Erica would call today out of concern.

"Hey there!", It was a video call.

"Hey there yourself Hope! Did you find some guy there that you totally forgot about us?"

I sighed, "No guy is that lucky yet."

She slapped her head, "Eric is rubbing off badly on you. You are turning cocky."

That made me laugh. I miss her now.

"How are you?"

"I am good. The doctor said that no heavy work and I'll be fine. I have to walk though."

I saw she was moving.

"So you are out on walk. Your husband let you go on your own!?"

She shook her head, "I have this pig here..", she turned the camera a bit bringing me face to face with none other than David.

I was taken aback for a moment. My heart jumping at the sight of him. Oh good lord!

"Hi Hopeless!"

I smiled fidgeting on my place a little, "Hi David. How are you?", I was reminded of his illness suddenly.

"I am good as a ring fighter! You tell me.. fleeing like someone was chasing you!", He snickered.

If only I could tell him. My feelings from years old are chasing me. And I can't run from them for long.

"I just wanted to meet mom and Edward here."

Both of them came in the screen, and I asked.

"How is Oliver?"

"That notorious sperm!", David cursed under his breath while Erica chuckled.

"Guess what Hope! Oliver pooped on his oh-so-expensive Armani suit.", That made me laugh but I was glad there was some kind of interaction between the father and son.

"...while he was wearing it?"

"No! He went to the washroom for the shower and kept his suit on the bed."

"David must know this is the start of his daddy duties."

I see him roll his eyes, "That devil needs potty training."

"Oh hush! He's just one. Though he does this thing only on special occasions.", Erica giggled and I followed.

Eric must be really happy today.


I was chirpier when I returned back home.

"Mom! I am back."

"Welcome back sweety. Dinner's ready."

After cleaning up, I settled across Ed as mom served us both dinner.

While eating, my mother cleared her throat for attention and I became alert knowing something is up.

"So Hope! We were thinking about this thing from a long time and I wanted to share this with you.."


Ed spoke up this time, "Sweety there is this college friend of mine in Italy whose son has inherited a hotel chain from his father. He is a well to do man. And we were hoping for you to meet him."

I think I know where this is going.

"Yeah Hope. And you see we are not forcing you for some arrange marriage or thing. But we think you must meet him once."

"Mom but.."

"Ah well! Before you ask the guy is interested in you.."

"He came in the gala that Sinclair's hosted last month, and he looks like an eligible candidate for you."

"And he already knows you! Apparently my cute little bunny is doing pretty well in life and is famous brand.", She pinched my cheek like I do to Oliver.

I let them finish as they listed all the good qualities of this suitor of mine. Probably, this was the reason they wanted me to come in the Sinclair's gala last month so desperately. But since I promised Eric that I would stay by them in the last months of pregnancy, I refused them on this one.

"...that's why we set up a date for you two.", My eyes nearly popped out as my mother declared this grinning ear to ear.

"Seriously mom! A date!!"

"Don't be surprised baby!"

"I am more shocked.", I retorted.

She rolled her eyes, "You see! To select the right man for yourself, you must first try your luck with them. At the end you will end up with the right one."

"Yeah Hope! You must try."

I reluctantly nodded. There is no way for me to escape this.


The lawyer sat across him reading the terms and conditions, and he heard them with rapt attention.

"You sure there's no loopholes."

The lawyer shook his head, "No sir! There's no way one can escape this."

He nodded thankfully and Antonio escorted the man out.

He thought hard about this, and there was no other way for him.

He picked up the new papers and left the office to finally implement everything. The papers that had the strength to change three lives.


"Oh you are home!", Erica's eyes brightened seeing him enter, and she went forward to kiss him.

He kissed her back smiling. A man can get spoiled with these beautiful gestures.

"How are you?", He asked.

She chuckled, "You only left in the morning."

"So what? You have two demons to handle now. I was worried for you."

"Don't worry..David and Mom helped."

"Where are they?", He asked as they climbed the stairs to go up.

"Both are fast asleep. Too tired from the days activities."

His eyes drifted back to the papers in his hands.

A maid was passing by them, and he called her, "Ask everyone to assemble downstairs. I have something important to talk."

"What is it?", She asked him.

He looked at her and his heart tightened at what she will do after knowing what he is upto. He has thought this through. It will definitely impact their relationship. But thinking about Oliver, he for once wanted to not be selfish. He will have to do this.

He brought her nearer using his left arm, "You love me?"

She looked at him confused, "What is that question Mr. Ashton?"


"Yeah..I do! We established this so many years ago."

"And do you trust me?"

She rolled her eyes but answered nonetheless, "I trust you more than myself. You are my most precious person in the whooole world!"

He smiled wide at that. He loved whenever she voiced out her feelings. It took him back to how beautifully their love evolved. And well, for him, no love story was as good as his.


"What is up son?", James asked wondering why they were called downstairs.

He even asked a driver to go and bring Embrey from the Wellington mansion.

David wondered too what it is that involved him too.

"It's apparently some surprise!", Nonna chuckled.

He sat beside Erica and kept forward the papers.

"Dad, mom, Nonna, Erica, David and Embrey, I have an important announcements to make."

He was nervous but he remained his calm posture somehow, especially avoiding meeting eyes with Erica.

He took a deep breath. And there you go!

"Dad! I am turning thirty after a month, and like since grandfather's time, we have a legacy to carry forward.

You declared me your heir when you turned thirty and I was merely seven. I want to do the same. Though I hate parties and all that bullshit, but we shall do it this time and declare my heir, so there are no ambiguities in case something happens to me."

James looked at his son. This was fine. It looked nothing unusual.

"But child..are you sure you want to obligate Eve to do the business, which she may or may not like. I mean, I did that with you...and afterwards I regretted putting so much pressure on you."

He shook his head, "I am not putting any pressure Dad. The will shall only transfer the ownership once the inheritor attains the age. The management will still be done by board members and their selected representative."

He looked at everyone focused on the details and he knew it'd be a bomb that he's dropping.

"..and I am not talking about Eve. I am talking about Oli since he's the elder one."

Now all focussed looking people turned to him with a strange look. What is he upto?

Oliver is a Wellington. How will he inherit the Ashton business?

Everyone wondered this but only Embrey voiced it out. She hoped the Wellington assets, something that Vincent, the man she loved so dearly, created after so much efforts, would go in responsible hands, like David.

"But Son, Oliver will most probably inherit Wellington part."

His mother in law's sentence grabbed everyone's attention. This was a valid argument. Oliver is a Wellington by blood and surname.

"To inherit the Wellington part, I feel Oliver must be first regarded as the son of a Wellington. Which has not happened since his birth. Me and Erica, being his Godmother and Godfather have got fifty percent custody over him. It was difficult to gain this custody and not let him be taken by an orphanage, when one of the parents is still alive. But using my political connections and money, we managed to do that. Now, since David has clearly said he doesn't want to do anything with Oliver, I don't think there is a point of him having fifty percent remaining custody over Oliver.

Me and Erica will officially become his parents and then we shall declare the will where Oli, my elder son, will be the inheritor of all my properties."

David heard it all. His heart refusing to believe the words were real. He didn't know the technical aspects of Oliver living with them. And how losing the fifty percent custody will break all the strings attached between the father and the son.

His heart dropped at that.

"Eric are you insane!!", James chided, "David will eventually take up his responsibility."

"Oh is it!?", He retorted, "Ask David himself his words, 'If it wasn't for Oliver, Venus must have been still alive! He took away Venus from him.' Do you really think he is keen to take Oli's responsibility??"

The words had everyone shocked. Whatever be the circumstances, these are the last words to be heard from a father for his own child.

Erica was devastated. She couldn't believe these words are from David, but when she looked in his direction, his head was casted down, showing no trace of disbelief. They are indeed his words.

"Here you go David. These are the papers by which the remaining custody over Oliver, that you own, will be transferred to me and Erica. You will then have nothing to worry about. Nor you will have any obligations. You can continue your reckless way, while I will give Oli my surname with all the rights that come with it."

When David looked up at Eric, his eyes were troubled. Way too troubled. Something that would have him on his heels, running to rescue his friend of the problems he's facing.

But this time, he himself was the problem.

He knew this has damaged his friendship with David beyond repair. But he doesn't regret it. He was sure the outcomes will be good for Oliver and well, David himself.

He looked away from him..

"Eric! Listen!", It was Erica this time, "Oliver will not become the subject of your ego clashes! This thing must not go to the court of paper bullshit! He is still a child! And you both are making it a business deal on papers."

She proceeded to pick up the papers and tear them into pieces only to be stopped by him.

"No Erica! I understand that you love your brother, but I can't compromise with Oliver's future!"

"Brother Bullshit!!", She retorted in rage, "You or David both have done the unthinkable! But keep this in your mind, Oliver is not going to become a part of this. I am seeing the hostility between you two but have been avoiding thinking you both will come around. I was so wrong!"

"Erica listen to me..."

"No! I won't! This is such a terrible thing! You both have fought together always! Why to fight against each other?"

"Do you think he's willing to fight!??", Eric snarled at her, in a tone, he never used on her, "He will happily sign away the custody to us! He doesn't want Oliver!"

That had her heart breaking. Sure she loved Oliver beyond everything. But whenever she thought of Oliver's future, David was always there.

She smacked away his hand from her arms, looked at her brother, and left the place. She was disappointed in both of them. Equally.


Hope was fast asleep when her phone rang, waking her up.

Grumbling she sat up. It cannot be work related call, because she already left all her work to Rebecca. Who could be calling at this hour? In the midnight?

Looking at the name drove all sleepiness away from her.


She picked up the call, "Hey!"

All she could hear was sniffing on the other side and that had her stiffening.

"Erica? What's wrong?"

After some more sniffing, she finally spoke up, "When are you coming back Hope?"

She is crying, definitely crying.

"Erica I planned on coming back two days later, but you tell me what's wrong?"

"Hope..Eric and David..they..", Her voice was muffled in her cries.

"What happened Erica? Calm down and tell me.."

She calmed considerably after several minutes and then in short explained her about the custody transfer and David's words for Oliver.

Hope heard her patiently, and when she was done, she told her, "Don't worry Erica. Don't stress yourself. I will be back by tomorrow evening. Okay?"


Sleep was gone. Her thoughts occupied by what conspired. No doubt Erica is so hurt. It is a battle between her husband and her brother. And ofcourse, over the child, she loved immensely.


Hearing a knock on the study room's door, he asked whoever it was to come in.

Stephan came in and settled across the table. He needed to see if his boss is fine or not.

And more than angry or worked up, Eric looked exhausted.

"What are you upto Eric?"

Eric looked at Stephan. His most trusted man. Stephan was there when everyone had the conversation downstairs. He was more like a family to all of them.

He sighed, "What do you think I am doing?"

"I think you are trying to make David earn Oliver, so he knows his son's true importance."

He nodded giving him a tight lipped smile, "It is so. But I am also trying to fulfill one promise."

"What is it? And to whom?"

"You'll know soon. Just wait and see."

Stephan leaned forward, "But this has so many repercussions. You may spoil things for yourself."

He stood up from his chair and walked to the window that had one of the most exquisite views of Rome, "I have loved Oliver more than I would have loved my own son. And love means sacrifices. I am willing to lose my hands, in making a home for Oliver. That's what a father does. Doesn't he?"


You understand the importance of life when it is finally slipping away. All you demand is a second chance to live it to the fullest.

D A V I D    W E L L I N G T O N

The Ashton mansion today has that eerie silence that eats me up. I wonder if this was the same place where there were cheers and loud laughter just two days ago.

When I decided to leave my room and go have breakfast before leaving to the office, I saw Jessica sitting on the dining table.

Like my centuries old habit, I decided to act like everything is fine. I always used this to make 'him' feel normal after a dreadful day, and that sort of became my habit.

"Hey Jess! Good morning!", I knew it was anything but good.

I settled beside her while she smiled in my direction, and breathed, "Good morning son."

This woman holds a special place in all our hearts. I have seen her cry for Evelyn, for Eric, and I have seen her stand firm in the moments when we all were weak.

Today too, I am somewhat sure she is here to assemble the senses of the family and place them properly.

"I was waiting for you to come down and have breakfast. Your Vanilla flavoured pancakes with fruit toppings.", And she placed the plate before me followed by a glass of mixed fruit juice.

I took one bite and sighed, "You make the best pancakes in the world!"

She chuckled, "I know I do!"

Guess we both were pretty good at pretending everything is fine.

"Where is James?", I asked.

She sighed, "Golf."

Golf is James' stress reliever, and I couldn't help but feel guilty being the cause of the stress.


"I had Emily here deliver her breakfast in her bedroom. She apparently didn't want to see your's and Eric's 'poop like' faces."

I would have laughed if I didn't understand the gravity of the situation.


"Has not left her room since yesterday."


"With her."

And I didn't want to ask about 'him'. My appetite was gone for good. But for the sake of Jessica, I sat quietly and ate the breakfast. Only yesterday, we were all laughing here at Nonna as she refused to tell her real age.

When I finished and wiped my face with the tissue, I saw her looking at me keenly.

"Are you also angry with me Jess?"

My question had her diverting her gaze. She looked down for a moment and then back at me, "You know what David, you were just two when you came to me. And in your growing years, quite frankly, you were more a son to me than Eric himself. I have always tried to fill the void of Diana in your life...and so even if you kill someone, my heart will still hurt for you. No mistake or sin of yours can make me look at you with different eyes. But apparently everyone here loves Oliver too, that's why they are hurt."

She kept a hand on my shoulder, "You don't have to convince me to be not angry with you. I can't ever be. But just make sure, that if you go wrong, you also know the way to correct that wrong. Am I clear??"

I nodded at her words, really grateful for her presence in my life.

Just then we hear footsteps, and I see 'him' coming from the way of James' study room and not his bedroom, dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, though in a crumpled condition.

If it would have been the past me, the concern I had for this man would have prompted me to go and ask what's wrong.

But well, yesterday changes everything.

Bidding a quick bye to Jessica, I left the mansion without a second thought.


"Sir! Here are all the available must which one suits you best.", Lilly kept a folder before me smiling wide.

Her lips are so red it looks like she just sucked blood from a living soul.

"And what do I have next in schedule?"

"Sir you have to inaugurate this mall in the 62nd street, down the Hemingway", she looked at her watch, " about an hour."

"Hmm okay..then what are we waiting for... C'mon let's go!"

As I was leaving the cabin, I saw Eric's lawyer, Mr. Hudson entering his cabin. Guess this man is still not satisfied with yesterday!


"Thank you for coming Mr.Wellington! You have a great contribution to this project, first by your commendable architectural skills, and then by your presence here."

I smiled wide, though I knew it is hell lot of buttering, "You see sir! It was my extreme pleasure to inaugurate the mall, that I have brought out of my head. I really feel grateful for you putting trust in me."

Here, I butter back!

"Sir would you like to take a trip?"

Seeing that I still had time from my next appointment I decided I must do this.

The mall was not open for general public but only guests today. It would open completely from tomorrow.

It was a good place, and I like strolling around with so less people here. I remember Venus bringing me here, then me spending hours here, whining and carrying bags, till I threatened to leave her alone.

I smiled from the memory and looked at shops. If only I could earn Erica's pardon by gifting her some famous brand. But who am I kidding, I have a peculiar sister, who wouldn't even look at my face, lest take a gift from me.

Just then, my eyes fell on this Elephant shaped stuff toy, where he was holding another smaller elephant in his trunk. It was adorable.

And just looking at it, I had the image of that notorious little shit in my mind. Oliver.

I am still not used to taking his name. It feels unusual on my tongue. I think I'll call him 'Little Shit' forever.

And well, not to forget he has scary toys, like a bat, who he calls flap flap, or I even saw a toy zombie, a whale, a crocodile also!

That kid has shitty taste in toys and I know where it comes from. This elephant will be the most gentle and humble toy in his collection. It may have some good impact on him.

I strolled in the shop and the manager welcomed me, "Can I get that elephant?"

"Ah yes ofcourse sir!"

As they started packing, I ended up selecting a toy gun for Eve.

She must look like a gangster!- I smirk thinking to myself.

Just then, Lilly came in, "Sir we are getting late.."

"Yeah! Just one second.", I took the bags and paid them before leaving for my work.

Now I was excited to give them these.


I came back home hoping the environment would be much better now only to bump into Hope, as she parked her own car.

"Hi Hopeless! Watcha doin!!"

Her eyes looked baffled for a moment, probably taken aback but she was calm in the matter of seconds, "I am good. What about you?"

"You are early!", I pointed out because as far as I knew she was meant to spend five days with her family and it's been KY three.

"Erica called me.", Before I could take that, she said another thing that made me want to claw myself off my existence, "..she was crying furiously."

The guilt takes over immediately and I start feeling worse. This is so bad. She is probably the hardest hit by this feud.

"I..Hope I didn't..I mean.."

"Eric told me this immediately after he came back from Australia David. I knew this."

Her statement makes me shocked. She knew this and she wasn't angry or despised me.

"David.. don't think hard...I won't judge you from that."

She started walking away but I had to stop her so I held her wrist securely. I had a question.


The simple word seems to catch her off guard, like one slip and her whole heart would be laid before me. It was insane how much her eyes expressed. And it was even insane when her red hair blocked my views.

I used my finger to keep them away from the way that had my eyes meeting hers, and I repeated my question, "Why?"

She looked away as if back to her senses and pulled her hand from mine.

"You made errors in finding square roots David. Your errors are not for me to judge. I am your ... friend after all."

I gave her a light smile, to which she returned one, and left to go inside.

This girl has a completely different air about her. I always want more sentences out of her, but she'd only utter two yet make me feel like she said a whole damn novel, which is completely out of my understanding.



Nothing much to say...just this..

Thanks for this one..

Chapter dedicated to all the loved ones...

Keep reading.

Thank you.

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