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One often creates walls.
But they don't decide who'd be the one to break them.

D A V I D  W E L L I N G T O N

"Sir the jet is prepared!", A frantic looking Eric immediately nods and takes his bag towards the waiting jet.

I look at him dumbfounded and my first response is to follow him.

The worse that could happen is Erica dy....!, I shake my head furiously. What has happened to me! She's my sister for god sake!

Eric was just about to enter on the last stair when he turns around making me halt abruptly.

"Where are you going?"
"With you..", I said in a duh tone. Did he drop his brain anywhere?

His eyes narrow on me, "I will live through it David. You don't need to come."

He turned to go inside when I stopped him, "Who said I am going for you!? She's my sister too."

He chuckled, "Yeah! A sister whose existence didn't bother you even for a second in the last one year. I have had a lot from you David! Go back! Do whatever the fuck you want! Me, Erica or Oliver have nothing to do with you!"

I wanted to punch him. He wants to argue at such a crucial time. No matter how much I drink, he'd always remain the dumb one.

"Listen Eric! I am coming for my sister! Not you! So fuck off and let me go in!"

"Your sister is my wife!"

"And she'd not approve of such behaviour from you."

"And that is what you took for granted.."

"Er....", I wanted to retort but I couldn't because we are interrupted by the Pilot.

"Sir we will have to hurry.", Our attention is drifted to him and Eric simply nodded, looked at me once and went inside. I followed suit.

It is about Erica.


He was pacing back and forth, grumbling stuff to himself, obviously regretting coming to Australia at this crucial time. Even I felt like kicking his ass.

"There was no need to come to Australia when it was her last few days of delivery."

He looked at me, "Oh wow! What a suggestion! Had her heart not been resting on the fact that you'll definitely come hearing about your niece, I wouldn't have done that! I was afraid if you don't come, she'd be disappointed. And well, you weren't coming unless you see the probability of her dying."

I wanted to return his favour from the morning, "Eric I don't care what you think. I only want Erica to be alright."

He looked away. Just then Lily came in our sitting area. She was wearing a skimpy dress. Well, she always does. But I could see the distaste emitting out of Eric.

"Sir!", She purred, "Do you need anything?"

I could feel a pair of eyes boring holes in me.
"I'd prefer a black coffee Lily."
Only if that could save her from the wrath of this man.

But like she had a death wish, she turned to Eric, who was eyeing her with disgust, "What about you sir?"

God! Death wish!

"Yeah! I want something! Please go to the staff and borrow some clothes. I don't want a naked woman roaming in my plane."

That embarrassed her. It was meant to do so.
She scurried away immediately. And I sighed.

"One helpful advice David! Don't keep your whores in your staff."

"Fuck off Eric!"



The plane landed an hour before, and we both hastily reached the maternity ward where Erica was. Some nostalgia surrounding me. I just don't want him to end up the same like me. I don't want that for anyone.

As soon as we reached, I saw Stephan, Henry, James, other security guys.
"Dad!", Eric attracted the attention towards us. And as soon as they saw him, they took a breath of relief. But then their eyes landed on me. And I had to look away to not witness the shock in them.

We approached them, me behind Eric, "Dad! Where's she??"

James looked at me dazed. God! I was an attention seeker but I hated this type of attention.

"Dad??", He shook him.

"Yea...yeah...Erica....she's fine. Jessica is with her. Change your clothes into sterilised ones and go inside."

He nodded, and was about to go in, when he suddenly stopped, "Where's Olive?", his eyes searched here and there.

"Don't worry. He's with Hope. He was frantic without Erica."

He sighed, "Let me go and meet him once."

"He's in the waiting room...", And with that Eric went in another direction. I looked at him as he went to see his 'Olive'.

He seems to be caring of him more than Erica...

I didn't realize when the familiar arms of James came around me, "Oh David! Where were you!?"

A lump formed in my throat, "J_James!"

"I am so glad you came. We all missed you so much my child!"

I hugged him back. I may not have had a father since I was two, but James never made me feel that. He was more of a father to me, than anyone could ever be.

"Are you alright David? I always got reports of your work but you never contacted. Where was your phone? Nonna was so worried for you."

I moved out of the hug, "Nonna?"

"She's bed ridden child. But there's not a single day she'd not mention your name. I am so glad you came."

"Bed...ri...", I couldn't complete as my eyes fell on Hope who came out followed by Eric, who had a white thing, resting on his shoulder, and he petted it as gently as I have never seen him do.

It was hard to think of Eric being this gentle.

Soon I see the white thing, or the towel covered baby, lifting it's head that was hidden behind the towel.

"Papa!", My heart skipped a beat as I heard him say that in a small voice.

My eyes fixed on him. I couldn't see his face, or anything at all. But his movements definitely caught my eyes.

Eric smiled at him. A very rare smile. The one that was reserved for his loved ones only.

"Olive! Mumma is gone to bring our baby...okay? And Papa has to help her."

The head of the baby bobbed up and down.

Eric smiled back, "So...let Papa go... and you be with Hope for the time being...okay? Mumma and Papa will bring you a baby. Fine?"

He bobbed his head again and then forwarded his arms to Hope. At that moment, I got a glimpse of those small palm, curled into a fist.

Hope cooed him a little, and I heard him giggling. Something in me felt at peace. As if the year long misery and suddenly someone cured it. It was much that I had to look away.

"C'mon Oliver! Let's go and get some milk for you..."

I heard Hope's voice and then suddenly she was in front of me.

Her face showed shock as she looked at me. Something about that amused me. She was always the silent and non-expressive one. It was pretty difficult to take her off guard. But I think I managed today without trying.

"Hi Hopeless!"

I could see something strange in her eyes. It was as if she didn't expect me here, or may be more than that.


"Ofcourse! Can't recognise me?", I joked.

But the one in her arms held her cheek, and made her look at him, breaking our eye contact.

"Leggoo!", He whined.

Such an attention seeker!

She nodded.

"Hope! He doesn't want to see Oliver. So don't try that.", My head snapped at Eric who was looking at us.

He had an unreadable expression in his eyes, but a scowl was permanently plastered on his face.

"But Eric..", Hope tried to say something only to be interrupted.

"...he said that himself Hope. He doesn't want to see Oliver. Make sure you hide him properly.  We wouldn't want David running away again no?!? Atleast till Erica is satisfied that her brother came."

They had some conversation through their eyes and then Hope left.

I looked at Eric who was glaring at me.

Now, he'd make me hate my existence. I am pretty sure of that.

James looked at us puzzled, and I only shook my head not wanting to explain. Probably the man, who should have been happiest is passing me all sort of glares is hard to digest.

"Congratulations Mr. James. Your grand daughter is doing well.", The doctor came out and told us, making everyone sigh in relief and happiness.

"You can see them in half an hour."

Everyone was busy congratulating each other while my mind only had one concern.

"Doctor what about Erica??"

The doctor looked at me and smiled, "She's fine."

I ignored his assurance and went towards the labour room. Men other than doctors or husband are not allowed here. But I don't care if I'd be damned to break these shitty rules.

"I want to see her."

"You can see them in half an hour sir.."

No one understood what I was feeling. I felt as if my heart was beating that profusely all over again. And it was merciless in its attempt to break the wall of indifference I have created throughout the year.

"No no!", I shook my head and walk past him.

"David!", "Mr. Wellington!", I hear them, but right now, all I wanted was to see her. And all I did not want was to lose another dear person to me. Specially the only person who is the last gift of my father.

I opened the door before me without any second thoughts and my eyes fell on the group of nurses who were surrounding her.

If that could only help.

No way, I'd have any sanity left in me now.

"Erica!", My voice attracted everyone's attention and they turned to see me.

"What are you doing here Mister?"

"Is he the husband?"

"No the husband is already there.", And they turned to look the other side where I saw Eric sitting with a white thing in his hands.

My mind immediately shifted to another picture of the past. Not an year ago, but almost twenty five years old. A picture of Eric, a four years old boy, when he held his sister for the first time, looking in fascination on how beautiful the creation of this world can be.

At that moment, I could see the happiness that I haven't seen in years. Not after he held his sister's corpse.

That tight hold had so much protection.

"Please Sir! Leave the room. You are not allowed to enter without sterile outfit.", I heard someone and that had me concerned on the original thing. Erica.

"Erica..I want to see my sister.", I mumbled and went forward paying no heed to their warning. At this time, nothing mattered to me more than her welfare.

"David?", I heard Eric but by then an unconscious Erica was already in my line of vision.

Her hair stuck to her sweaty forehead and eyes closed, as if surrendered had me shuddering in dread.

"Erica! Erica!! Hey!!", I went to hold her.

"David?? What are you..."

"Oh god! Erica!! You can't die on me!", I said exasperated, "Not you please!"


I look at him, "Shut up Eric! Why the fuck is she not responding??"

"Erica!!", I patted her cheeks.

My heart fell in my mouth at her unresponsiveness.

"Sir!", I felt a nurse come beside me, "You'll have to leave or we are calling security."

"Eri?? Little one?? Please!"

I was in daze. My body was not in my control. And heart was definitely somewhere out there.

"Dav..", I felt him come beside me, "She's f..."

"No damnit! Why the fuck is she not waking up?", By now, my eyes had actually teared, and I didn't realize I had them till a drop fell on her face, that I was hovering upon.

I felt him grab my face, "Hey! Look here! David!"

I shook my head refusing to believe this.


My eyes snapped open as I heard that weak and hoarse voice.

I looked at her, only to find her eyes half open staring back at me.

"Oh my god! Erica??"

Soon her lips curled into a lazy smile, "You came."

I nodded furiously, "I did god damnit! But please don't die on me.", I said as I held her face.

She looked at me confused but shook her head chuckling, "I ain't dying unless I see your hair go grey."

It was at that moment that I felt life breath back in me. Her words sounded like a promise.
And I knew Erica wouldn't break a promise with me.

"You sure?"

"Cent percent!"

She spread her arm a little and I leaned down to hug her.
"Sir..", that annoying nurse again said.

"Don't worry sister. He's my brother. I am the safest here.", I heard Erica say and that finally quietened the bitches.

When I moved back, I saw her eyes shining with unshed tears, "Did you see your godchild?"


She rolled her eyes, "Means you are still dumb. Okay...I am talking about my daughter. Evelyn."

I turned to see Eric looking at us with an unreadable expression, whereas a nurse behind him was holding the baby.

On Erica's signal, she came forward and asked me to take the baby.

I was hesitant. This will be the second time I hold a baby. And the first time I did that, I still haven't felt the guts to become the father of that child, which I biologically was. Now they want to be their child's godfather.

How do they expect a man who abandoned his own child to take care of theirs?

When the baby was finally in my arms, I again felt that familiar same thing, that I feel while holding that onesie.

"She's beautiful.", I breathed.

She moved a little that had me startled. Last time, he was sleeping. Her fists moved slowly while her legs kicked under the cloth that covered her.

"She's a notorious little shit!"

"Don't cuss David!", "Yeah! Like you bastard!", I hear the two replies coming but little do I care.

"You have shitty parents baby. And the coolest godfather to ever exist in this world!", I commented and that had her fist coming up to my jaw.

I smirked, "She agreed."

"Eric will stay in the hospital and Oliver is already with Hope. Jessica will accompany her to take care care of him. Stephan you take Jessica to Hope's penthouse and take care of the girls. And Henry and other men would stay with Eric here.", I chuckled at how James gave instructions. The man left business years ago but his bossy attitude is still alive.

"And you knucklehead David are coming with me to my mansion. Your room is already prepared, and Nonna is dying to see you."

I shook my head, " James...I'd come to see Nonna. I'll stay somewhere on my own."

I didn't want to burden myself. Because now, I actually feel like a burden. They all love me so much, and I have only been taking them for granted. I don't think I deserve how much they support me and love me. Even my tantrums.

I felt eyes boring on me to see so many pair glaring.

"Geez! Don't kill me with your nasty eyes."

Everyone looked away amused except Eric, who has been silent all the while. I don't know what is going on in his mind. But I somewhere know he's not as calm inside as he looks outside.

"No arguments. David choose between my mansion or Eric's penthouse."

Okay! Eric's penthouse wasn't even an option. Though he has been silent I know a volcano is brewing inside, the one whose crater faces me. I don't want to be at the recieving end of his wrath. The blood from his punch earlier was cleaned by Lilly, who was trying to seduce me while cleaning my wound.

Someone tell the bitch, that men stop thinking via dick when they have a shitty pain to deal with.

"Your mansion.", I mumbled and heard a chuckle behind me.

Erica was holding back her laughter. She has probably sensed the tension between me and Eric, and well even asked about what's wrong. I was about to tell her, when he interrupted saying 'some reunion shit'.

'We are still overwhelmed of each other's presence.'- like seriously!? A excuse he should shove in his ass!

"Okay then...let's go everyone. Eric everyone's here...but call us if you need anything. By tomorrow, we'll hire a nurse and Erica will be shifted back to your home."

"C'mon David! I won't let you leave my sight..", I heard James say and smiled to myself.

I think it's time to pick up from where I left.

But I have an idea, this isn't going to be easy on me. Not at all.

Heart has it's own ways to play. But it always plays against us.

H O P E   R I C C I

"...So for four months, we won't schedule any concerts."

"But ma'am the situation's a well known festival..."

"Uh uh..I understand it's a huge festival, but she has given birth to a kid just yesterday. And she needs to recover. On top of that, it is her husband who decides about her tour schedule and he would never compromise with her health.", I explained.

Eric would have my head if I schedule something. He already said no work for four to five months.

We found Erica's pregnancy on one tour only. And she was pretty ill before that. After we returned to Italy, Eric made sure he manages all her work.

The most Erica has done these months is recordings from her home.

Eric was a dominating husband but he cared for her immensely, the reason Erica never complained.

"Hope...child have some breakfast..", I heard Jessica as I came downstairs.

"Oh Jessica! Why are you doing this? My maid must be coming...", I said shocked that she's cooking here.

She chuckled, "I bet I cook better than her."

I nodded, "You do. I just didn't want you to work here."

She sighed and placed a plate before me, and served hers too, "Where's Oliver?"

"He has been awake till late night. And then later fell asleep when I laid him on my chest."

She nodded, "Eric has spoilt him alot. He can't sleep without hundred stories, a lot of cooing and then without cuddling."

I chuckled, "Now he has two to manage. He'd soon be bald with all this pampering."

Jessica shook her head, "Now David is here. He'll soon share the responsibility. The kid looks so thin and lean. Everything has taken a toll on him...."

To that, my thoughts already drifted to last night, when I saw him after an year. I mean how can a man manage to evoke the same intensity of feelings in me, everytime I see him. I have tried so much to look my partner in another men, only to end up comparing them with him.

He is not perfect. Not at all. But my heart isn't ready to accept any perfection that doesn't come from David.

And not to forget, while the father has called me 'Hopeless' whole my life, his son calls me 'Hoe'. Not that I am offended by any of the two. It only makes me feel giddy. The level of insanity I have when it comes to them.

  - if only my obsession for the father was not enough.-

"Erica will be back today?"

She nodded, "James called me. But Eric wants Oliver with him. So once we drop him at the hospital, we'd go prepare for her welcome."

Eric was very protective over Oliver. I don't know how he agreed to survive a night without him.

I hear a cackle in the baby monitor and leave as fast as I could for my bedroom.

Let's say Oliver is very notorious and would end up jumping off the bed, if he doesn't find anyone around.

"Hope? I want to talk to you..."

He said and I nodded leaving the ward behind him. No one noticed because Jessica and Erica were busy with the kids.

"What happened?"

He looked a bit conflicted, "Hope...since David is here...I'd say that Oliver must be kept away from him."

My eyes widened at that. Why would we do that?

"But why Eric??"

He looked at me for a brief second and then sighed, "Because... because he doesn't want to see Oliver."

I shook my head confused, "Doesn't want to? No no Eric! He's just overwhelmed. You saw how he got worried for Erica.. He's just trying to grasp everything."

He chuckled unamused, "If only you would have heard his exact words Hope."

"What words?"

He looked away, "I wouldn't make you hate him Hope. I know how much you love Oliver. And the way I am seething inside.."

"What did he say Eric?"

And after much persuasion he ended up telling me all that happened before I called him.

"You punched him?", I uttered shocked.

He rolled his eyes, "I bet that was all you heard Hope. You are as whipped as you were years ago."

I looked away before giving him the clue of my already red face. And then the reality got settled in.

"He's...this is wrong."

He nodded, "I know. He must not hate his child. I hate to put Olive in such a situation."

It was difficult to hear him. David cannot be that cruel now? Can he?

"Eric...he has not seen Oliver... and that is why he can act so ignorant about it. Once he sees him, I am sure it'd melt him."

He frowned, "I don't want him to melt. Okay? Oliver is not a charity case! I can bring the world for him. But I ain't letting David have him and then break his heart when he thinks it was his birth that took Venus away."

I wanted to defend David but I had no words. Eric has been the first hand receiver of his actions. And probably the one who is most concerned about him. But right now I can sense anger.

"But Oliver is his child Eric. You will have to give him up one day.", The second part of the sentence made him internally wince. I could see his face scrunching in distaste. And I felt sorry for that.

"I can't just give up Olive. I have given him all the love I could Hope. Also, it would have been easier if I was sure he'd receive the same love from David. And for god sake, David is messed up right now."

We both fell silent after that.

"Why don't you make him earn Oliver?", We heard the third voice and head snapped to see Stefan standing there, looking at us in a thoughtful way.

"How does that solve the situation Stefan? He doesn't even want him.", Eric questioned.

He came and took a place beside us, "It will. Don't be easy on him. I know he suffered alot, but he needs to know life doesn't end there. And there's no doubt that anyone can not love Potato!"

'Potato' was his pet name for Oliver.

"I know...but I'd definitely become the villain there.", Eric chuckled.

I looked at him amused, "When were you not one Eric? This time it is for Oliver."

He looked straight for few moments, probably contemplating what to do. He may not show it now but there is definitely a huge amount of concern in him for David. One of the reason why he had men tracking every movement of him round the clock and world.

"I didn't know I'll have to make David suffer like this, but anything for Oliver."

I could see wheels turning in his head. Eric can be very intelligent and very dumb, both at the same time. The more I have seen of him in recent years, the more my belief has gotten strong. He'd fret over the simplest of things and remain cool as cucumber in such a situation.

"Would you tell me what you are going to do?", I was eager to know. It was Eric we are talking about and man can do anything.

He looked at me with narrowed eyes and then smirked, "No Hope!"

"In fact you should forget I ever had a conversation with you..."

Oh no...I don't get good vibes here.


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