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"No No! She's married and with two kids."

She scrolled further, "This Felicity? Who's she?"

He chuckled, "Felicity is my hotel manager in Australia and she's in her later fifties."

She nodded and scrolled further, "Gianna, Garry, Gabriella?"

"No no no Erica! They are our aunts! Papa's side."

She chuckled, "Well, I haven't met them to know them."

"It is good you haven't met them. There is no need."

Erica and David were sitting in his room, searching a potential bride for him, and the first idea Erica came up with was to go through his contact list.


He shook his head, "That girl is too stuck up in her ass. And well she ran behind Eric in the college so you..."

"Cancelled cancelled!!", She yelled before he could say anything more, and that made him laugh.


"That's my maid Erica!!"

"Hope?", As the name flew out of her mouth, both siblings looked at each other horrified for a second before they burst out laughing.

Erica giggled, "Hope will have my head for even thinking of the possibility."

"She's hot though!", He commented cockily.

"Oh! C'mon David! Don't even think!"

He chuckled, "Are you getting possessive over your female friend Erica?"

"No! Let's look for many useless girls on your phone."

He rolled his eyes, "Well I didn't know I'd have to marry again for that little shit."

"He has a name David!!"

He looked at her and narrowed his eyes, "Even I do!! Why does he call me Dickaayyy!"

"You are thirty plus, and he's not even three for god sake!"

"Oh Erica! Age is just a fucking number."


Lily, his PA was asked to organize an interview in the name of an assistant, but nothing worked.

"You know you can't find a life partner by interviewing random women!", Erica commented tired from the whole ordeal.

"What do you expect me to do then? Court them? We don't have time for that, and I don't have energy for that."

"Think of something else then.", Just then the door to the conference room burst open, revealing a very handsome looking Eric, who was holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Erica! You didn't inform me you'll be here? Anthony just now told me."

Erica looked at him uncomfortably, " was a sudden plan...David was holding an interview..."

"Oh! So I heard! Did you find an "assistant" Mr. Wellington?", He taunted.

He knew David better than anyone on Earth, and he was aware David's brain will cook this exact recipe.

He recalled the days from their teenage when David was so irritated at the fact that his best friend will not get married because he can't court women to save his life. He used to propose the idea of holding an interview for a wife.

'You are a curse to the society of men!', were his exact words.

That made Eric smile. David never knew his best friend would marry his own sister.

David scoffed, "Just because we are business partners, I don't appreciate you meddling with my personal business Mr. Ass-ton."

This made Eric roll his eyes, "Well, my personal wife is engaged in the work which you think is personal to you. So please piss off. Erica! Have this coffee.."

He came forward and handed her the coffee.

"I have an idea for your brother.", He looked at Erica, "He should organise one night stands. That way he'd find the most sui..."

"You can be so irritating when you want to be Eric!", Erica chided, while David was ready to hit him any moment.

He looked at the duo, acting perplexed. This was fun. And he felt like a king when he vexed up both siblings.

Chuckling to himself, he left the room, "Meet me before you leave love!"


Eric has never been the person who would wait at the airport for someone. Except when Erica came back from her musical tours. He just regarded this action as too intimate. Before Erica, he never told anybody about his whereabouts so no one ever got the opportunity to do this for him, and to be honest, he never desired so much attention from anybody.

It was his private jet's runway, and pilot has caused them to be late by ten minutes.

He recieved a text and looked down at his phone to see a text from his dear wife.

"Where are you?"

He never lies to Erica, but lately he is doing everything that he never did.

"A meeting.", He kept it brief and short, his lips pursed in distaste.

"Well, come back fast. The dinner is ready. And it's your turn for diaper duty."

He chuckled reading the text, "I'll be there in an hour."

If something Erica hated about kids, it was changing the diapers, so Eric without much complaints had to be her saviour.

Just then, he was informed the jet has landed.

He walked to where his guests were, not before signalling the bodyguards to stay back. They were anything but danger.

As soon as my eyes fell on the couple, he felt elated, while his inner demon patted his back for this.

"Hi Edward and Hailey!", He called our which made me have their attention.

Hailey, Hope's mother came forward and hugged me, "How are you doing Eric?"

"I am good! I hope the journey was just fine."

Edward smiled, "It was a wonderful journey Eric. Thankyou for making all these arrangements. Your staff is really efficient."

"I am glad. Should we go and shock everybody? Hope and Harry are in my mansion for a celebratory dinner."

They were overwhelmed hearing that, "Why not? Let's face the two secret keepers together."

Harry, much to his misfortune had brought his girl too, as Henry informed him.

This is going to be so much fun!!


Some things conspire themselves. You or I have no control. What do we call that? Fate? Or a vicious plan of circumstances to bring you on your knees.


"O'cmon Erica! I am no more a kid..", I said exasperated.

She chuckled setting up the table, "You are a kid till you don't have any of your own. And well, birthdays are fun. Why do you not like them?"

What can I tell her? Why do I not like or celebrate my birthday?

  - Because it was this day, years ago, when my heart broke. And bile rises inside me everytime I think of that day, and what I went through.

"Hey girls!", David's voice broke my chain of thoughts, "Harry's here and he's with this extremely hot girl.."

Something twitched in my heart at that and I felt pathetic that this still affects me after all these years.

Erica scoffed, "Control David! Harry has already asked that girl out, and they are probably going to be engaged soon."

"Ah shit it hurts!", He held the place near his heart mockingly.

As much as I wanted to feel good about this being a joke, it wasn't so to my heart.

I walked away from them, and looked for Harry.

When I found him talking to James, and Cia looking around, I just couldn't stop myself.

There was always this comfort that my brother gave me. And I loved every bit of it.

"Harry!", I called out and then went forward and hugged the life out of him.

He laughed, "What in the world Hope! You are gaining pounds!"

I chuckled, "I just missed you.", and looked up at him.

"We just met last week. Didn't we!?"

I nodded, and to that he forced me to look up, "Everything good?"

That is what I am talking about. This guy can read my vibes.

I nodded, "All good.", and went to greet Cia.

All of us were having conversations, when we heard the cars screech outside the mansion.

"It must be Eric!"

I heard David sigh, "Oh lord have mercy!"

Soon enough, Eric enters the premises but he is not alone.


In enter, not only Eric, but my mom hands in hands with Edward.

"Holy Fuck!", I hear Harry exclaim beside me, and well I had the same reaction.

"Hailey! Edward!", Erica exclaimed and went forward to hug my mother and father, "'s been so long!"

"God bless you child!", My mother kissed Erica's head, "...and congratulations you've become a mother again..."

Soon enough, everyone was greeting them leaving behind me, Harry, an uncomfortable looking Cia and a very amused David, whose subject of amusement was me.

I shook my head off the shock, and went forward to my mother, "Mom!"

"Oh! Look finally my daughter recognised me."

To that everyone laughed and I felt embarrassed. I hugged her and immediately her embrace calmed me.

"Ed!", I smiled at my stepdad and hugged him with love.

Probably, looking at me instilled some sense in Harry so he repeated my actions.

Now as my parents' attention shifted behind us, I saw a very ecstatic looking David greet my mother, "Hey Hailey! You are still hot as ever.."

My mother chuckled but shook her head, "You shouldn't compliment me anymore..."

My eyes widened at her innuendo while everyone else looked puzzled. I knew exactly what is going on in her mind.

"And do you mind introducing us with the lady here, Harold?", Edward said to Harry pointing at Cia.

Harry nodded uncomfortable, "Uhm...Mom and Ed, she is Lucia, my date for the night."

I glared at him. He should have admitted she's his girlfriend. It was an opportunity.

"Just a date?",! She is making it more awkward.

"Mom...", Before Harry could say something, Cia came forward and greeted both of them with a gentle smile, "Hello Sir! Hello Ma'am!"

"Oh cut the courtesy kid! I am Hailey...your boyfriend's mother, and this is Edward or as we call him Ed, my husband."

I tried to suppress my laughter as Harry's face paled. Everyone mirrored my reaction.

Later, everyone sat around the dining table, " was a surprise visit?"

Mom nodded, "Well you both were not going to invite us...but thankfully this kid Er...."

Just then, Eric started coughing furiously and Jess rubbed his back. When he recovered, he found everyone looking at him.

"Well, I am glad Hailey and Edward decided to join us. It is Hope's birthday after all, and it is only good she has everyone she loves around."

It was good actually. To have mom and Ed here too. I have not celebrated many birthday with them, not that I celebrate anyways.

When the clock struck twelve, everyone wished me birthday and I cut the cake. I fed it to Erica, the one who arranged it. The friend that I have found in her in the last few years has been the best part of my life, and sometimes I feel I can't ask for more. I don't need to.

I walked to the washroom to wash my hand, and when I came out, I got startled by David as he was leaning on the wall, just opposite to the washroom.

"Happy birthday Hopeless!"

I had no time to say thank you as I went forward and held his hand which was neatly folded in arrogance, causing his biceps to bulge a little more, so much that his shirt seemed a little too fit.

I stopped myself from getting distracted, "What do we do now David? My parents are here. They...they think I am in relationship with's so messed up!"

He looked at me, that mischievous glint swimming in those obsedion orbs. He held his heart, "What is so messed up about being in relationship with me? Am I too bad Hopeless?"

I rolled my eyes, "Stop your drama...drama queen. We have a serious problem here."

"Nothing is serious. They ask us. We tell them No!"

I nodded, "And then let them go to fix my marriage with Ace? Or god knows what guy.."

His eyes suddenly darkened at the mention of Ace, "He only wants to sleep with you."

I looked at him bored, "And that what he gets to do after marriage. Your so called protection is going to give me good this time."

"Oh c'mon Hope! Someone had to show that guy his true place."

"But what now??", I whisper yelled.

"I'd rather be....", The conversation is interrupted when I look away feeling someone's eyes on us.

As to my extreme pleasure, my mother stood at the end of the corridor, looking straight at me and David. And also something between us. When I looked at that, I saw how my hand was on David's forearm, and his was resting just above mine.

Well, to me it was an assuring hand but to my mother, shit probably went down.

Oh god! Help me!


"So Hope? Will you not say anything about what I saw there?"

I looked at her, "Mom! It was not like you saw us kissing...we were only talking like best friends do!"

We were in the car, me, Ed and mom, travelling to my penthouse.

"Ah this new trend of best friend zone!", Ed exclaimed amusedly.

"I am no kid Hope! I didn't ask anything from you or Harry before everyone, but tomorrow, I want both of you, at the dinner, with your partners! Or it won't be good."


"No buts! Inform Harry for me."




"Did you talk to Hope today?", I asked Erica coming down for breakfast.

She shook her head, "She must be busy...she didn't call."

I looked at my little shit, who sat on his high chair, and took a seat next to him.

He looked at me, and gave a toothy smile, "Dickaayyy!"

"Oli!!", Erica exclaimed like she always does but this chipmunk here only smiled wide.

"Did you talk to Hope?", I ask him in a baby voice.

I swear he heard nothing but Hope, for his eyes gleamed with excitement, "Hoe!!!"

"Yeah! Jerk!", I whispered as Erica came back from the kitchen, with a small tray containing his baby food.

"I'll go check on her after breakfast. I am anyways free after this."

I was concerned for her, because after our encounter with her mother yesterday, her mother was giving her sneaky looks till they left.

I assured her that it will be fine but I also knew that this is a little complicated, and I must clear this. My only concern is that they may go back to letting that bastard Ace pursue her, if they come to know there is nothing between me and her.

"David? Is something wrong? With Hope?"

I shook my head, "Nothing major! But still I don't have much work today...and I am no more friends with your husband... I'd rather go irritate Hope."

That was the only explanation I came up with.

"Why don't you take Oliver? He'll be pleased to see Hope. Plus, you will get to know how to handle a kid while traveling."

Ofcourse, I will take Oliver. I love to hold his small frame close to mine.

He's tiny, yet it feels like I am holding my earth in my arms.

It took Erica no time to get him ready, and a bag was prepared that contained his important stuff that included diapers, pacifier, a bottle of milk, a bottle of water, extra pant, extra shirt, a small blanket and what not!

"God! I don't carry that much stuff even on a business trip!"

She rolled her eyes, "He's a baby. He may need anything anytime."

If that was any less, he was also given small goggles which he wore like he was some fucking king.

I fetched my goggles and wore them, exclusively imported from Argentina. I must look like his dad, and not his poverty stricken babysitter. I am the one making money here.

A driver was asked to take us to Hope's because I was not sure how to drive with Oli in my hands.

So we spent the journey with me trying to teach him how to not call me a dickhead!


When I rang the bell, the one in my arms was going berserk.

This is not just a crush. This is full on lusting over a woman multiple times his age. I am sure I was an 'adventurous' kid, but this is way beyond.

As the door opened, I came face to face with Hailey.

"Hey David! Oh my my this little gentleman!", She cooed my son, only for him to frown upon her.

Guess who is disappointed!

I chuckled softly at his face, when Hailey ushered us in.

As soon as we got in, the desperate bastard in my hands called out, "Hoeee!!!"

Hailey chuckled, "She's in shower. She'll be here...why don't you, the little gentleman sit and wait?"

The so called 'little gentleman' only grumbled, resembling Eric, but when I made him sit on the sofa, he looked towards the stairs searching for Hope.

I sat across Hailey, and asked her if she was fine.

The conversation was more or less trivial as I kept eyes on Oliver.

She smilingly looked at me, "I am so glad you are here David. I couldn't talk to you much yesterday because I didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable."

Uh uh...I think I know where this is going. One of the reasons why I wanted to come here. To clear the misunderstanding

She is literally serious about me and Hope.

I decided it should end here only. Before it gets worse.

" was all just a small mistake...and most probably a..."

She shook her head, "No No No son! Hear me out, me or Edward or even Harry do not have any problem. I know Hope is a little reluctant in accepting it all. But you don't have to deny it."

I smiled tight lipped, "I am not denying anything. This is all just a misunderstanding on..."

"Yeah! We apologise for almost creating a misunderstanding between you two.", I saw Edward approaching, "We did not know there is something between the two of you. We would have never forced her to go out with Ace."

"Yeah! And since it is you...her best friend...I know her heart is safest with you.", Hailey smiled.

These two are not letting me say the real thing. And even if I start enjoying this for fun, I know Hope wouldn't like it.

"Hailey....", I sighed, "Hear me ou..."

But she seemed lost in her own world, "When years ago, she suddenly shifted back to Georgia..."

That perked my interest suddenly.

"...she was heartbroken but god knows for what. She did not tell anything to me or Edward. Once Harry came back for his winter break, we heard them talking about a guy. We never asked her anything, but for a fact we were aware she has chosen a love less life for a guy. And if she finally likes something in you, no one can be more glad that us. You probably know what happened back then no!?"

I was stunned would be an understatement. A guy? Who was it? And how come I don't know about this.

"Uhm...Hailey...", I don't know if I could tell them that I don't know shit, but I tried to calm myself and not jump at the new information, "...I understand your concern for her."

I didn't know what more to say. I was taken aback already.

"She was completely disheveled, and we couldn't do anything. I think she learnt to live with whatever it was, but she has never dated a guy for more than a month or two. The excuse was, it just didn't click. But we could see her frustration behind it."

I contemplated at what they told me, before we heard footsteps and then Hope descended down the stairs, with a towel in her hand, her red hairs semi dried. And for once, I couldn't look away.

I didn't know if the view was actually enticing or my mind was trying to connect the newfound story with her.


"Hoee!!", And her eyes suddenly drifted from me to that little attention seeker, who seemed like he would jump off the couch.


As I tried processing everything around me, I saw Hope with Oliver, feeding him a fruit pudding, and that sneaky bitch was definitely loving the experience of sitting on a woman's lap, and being fed by her.

Those dimples crowning his small cheeks, for whom I can file a copyright for, were permanent as he sat with Hope and narrated her god knows what bullshit.

"So David? How come you are here early in the morning?", She asked to me after few moments.

I raised an eyebrow, "Why? I have to seek your permission to visit my friend's house?"

Her eyes gleamed with mirth, "No! You don't. But I don't think you will come out of the blue, when you have so much stuff to handle yourself."

I sighed and leaned forward, "I was concerned. For you."

She seemed shock for a second, as if she didn't expect this.

"Why concerned?"

"I didn't want you to explain things to your parents alone, when I was the one who caused the mess."

"You didn't cause anything. Plus, these are my parents who are over-excited about me being in a relationship.", She fed Oliver a spoon, "...and the idea of the guy being you is simply overwhelming for them. The fact that you are a trusted friend. Centuries old.",and that was accompanied by a chuckle.

"Why? What is unbelievable for you about being in a relationship with me?"

She looked taken aback from my sentence, the spoon on the way to Oliver's mouth halting in the middle.

She looked at me as if I was one demon from outside the world. But I only wanted her to utter the name of 'the guy' who hurt her this much. Friend or not, I have always felt this sense of protection towards her. From the first time we saved her from a bully. And I am really disappointed in myself, that while she was going through something, I was probably enjoying my life. The word friend holds a huge meaning for me, and I didn't justify it with her.

Her mouth opened and closed several times, before Oliver's voice interrupted, "Hoe!!", and he pointed to his opened mouth.

She was probably glad for his intervention, but I wanted answers.

"Answer Hope!"

She looked at me and then chuckled shaking her head, "You talk absurdity David. End it here."

I leaned back on my chair and folded my hands glancing at the two.

"I tried explaining your parents but they wouldn't listen to me. They are greatly concerned for you."

She sighed, "I know.."

"But what bothers them so much? I mean every girl eventually finds a man? What is it about you?"

Her eyes cast down for a moment before lifting up at me, "They are parents...I or you wouldn't understand that."

"I do. I have a son. However brief our relationship is now, I still care for him like he's my one body part."

She nodded, "Yeah yo.."

"And you do too! I have seen you with Eve, and I am currently seeing you with my own son. If I didn't knew better, I'd think you are his mother!"

Before she could reply, we heard Hailey chime, "Ofcourse! That's what I love about this. See little Oli's hair, and then Hope's. Red-brown. They do look like a mother-son duo."

I looked at them and smiled wide, "His grandmother had reddish brown hair. Venus' mother."

"Oh wonderful! I just can't get enough of this handsome guy!"

The 'handsome' guy, on the other hand scowled as Hailey pinched his cheek. I would love to see his reaction if the woman he has a crush on actually becomes his mother.

Heck! He'd be son-zoned.

And that made me chuckle to myself.


I excused myself when I recieved a call from Jefferson.

"Yes Jefferson! If you don't remember, it is Saturday today."

I hear him snort, "I do remember David. But this is important. I have shortlisted some prominent single businesswoman for you. I mean since they have an established business, they wouldn't care about your money. And you'd be saved of gold diggers."

"And what about mothering Oliver? That is my major concern Jefferson. Not the money. I can marry a female donkey if she promises to love and take care of Oliver. I don't want a wife for me."

He sighed, "But what if the donkey turns out to be some hot G-string Victoria secret model! Wouldn't you want to get dirty?"

I rolled my eyes, "Get back to work."

"Well come and go through this list, and bring your sister if you can. Although I know she'd reject everyone."

I turned to look at Oliver being put to sleep by Hope, "I'll be there in thirty minutes."

When I informed Hope, she offered to babysit Oliver for me, and even Erica suggested we do that. Apparently she had nothing on her list today.


"This woman is so ill mannered. I saw her in a party! A waiter mistakingly dropped a glass of wine on her dress, and she humiliated him so badly. Never. Never.", Erica pushed away the portfolio as soon as she saw the pictures.

Though I will not deny the girl was hot. Hot as in the type I prefer. Big booty, long legs, perfect curves! Ah!

Jefferson looked at me, and I nodded, telling him I agree with what Erica says.

He pouts in disappointment, "Mrs.Ashton! There was a day when I believed working with your husband is hard. You break all my ideas."

She rolled her eyes, "You have prepared a horrible list sir!"

"I have more for god sake! But these are some really low profile women, so I couldn't gather much information!"

She shook her head, "No me still."

He handed her two or three portfolios, "Aubrey Jenkins?"

She clicked her tongue, "She's in a relationship. I met her in a private event."

I leaned back already tired of this finding-bride-bullshit.

Erica on the other hand, was staring at a portfolio with her eyes bulged.

"What Erica? Did you see another obnoxious lady with her head in her ass!?!"

She looked at me, and stared strangely, "Here have this!"

My eyes landed on the picture at the cover of the portfolio, and I didn't know if I should laugh or cry. The beautiful fair lady, brown eyed with her red hairs were staring back at me.

Jefferson chuckled, "You both look impressed if I deduced right. This is Hope Ricci! The most secretive yet one of the bests out there."

Only god knows why all my searches were ending on only one person.

It was like walking in a garden full of marigolds searching a rose. And someone was again and again pointing at it. I only didn't know if I was allowed to pluck this one.


Hope you liked it!

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