Escape, part one

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A/N: hey guys I'm still alive

to make up for the literal month between updates, the next few chapters will be fast paced and action packed so get ready ;)

K a l a r 's  S t a r  D e s t r o y e r

Vyi quickly lost Jai in the maze of hallways. Now there really was no turning back. He pulled up a mental map of Imperial Star Destroyers in his head as he ran for the bridge.

He dodged stormtrooper patrols along the way, finally reaching his destination. Quietly, he slowed as he approached the doors. Inside would be massive amounts of Imperials. How was he going to do this?

He quickly checked his belt pouches. He had a few charges, courtesy of Sabine, but he didn't have any weapons besides that. Think fast. Trust your instincts

Vyi scrambled to move. He stepped into the bridge and looked around inside. All the technicians were busy at their stations, nobody was paying him any mind. After all, he was wearing an Imperial uniform just like them. 

Before anybody could notice he was out of place, he set a charge on the floor. He quickly walked forward and hit the detonator. Instantly an explosion rang out, knocking him and several nearby technicians off their feet. An alarm sounded and chaos ensued.

"Hull breach!" he screamed above the ruckus. The technicians, in their wild panic, believed it and hurried to escape the room. Vyi dashed forward and detonated another charge nearby, causing more panic.

As soon as the terrified technicians cleared out, he sealed the doors shut. Now it was just him in the bridge. Pounding sounded on the door; someone evidently realized they had been tricked.

"Open up!" a voice shouted. Vyi ignored it and focused on is work. He had never flown a Star Destroyer before, but it couldn't be that hard, right?

He angled it towards the nearby prison and took a deep breath. "Three minutes," he said into his comm, before hitting the thrusters.



"Three minutes," a voice said over the comm. Sabine looked down at it, then back up.

Ahsoka was working on corralling all the prisoners into the two biggest ships in the hangar. Ezra was helping, as best he could in his weakened state, directing prisoners this way and that. Jacen stood next to Sabine herself, clutching her hand.

"I don't feel good," the boy whispered.

"Shh, we'll be okay," Sabine squeezed his hand. 

"He's coming," Jacen whispered again, staring up at her.

She tightened her grip on his hand and looked over to the entrance to the hangar. They were sealed shut, she had taken care of that. But now a red Lightsaber was piercing through and beginning to cut a hole.

"Oh Force," she breathed. Then Sabine turned and yelled, "Ahsoka!" 

The Togruta looked over and saw what she was seeing. "Everybody's almost on the ships!" she shouted as she ran towards Sabine and Jacen. "Get Ezra and Jacen on one. I'll hold him off."

Sabine didn't want to leave the woman who had become her close friend during these months of searching, but she looked down at Jacen and then over at Ezra and knew she was right. They couldn't do anything against an Inquisitor.

"Come on, Jace, hurry," she tugged on his hand, quickly guiding him past other prisoners and towards where Ezra was. The Jedi was watching Ahsoka run for the hangar doors just as the circle completed and a booted foot kicked it out.

The Inquisitor stepped into the hangar bay.


"Three minutes," Vyi's voice said over Jai's comm.

He silently cursed both himself and the other boy. Now he had to choose between stopping Vyi or going after Ketsu and Tristan and getting them off safe.

After three precious seconds of debate, he chose Ketsu and Tristan. Vyi was intent on making this sacrifice and Jai knew he couldn't stop him now. Instead, he took off down the hall, intent on finding his other friends who he could save.

Problem was, he had no idea where to start looking. And as the seconds ticked down, Jai realized he himself was lost with nowhere to go.


"Three minutes," said a voice from Ketsu's comm, now in a stormtrooper's hand.

"Three minutes? What does that mean?"the trooper asked.

Tristan and Ketsu were being transported out of Kalar's office to one of the holding cells. Their hands cuffed behind their back, they were urged forward by the squadron of stormtroopers guarding them. And now, of course, Ketsu's comm just had to start spouting cryptic messages.

"Heck if I know," she spat. The trooper responded by hitting her across the face with his blaster.

"Really, what does it mean?" Tristan whispered to her as their little caravan began walking again.

"I already said I don't know," Ketsu rolled her eyes back. "But we should probably think about breaking free in the next three minutes before we find out."

"Stop talking," one of the troopers ordered. Ketsu fell quiet but her eyes darted around, trying to figure out the best way to escape.

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