White Wolf

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A/N: also Jacen is 11 in this fic because its a fanfiction and I can do whatever I want UNLIMITED POWER *cackling* but anyways I don't want to write another child I'm done with that oooof.

also we don't really know much about Lira San so I'm taking creative liberties with it!!

oh and thank you all so much for the support this fic is getting already??? like??? I cry thank you <3

Jacen Syndulla reached out a hand, not quite knowing what he was reaching for. In the distance he heard the howls of wolves, but oddly he did not feel afraid.

"Jacen!" someone was yelling.

"Jacen." a softer voice said, and he turned to see a large, white wolf staring him down.

He reached out again, his hand uncertain, and the wolf did not move. Upon making contact, a feeling shot through him and he whirled around.

He saw a man sitting in what seemed to be a cell. He saw a girl fighting someone else, but he couldn't tell who. He saw his mother's ship being fired at. He saw a different girl in a crisp uniform aiming a gun at someone he felt like he knew.

The wolf let out a solemn sound, and Jacen woke up.


L i r a  S a n ,  W i l d  S p a c e

"Hey, Uncle Zeb?" Jacen Syndulla tugged at a Lasat. 

"Sorry, kid, I'm not your uncle," the Lasat smiled apologetically.

"You all look the same to me," Jacen grumbled, earning a wider smile from the Lasat. "Sorry to bother you."

He scampered off again, his bare feet sinking into the dusty surface as he ran. All around, hundreds of Lasat were going their daily lives as the morning sun shone overhead.

"Uncle Zeeeeb!" Jacen called, springing on top of a nearby crate. Grumbling to himself, Jacen sank down on top of it and put his chin in his hands. 

Uncle Zeb hadn't been in their shared home when Jacen had woke up, and neither had Mr. Alexsandr. Lira San was so full of hustle and bustle that Jacen hadn't really known where to look.

"Jacen!" he heard a voice yell from somewhere in the crowd. Jacen's ears perked up and he lifted his head. "Syndulla! Blast, where is that kid?"

"Mr. Alexsandr," Jacen smiled to himself, recognizing the voice. He slipped off the crate and hid behind it as he saw Alexsandr Kallus emerge from the crowd.

"Have you seen my nephew?" Alexsandr asked a Lasat nearby. "He's about this tall, slightly green, clearly annoying..."

Jacen rolled his eyes and snuck up behind his Uncle's friend. The Lasat noticed him but didn't say anything.

"Sorry, can't say I have," he said apologetically.

Alexsandr looked about ten seconds away from having a full blown panic attack. "He's only a child! He could be dead!"

"Hi Alexsandr," Jacen poked him in the back. He let out a shriek and whirled around.

"There you are! What on Lasan were you thinking, going off by yourself?" Alexsandr pointed an accusing finger at him. "Lira San is a big planet! You could get kidnapped!"

"By who, a Lasat?" Jacen stuck out his tongue.

"Yes!" Alexsandr waved his hands.

"Where's Uncle Zeb?" Jacen tactically changed the subject.

"He ran out to the market to grab something for breakfast so he has no idea that you almost died if that's what you're asking," Alexsandr folded his arms.

Jacen shook his head as they began walking back to their house. "Hey, Alexsandr?"

"Yes?" he answered, looking down at Jacen.

"Have you ever seen a wolf?" Jacen shoved his hands into his pockets.

"A wolf?" Alexsandr peered at him. "Not that I recall."

"Oh," Jacen said. "Has Uncle Zeb ever seen a wolf?"

"Back on Lothal, there were the Loth Wolves that helped us take back the planet," Alexsandr started. 

"Hey! You've never said anything about wolves when you tell the story," Jacen frowned up at him.

"I suppose I forgot," Alexsandr suddenly stuck out a hand as a speeder passed by. "Watch out!" he turned and yelled after it, "You should be more careful! There are children walking here!"

"You're so lame," Jacen shook his head and grinned, continuing to move forward. Alexsandr followed, on the look out for any more safety hazards.

"You're my nephew. Your safety is in my hands," Alexsandr defended.

"You're not my uncle," Jacen folded his arms. "I only have one uncle, and that's Uncle Zeb."

"Not Uncle Kallus?" Alexsandr pretended to look hurt.

"Sorry Alexsandr," Jacen grinned.

"You know, when your mother dropped you off on Lira San here with Zeb when you seven, she entrusted you to us," Alexsandr began. Jacen rolled his eyes, he had heard this story a million times. "When I first saw you, I knew instantly that I would rather die than let anything happen to you."

"Yeah, yeah," Jacen scampered ahead to escape the story. "Look, there's the house! And Uncle Zeb's back!"

"Slow down!" Alexsandr scrambled after him as Jacen ran forward and flung himself through the doorway. Maybe Uncle Zeb could answer his question.

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