Chapter 10: An Outing

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"No... Come on, it's your birthday. Humaira muttered, holding her up. I'm just so happy right now. I wish mother was here with us." Zainab breaks down into tears.

"Awwwwn.. come here." Humaira gave her a hugs Zainab as she too, felt emotional. She wiped away the tears hanging at the corner of her eyes with the tip of her fingers and wore a small smile.

"It's your 16th birthday Zee, no more tears. Please, stop making me feel guilty already." She cupped Zainab's face into her hands and smiled.
She held her by her wrist and took her to sit on a chair, in front of the standing mirror.

"Let me make a simple nude makeup for you. We're going to take beautiful pictures today, See. I've called the photographer and the event planner has already arranged everything."

"But it's just a small birthday sis, what do we need an event planner for again?" Zainab asked as she sat on the couch able. Humaira wipped her face with face wipes and stated applying the makeup by drawing her eyebrows in a thin line.

"Don't worry, it's still a small party. And it's just a part of the eatery I'm renting anyways. Now that you have a phone, you can take pictures and do whatever you like." Humaira muttered after completing her makeup.

"Yes, It's beautiful." Zainab replied admiring the phone. She was scrolling thing the screen and downloading some apps already.

"Well, I have to go take my bath and Hadee get ready as well."

"Okay sis! Please don't take long." Zainab cried.

"Yeah, I won't." She smiled, finally closing the door behind her.


An Hour Later...

9:40 a.m

The girls were already ready. Humaira was wearing a while silky glowing gown that made her look more expensive than she already is. Everything was in place, even Hadee was wearing a smile with his causal outfit of stripped black and white T-shirt and black jeans trouser. His beautiful black sandal too brought out his fine, chocolate complexion as the three of them got into the car.

Zainab wanted to carry Hadee but he ran away saying "Mama! Mama!!"
Apart from the fact that, that was one out of the ten words he knew, it was also his favorite.

He could say; eat, wee wee, Yes, No, Okay, Water, Food, sorry, Leave me! and Mama. Zainab wanted to seat at the front, beside Humaira but he pushed her away.

"Come, let me carry you." He flinched and shrugged his shoulders at her.

"This your son is at it again. He doesn't do things at the right time. Imagine... Who's the celebrant?"

"Don't mind him, Zee. He's just a kid. Just seat at the back. It's an executive space anyway." Humaira suggested as they all got in and too their seats.

The eatery was somewhere in town; an executive place at maitama. So, it was an hour drive from their house. Humaira played a Maher Zain collection as she drove, it was so beautiful. On the way, Hadee kept pepping outside the window so, Humaira closed it. He was such a naughty boy but there was this gentleness in him. Listening to the music, Humaira and Zainab hummed along while Hadee moved from side to side. Humaira drove well so, they got there in no time.

The place was a reserved, GRA area. After packing at the car lot, Zainab held Hadee by his wrist but he flinched and went to his mummy.

"Come on, let's go in." Humaira said to him as they entered.

Meanwhile, someone was watching them from the corner; Alhaji Musa.

He was there, in his car watching the girls movements as they walked in.

'Wait! Am I dreaming? Isn't that Zainab and Humaira? Where have they been a these years? And I thought Firdausi completed her job! Who could that little boy be?' He thought and put on his transparent, medicated glasses to see them clearly but they entered. He wasn't sure if they were the ones if his eyes were just deceiving him.

'What happening really?' He thought and grabbed his mobile phone. He dialed Firdausi's number immediately.

Well, she's in Canada now. Living a princess life and doing drugs. Well, she kinda fine pleasure in such.

"Hello! Hello!"

'The number you dialed is currently switched off, please try again later, thank you.'

"What?!" He looked at the screen of his Android phone, timelessly.

It's no doubt, she must have deleted his number and maybe given him a wrong one in place. All she wanted to go travel out of Nigeria anyways.

Although, Alhaji Musa felt disappointed, he really wanted to know why they came to the eatery at first.

Meanwhile, everything was set when they got there. Infact, Habeebah was there as well. She'd already been waiting for them for about thirty minutes before their arrival. Immediately they arrived, the party started.

There were two beautifully baked cakes on the table, arranged with food, snacks, drinks and wine.  The room was equally well decorated with peach- brown ballons and lights. Everything was welcoming especially the in air. It was cool and fresh.  There wasn't much crowd, just the four of them. Even the eatery was a bit scanty so there wasn't many eyes watching.

They took pictures as the D.J played lovely hip-hop songs that they danced to. It wasn't too loud because of Hadee but one surprising thing was that, that day, he danced. He danced not with anyone but with his mum. She held him with happiness in her eyes. It's crystal clear that Hadee is getting better. Of course, he would get better.

Alhaji Musa wasn't feeling comfortable, he had to sneak in and peep to check what was going on. He asked one out of the security guards what they were doing and he told him the lady in white, silky gown rented the place for her sister's birthday. Surprised why he asked in the first place, the security guard asked if he knew the girls but he said no.

'It's just so amazing how fast someone could change.' He thought. 'See the poor girl of yesterday. The girl that could barely feed.'

Alhaji Musa went back into his car, thoughtful. He stayed inside for a while thinking of what to do.

'Is it possible that that boy is my son? Maybe she didn't poison her as I instructed. This wretched Firdausi girl has ruined me. She's just a fruad, just like I'd suspected. No wonder she couldn't come up with a proof but it's a good thing.' He smirked at himself. That evil smirk that he usually wears. It looked so sure as if he was thinking about something else. 'So.. I have a son.'

"I have a son! I actually have a son!!" He muttered to himself loud and clear, as a steam of excitement rose from within.

He let out an annoying laughter. Well, it suited him so much and he lived it. Infact, he felt pleasure in his kind of laughter, this kind especially. It was good news. Good news indeed. It's crazy that Alhaji Musa had always wanted a son. His wife, Engineer Almirah only bore him three daughters and all the prostitutes he has been sleeping with never got pregnant. The ones that did, got rid of it even before he knew so... This could possibly be his only son; how miraculous.

Immediately, Alhaji Musa thought about going in but... How is that even possible?

'What would I say when I go in? How would I face that little witch again. It's just so disgraceful.' He thought. The feeling would be too shameful for him to bare even though; Alhaji Musa was originally a shameless person, he just couldn't enter the premises and cause drama. He always avoids drama as much as possible so he thought of another way...

A plan.

Yes, A perfect plan.

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