Chapter 12: Tears And Fears

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He was the one that infected her with so much pain and also the virus. Scorpion was confused, he knows he must have seen the face somewhere, but he’d forgotten. He looked at her with so much fear and guilty. He just couldn’t understand why.

“I said give the boy to me!” He commanded. Mario pointed the gun at her as Hadee started crying.

For some reasons, she wanted to collect that gun and shot the both of them without thinking twice, but Zainab laid there too scared to even move. All her body was shivering as she stared into Scorpion’s eyes from his mask. It’s no surprise that he’s still into the dirty job. She just wanted him to pay. Especially now. Especially today that she felt an ounce of freedom in her life. Today she felt a lot of joy and happiness. How did he escape throughout the years... It’s been six years now, but all the memories flashed through her as if it was just a day before?

Mario pulled Hadee away from her, but the poor boy bite Mario’s hand grabbed Zainab’s body as if he knew they were bad people.

“Auuch!” Mario jerked to his sharp bite and his skin with already pierced by the boy’s sharp teeth. He could feel his bleeding through the pains.

“You naughty boy! Give him immediately else I’ll shoo__”

“You dare not try that!” She fired back. There was anger in her eyes, and a fire of hatred in her soul.

Mario was confused. What gave her the audacity?

She gazed into Scorpion’s puzzled eyes, he just watched her speechlessly. “Would you say you don’t recognize me, Mr. Scorpion? Or have you forgotten what happened six years ag__”

The next thing everyone noticed was that she was on the floor, bleeding. Mario had to hit her with a heavy log of wood just to shush her up expose... She would have exposed them than necessary.

Come here, stupid boy!" Mario dragged Hadee forcefully by his shirt and took him into the car.

“Come on Scorpion, let’s go!” Mario called at him but scorpion was lost in thought. He was staring at Zainab, how she struggled with blood pouring from her forehead. As if he’d wanted to help. He might have wanted to apologize and ask for her forgiveness. As if he wanted to say I’m out of this dirty business already... But his lips muttered to nothing. And it laced his eyes with fears and tears.

“Hadee! Please don’t take him away...” Zainab cried, but she couldn’t even see properly. As her vision turned blurry. The pain in her head felt so heavy, despite her strength to stop them, everything failed.

Just then, she heard him say... “Aunty Zainab.”

Hadee actually called her name for the first time. It brought so much excitement to her, but what was more painful was the fact that she couldn’t help him this time.

Mario threw Hadee into the back seat and locked the door. He was crying... As if he would breathe the tinted windows of the car. With do much shame, remorse and self-repulsion, Scorpion left. He entered the car while Mario zoomed off.

“Heyyyy!! God ooo!!!” the driver cried, quickly reaching for his phone. He didn’t know who to call. The other passenger contacted the police.

They helped Zainab into the car and drove her to a hospital immediately after they got to Gwagwalada for treatment. The cut was a little deep, so they had to sew her skin together else, it might lead to something even worse. Throughout, it was as if Zainab wasn’t alive, as she’d lost her breath when they look Hadee. Cold tears, hot tears. Hot, burning tears lingered down her face. She just couldn’t stop crying.

‘How would I explain these to Humaira? Would she be able to understand? Would she accept the fact that she’s lost Hadee? What if we don’t find him? Would she ever be able to forgive me?’ Zainab cried.

She just couldn’t understand what was happening exactly. That stupid murderer! He killed doctor Azeezah... As if what he’d done to me wasn’t enough. Now, he’d kidnapped Hadee.

“What did that poor boy ever do to him? Ya Allah! What did we ever do to deserve these?!” she cried.

After the treatment, the doctor prescribed her some drugs while the other passenger reported the case to the police station.

They took Zainab home safely and asked her not to worry. The police would fetch them out wherever they are.


Mario drive to their hideout. An incomplete building somewhere along lugbe extension. Alhaji Musa was already awaiting them there. He was so excited, at least, he had his son to himself now with no suspects.

“What’s wrong? Why are you looking so full?” Alhaji Musa asked immediately he saw Scorpion. He could read his expression; as clear as a book.

“Don’t mind him, Alhaji! Mario explained what happened. I indirectly saved the day. If not for me, this operation wouldn’t have been successful.... I mean, I’ve known scorpion for so long but I’ve never seen him so weak and off minded. I wonder where he knows the girl from.” He explained further.

Alhaji Musa placed his hand on Scorpion’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I would sort everything out.”

“But Alhaji, why didn’t you tell me it was the girl from the other time? Why didn’t you tell me it was Zainab?” Confusion struck in his eyes amid hidden tears.

“You didn’t ask for their names, did you? Perhaps all you have to do was to kidnap the boy? You’re a professional at this job scorpion, there’s no need crying over the split milk my dear, what I do is done. What has passed has passed. Forget about the past and move on with your life. Or... What happened six years ago?” Alhaji Musa asked. Suspicion laced in his voice.

Scorpion just couldn’t answer. He couldn’t tell him what he had done to Zainab six years ago. It’s a secret he’d kept to himself all these years. That wasn’t the first or last girl he’d slept with, but he had stopped this dirty business for a year now. And just because he was broke and out if cash, he persuaded him to do it one more time.

“I just asked you a question, Scorpion! What happened six years ago? Did you rape her?”

“Forget about that, sir. Just give me the payment.” He murmured.

Alhaji Musa rolled his eyes at him and went to bring the cash. #4,000,000,000 cash.

He handed him a black, shiny suitcase filled with #1,000 Nigerian currency. Scorpion opened the suitcase to see if it was original and completed.

“Everything there is complete, guys. So, our job here is done. Where’s the boy?” He asked.

Mario pointed to the car, and Alhaji Musa met him. He was so excited, though. To meet his own son, his own blood.

He opened the car and looked at him.

Hadee was already tired. He’d screamed and shouted with all the strength in him. It’s clear that all the ice creams he had must have digested.. it left only the stains that were dropped on his cloth for remembrance.

“Hello... What’s your name?” He asked with a fake, bright smile.

Hadee looked at him with so much fear and tears filled up in his eyes. He couldn’t even say anything.

“Wow! He’s grown up so fast.” He smirked. “I’m proud of Humaira after all, she’s done a great job raising you up but... She’s just so annoying. He muttered to Hadee, who didn’t even understand what he was saying. He wasn’t paying attention either. All the poor boy wanted was just to go home. To see his Mama.


Words and Translations

-Gwagwalada: Where Humaira and Zainab resides in Abuja. An outsketch in Abuja.

-Lugbe: Somewhere in Abuja, Nigeria.

-Lugbe Extension: An outsketch of the place, Ligbe

-#4,000,000,000: Four Million Naira

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