Chapter 22: Stressed

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"Oh God! Where do I start from?!" Humaira cried as she got into her room.

She threw her back to the corner of there bed and took off her black coat and white veil she was wearing. Then clutch her hands to her head like a fustrated woman. Yes, she's fustrated right now but unable to put her anger on the person responsible.
How wicked and unfair life is? Why would Scorpion b

Where would I find my son now? I'll have to go to Ekiti to find him alone.

What? What are you even saying sis?! How can you go to somewhere you've never been. It's a whole state were taking about here, not just a room.

"I know, Zee. I know but I feel so weak. I feel so small and helpless by the site if that wicked Alhaji Musa. And just today, I notice how incapable I am. Look at me, Humaira. My life looks perfect yet it's not. It's so painful, I have to go through so much pain when I think I have it all. Can't I ever find happiness and peace of mind? If not for the fact that I'm practicing law, I would have grabbed a gun and busted that ugly brains of his... What pains me most is that I'm a lawyer and I can't even defend my own son..." She breaks down into tears.

Zainab moves closer to her elder sister, embracing her in a soft hug as tears washed down her eyes too. Everything Humaira said was terribly true but... There should be a way.

"Please, stop crying. I know Hadee is alive somewhere. And I have a feeling that we would find him." Zainab consoles as they held each other in tears.


In Ekiti...

"Do you want more?" Mrs. Sheyi asked.

Hadee nods his head in agreement as a smile finds his way on her slim, chapped lips. Seven days has passed now and It's the first time Hadee made an attempt to eat. His looked so slim and unhealthy... Unable to eat and sleep properly because of the absence of his darling mother.

Tears find its way to Mrs. Sheyi's eyes as she took off another wrap of Iyan (Ponded yam) into a small plate and placing it with Eforiro (Vegetable soup) to complement the dish.

"Should I feed you?" She asked.

He nodded yes to reply her question. Mrs. Sheyi wiped away the tears lingering on her cheeks as she washed her hands in a clean bowl of water to feed him.

'It's over 25 years now. I've been dreaming to have a child if my own. God why now? Why did it have to be this late when I'm old and edge?' More tears finds its way to her eyes as thought while feeding him.

Hedee swallowed every gulp with satisfaction till he was full. But he made sure he finished his meal. Although, it wasn't as rich and nutritious as his mum's food used to be. He missed Humaira in every way.

After eating, someone knocked at the door.

"Yes! Who's that?!" Mrs. Shey asked from inside.

"It's Doctor Jonah from Alhaji Musa." He answered.

It's was a Friday afternoon. Mr. Desola wasn't around because he had went to farm early that morning. Desola, Mr. Sheyi's wife asked her husband to go alone because they couldn't take Hdee along. He might not let them work properly so she decided to babysit him at home.

"Come in sir." Mrs. Sheyi welcomed the doctor and offered him a cup of drinking water.

I've heard a lot about you from my husband. Alhaji Musa had informed us that you'll come for his check up.

Yes ma." Doctor Jonah replied her as she gulped down the sip of water.

"But where's your husband?"

"He went to farm. It's not that far. It's just hundred kilometers away." She reported.

"Okay... How long would he he back? I mean what time?" He asked, pipping at his wrist watch.

"I'm not sure. But I can call him if it's urgent."

"No, don't worry ma. I'll just check on him." Doctor Jonah replied her politely and turned to Hadee who had just finished eating.

The young doctor stretched out his hands at him, signalling him to come but Hadee felt scared.

"What's his name ma?" Doctor Jonah asked with a links of frown on his face.

" We call him Mayowa." She replied, turning to Hadee again with a smile.

"But... He's Alhaji Musa's son right?" He curiously asked.

"Yes." She replied with a beaming smile. "I and my husband have him that name."

"Wow.. that's good. Come let me examine you." Doctor Jonah told Hadee but he was looking elsewhere.

"He doesn't reply us either, I wonder what his sickness might be." She said fearful.

"You don't have to worry ma. Mayowa here is autistic.

"What's that?" She asked him, looking more puzzled than ever.

"He's having a kind of disorder where his brain responds to things gradually. Mayowa is a unique child, you should cherish him." He advised.

"Yes, sure. I would protect him like my eyeballs." She assured, more tears dripping down her sad eyes.

Doctor Jonah then grabbed Hadee's hand as drew him closer. He studied his eyes movement and how he responds to sound.

'Too bad, I'm isn't equipped with all that's needed but I would try my best to make him better.' he assured himself.

'But... Would he ever get better? Who gave birth to this boy and... Why is Alhaji Musa hiding him here?' Jonah wondered

Hadee didn't seem to like him at all but .. the poor boy has no choice than to accept whatever.

Doctor Jonah injected him at both sides of his butt and prescribed some medicine to help him heal. Although, Mayowa cried to the pain of it, Mrs. Sheyi was grateful that the doctor helped. She accompanied him outside till he took a taxi. He promised to pay Hadee a visit every Friday.

It was a good thing indeed but... That day, Hadee cried for hours till sleep engulfed him.


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