Chapter 30: Heartbroken Humaira

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It was as if all the voltage if kanji dam was released to her whole body. It pained so much especially the killer pain striking through her head. Zainab managed to reach the bed. She opened the bedside table and brought out her drugs.

Despite the fact that Zainab wants to be a medical doctor, she hated drugs so much but right now, she has no choice than to take it. Pulling up the tablet from it's park, Zainab swallowed the pills one after the other. As she gulped down all the water left inside the bottle, Zainab took out a deep breath of relieve and laid her back to the soft, mastersized bed.

She clutched her head and rubbed it simultaneously as the pain slowly faded. Zainab couldn't help but to cry. The more she tried not to think about her past, the more if cane flowing through but everything was so unclear. She couldn't understand why her mind felt like an unsolvable puzzle. Nothing worked, nothing was working.

"Would I even get better?" Zainab asked herself almost choking on her own tears. "What wrong have I done to withness a date like this. I just want to know who I truly am, I just want to find my true self... Is that too much to ask?!" Zainab asked herself as she gently coiled into an 'S' shape. After a couple of whimpering, Zainab closed her eyes and slept off.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Maikuddi instructed in of the most trusted worker, Hannatu- the housemaid to check on Aliyah from time to time. And that she should make sure she's well attended to.

"Okay ma." Hannatu bowed in agreement to her boss's orders.


Mrs. Maikuddi smiled and walked to where her car is parked along with her driver in it. He had been awaiting her for a while now. Well, she got in and they drove off.


'I hate myself for speaking to her that way. Maybe my existence is just a mistake. How can I be Alhaji Musa's daughter? It doesn't even makes sense. Maybe Humaira is better of without me.'

Zainab heard a strong voice ringing in her ears when a car hit hard. Screaming from the dream into reality, Zainab jerked off the bed, dreaming wet. She was startled when she caught hannatu staring at her awkwardly.

"Are you alright?" Hannatu asked out of concern.

"How long have you been here?"

Just a while ago. I wanted to check on you when I noticed that your temperature is burning so I decided to help.

Zainab looked around and saw a bowl of water and a pice of towel on hannatu's hand.

"Ugh!" Zainab gently sighed, placing her head on her head.

"How are you feeling, ma'am? It's afternoon already. Have you taken your bath."

"No.." Zainab replied in a low voice.

"You need to take your bath ma'am. I'll go and prepare lunch for you. What would you like to eat?"

"I'm not hungry." She murmured with a friend on face.

Zainab is someone that doesn't take lunch. She wasn't interested in eating... She just wished her life would be more of humour. She's still have nightmares and day dreams about the accident which is very faustrating. Zainab clutched her head again in confusion.

"But you need to eat. Big madam asked me to take care you you and give you whatever you want. Should I prepare noodles?"

Zainab didn't answer her, she just entered the bathroom while hannatu cleared the place. "I'll prepare the noodles!" She announced before leaving Zainab's room.


Back home, Humaira got informed that Alhaji Musa was released. 'Definitely, he must have bribed his way out of prison!' Humaira cried painfully.
"Things aren't going well. I hate myself so much. Where would I find Zainab? She cried harder. It was as it her would was crushing down. Idris sent her the fliers via WhatsApp so she reposted it. On it was Zainab's full name, her description, age and sex.

Humaira never expected any of these. She cried the whole time, all her effort to give the ones she loved the happiness they truly deserved, failed.


Scrolling through Humaira's Facebook post, Star saw Zainab's flier.
What?! How did this even happened?!" She asked herself and immediately sent Humaira a message.

3:49 p.m: What's wrong b! I haven't hard from you in a while... How are you?

3:50 p.m: I'm n̶o̶t̶  fine.

3:51 p.m: Are you avoiding me or what? What's this all about? Is Zainab's missing? What happening over tgere? Talk to me.

Humaira didn't know where to start from or how to start telling Star. Star has always been there for her. Hearing about Hadee's kidnap would literally drive her nuts. Staring at the last message, tears started building in Humaira's eyes. Just then, a call came in. It was Star.

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!!

She looked at the screen if her phone. Unable to answer the call. It rang over and over again

Her phone vibrated again as a message entered. She scrolled through to check.

4:45 p.m: Why aren't you answering my call? You aren't replying my message to as well. What's wrong with you, Humaira?! You're making me so worried right now. Should I come over?

Humaira replied the message with a sad face emoji. Star decided to call again... Humaira picked this time.

"What happened? Please talk to me!" Stars voice cried over the phone.

"A lot happened, Star! I don't even know where to start from."

"Just tell me... What's it?"

"Two months ago, I held a birthday party for Zainab. It was her 16th year birthday... I got a call to come for an interview that day so I asked Zainab to take Hadee home. Hadee got kidnapped." Humaira bursted in tears.

"What?! Tell me it's a lie!" Star blurtered. "How come? Why would they kidnap someone so innocent?"

"It's not a lie, Star! I haven't seen my son for two months and two weeks now. As if that wasn't enough, Zainab left home."

Star was stunned. She just couldn't understand anything.
"What do you mean by that? Please, explain better."

"She faced me about my past. Only God knows how but she learnt about me going into prostitution. I tried to explain things to her but she kept on ranting and she called me a slut. I lost it, Star. I slapped her." She got chocked by her own tears. "I think that was what make her so angry that she left. I thought she would come back Star, but she didn't! Its five days now and I have no idea about where she is or where could be. I'm so heartbroken, Star... I don't know what to do!"

"Oh my! This is too much! Why didn't you tell me earlier? Jeez! Have you reported to the police station?" Star felt hypotized as she fought down the hysteria boiling in her mind. It is just so unbelievable, tears finds its way to Stars eyes as she listened.

"Yes, I've done that Star. And today I posted the fliers on my social media sites. I'll try to print the hardcopy and hang it in prominent locations too. Maybe I'll find a clue." Humaira said, sounding so sad and defeated.

"I'm so sorry about all of these, Humaira. It's really heartbreaking. I'll come over but weekend. I'll also help you post the fliers as well. I can't believe this happened to you and I didn't know. And Hadee, you've been through a lot for your son. How on earth can one be so mean? I'll try my best to as well but please. Don't blame yourself about all of these. They would surely come back to you... You need to have faith no matter what, okay? Where going to find both of them?"

The only thing Star heard on the phone was Humaira's sniffing and sobbing. It's alright okay. I'll chat with you later in the even so please, reply my message.

"Okay..." Humaira answered and cut the call.

Her eyes were red and swollen already. Living with all the guilt on her was suffocating. Would she ever find them?


Words and Translations

-Kanji Dam: A Dam In Nigeria

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