Chapter 39: Doctor Zayn's Motives

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The Following Morning...

Humaira went to the address her doctor sent. It was a mansion but she entered, hoping she would meet others like her and get inspiration somehow.

Entering the first door, she met doctor Zayn. He led her to a living room were they sat down to talk.

"Welcome Humaira, please have a seat." He offered.

Humaira observed the place, it looked exquisite until her eyes caught his picture hung on the wall.

"Ummm... Doctor, were are the others. I thought you this place would be crowded because I'm a little bit late."

"Well, Humaira. I'm sorry b..bit I've lied to you." Humaira wore an annoying frown as she heard him confess.

"As you can see, there's no exercising going on here... there's no one here it's just me and you. I mean... This is my house."

Confusion struck Humaira's eyes. She can't belie doctor Zayn tricked her to his own house.

Reading the expression on her face, he croaked.
"I'm so sorry, Humaira, but I had to bring you hear somehow. I had to speak with you one on one because I know that the truth wouldn't do it. I'mm.. I'm sorry."

Hearing him speak was very annoying. Humaira stood but with anger burning in her heart.

"Humaira, please... Listen to me." He begged.

"What do you want from me, Doctor?! What?!" She yelled at him, faustratedly.

Humaira wanted to breakdown in tears again but she held herself together. She dared not to do such in front of her doctor but, she couldn't understand why he was meddling into her like like this, making things more difficult than it already is.

"I want you to fight!" He replied her with passion in his eyes.

They made an eye contact but Humaira looked away annoyingly.

"Humaira, I need you to fight for yourself. I want you to give yourself another chance to live. And to have hope that tomorrow would be better than today... Okay. I treated you Humaira, I know you're fine right now but I don't want mistakes to repeat itself."

"Thanks treating me mister doctor but that's your job! I don't any intention of commiting sucide anymore so-"

"I'll go straight to the point. He cut into her words with a defeated tone. First off I know you... You've stopped going to work. I know it's not in my place to say this but I also know you live alone. You might be lonely or scared... I know that you need to be taken care of and to be monitored daily to endure that you are fine. I'll feel guilty if anything happens again... I just hope you understand my own point of view."

There was an awkward silence in the room. Humaira held her back, thinking about what he just said.

The doctor stood up to her gaze, trying to explain things clearer and making her see reasons why he's concerned about her.

"Ummm... As you can see. This is my offer. Whatever choice you make at the end of the day would be fine by me. I'll accept and appreciate it. Apart from my bedroom, which is the master's bedroom I have three spare rooms and I'll appreciate it if you move in here especially now that you're just getting better. I know that you have a lot in your mind but I can be able to help only if you give me a chance to." Humaira wore a guilty face... She was confused about what he just said.

"I hope you understand that staying here with me for treatment would be better than wallowing yourself in tears, pain and depression. That way, I'll be able to monitor you daily and make sure you don't take a rash decision on yourself again, And you'll also get to eat very well and live a healthy life..." He looked so serious as he spoke. Humaira couldn't help but to trust and believe his words.

"I don't know what's going on in your mind or in your heart right now. All I want is to build your self esteem by giving you a reason to live." He added.

"Okay Doctor Zayn, I'll think about it but please. Don't lie to me like this again." She warned.

"Oh, sure. I really wish I would be able to take care of you and and see you happy. I know you're an independent woman so, I want you to keep fighting for yourself and give yourself a chance to live a good and healthy life." He assured with a line of shimmer in his eyes.

"Okay, I've heard you sure. I would have to think about this. I'll inform you about my decisions when I conclude." She mumbled groggily.

Everything went quite for a while until he decided to break the silence.

"Umm... Should I offer you something to eat or drink?" He nicely offered.

"No, thank you but I'll be on my way now, doctor." She

"Okay then. I'll be expecting your reply." He muttered as he walked her out to where her car was parked. He acted very nice and kind towards Humaira.


Khalid tried to make amendment with Zainab. He secreatly prepared tuwo and went to feed her. He told her he's a changed person and would want nothing in life but her happiness. His mum saw and heard this. She was happy Khalid has a hrt afterall.

Hours Later,

In The Maikuddi's Mansion.

Hajia Fati brought Zainab's breakfast to the room and fed her, herself. After eating, Zainab rested softly on her pillow as she tried to sleep. Mrs. Maikuddi gently placed the plates inside the tray and walked out of Zainab's room. About to get into the kitchen, she met Hannatu and decided to give her the tray.

Take my dear. Help me wash it along with the other plates. She ordered.

"Okay ma'am." Hannuatu collected the tray and obeyed as Mrs. Maikuddi went to rest in her room for a while.

Meanwhile, Khalid has been peeping to see when his mum would leave Zainab and enter her own room. He brought a bottle of ribenna juice along with him and sneaked into Zainab's room, making sure no one is watching him. Luckily for him, it wasn't locked so he easily went in.

Zainab was about to sleep when she saw him walk in. She opened her eyes, staring at him fearfully but he walked to her, placing the bottle of ribenna juice on the shelf behind her bed.

His presence felt as if she was mentally disturbed. Seeing him seat beside her bed felt like the angel of death was about to snatch away her soul as she struggled to breathe.

"Don't worry Aliyah. I'm here with you. There's no need to be scared." His voice croaked in disappointment.

Zainab turned away from him, using the blanket to cover her face so she won't be able to sight him. Doing this made him feel like a masquerade.

Watching her act like this broke Khalid's heart the more. He didn't like any of these at all. Knowing he's responsible for her fears. Tears gathered in his eyes as he sniffed, trying not to get too emotional with her.

His hand crawled to hers as he held her hand into his with a full grip. He lowered the flowery blanket off her face as she turned her face to meet his gaze. Noticing his tears, it was as if it washed away all her fears. Zainab stoped shivering as she stared at him intensely.

"Don't be scared, Aliyah. Watching you act like you don't know me hurts more than you can ever imagine. Please, look at me, and feel free around me again. The way you used to."

For the first time since Zainab met Khalid, the was sincerity and seriousness in his voice. As if he meant every word he just uttered.

"Why are you here?" Her scared, hoarse voice sounded.

"I want to seek for your forgiveness, Aliyah. I'm sorry for everything I've done. I don't understand how much pain I've caused you but I want to tell you that from now on, I would be a changed person for you, Aliya."

Hearing his at this brought watery linings to Zainab's eyes. It looked as if she just wanted to cry but she tried not to.

"Please Aliyah, forgive me. I will agree if you call me an idiot, I'll accept whatever you say to me, henceforth. I've never felt so rejected by my own family... I know only you can make them change their minds about her. Let's start afresh Aliyah. Let me protect you the way I should have from the very beginning and serve a shoulder for you to lean on whenever you're feeling sad."

"And why are you doing this?"

"I've come to realize my mistakes, Aliyah. And I also want to say...You're right. Mum and dad sent me back to Nigeria to learn some manners. Right now, I want nothing more than to see you happy again. I don't want to remind you about the past anymore. I want you to think about the future, about you being part of this family. I also want to take care of you the way a friend and a brother would, Aliyah." Hearing him say these made Zainab realize how much Khalid has changed.

Meanwhile, Hajia Fati decided to go and check on Khalid.
'He must be depressed from the way I and his dad treats him.' She thought.

Getting to his room, she heard murmurings and sniffing from Aliyah's room then she decided to check. A stunned look appeared on her face as she slightly opened the door.

'Subhanallah! Khalid is reconciling with Zainab? It's unbelievable!!' She jerked mentally. Silently watching the both of them.

"Come here." Khalid muttered as he held her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sure you've had a hard time healing by yourself." He muttered as he broke down in tears.

"I should be the one telling you that." Zainab felt tears in her eyes as she wrapped her hands around him.

Khalid snorted, remembering when she told him that. He felt placed her head on his rocky-liky, comfy chest, securing her head with on hand and the rest to her body with the other.

Mrs. Maikuddi watched how both of them wept into each other's arms. Khalid handed the ribenna to Zainab as she stopped it gradually, with happiness written all over her.

"So my son has a heart afterall." A voice pondered in her mind as a slim smile finds its way to her lips.

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