Chapter 41: Humaira's Confessions

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Days Later...

Doctor Zayn called Humaira to come for something urgent in his house. She wondered what it was and quickly rushed down to his resident. When she got in, his extra large compound was as quite as a graveyard. Well, it has always been quite but this time, she was curious about what to meet. Why he called her in that manner.

"Assalam 'Alaikum..." She muttered but there was no reply. she pressed the doorbell too severally but everywhere was quite.

Just then, she pushed the door and noticed that it wasn't locked. So, she entered.The room was decorated with bright red candles that lit up the dark room, giving it an heavenly sight.

Humaira came to visit him that evening when her eyes caught the rosy sight. She was surprised to see his house decorated so romantic. It looks as if he was planning for a honey moon with her. Dressed in a charming red t-shirt and blue jean trousers made him looking more attractive than Humaira would have ever imagined.

Doctor Zayn walked to her in the shocked state and brought out a small box out of his side pocket. He has a bright smile across his cute face as he moved closer and knelt on one knee.

"Humaira. Would you marry me?" His lips muttered.

Hearing him say this sent a tightening to her guts. It's unbelievable... She couldn't fathom why Doctor Zayn is proposing to her. Humaira was shivering where she stood.

"This is not real right? Tell me I'm dreaming."

"This is real Humaira. I'm in love with you. Will you marry me? Humaira. This is no joke. I love you with all my heart. I'm not good with words but the couple of weeks I've spent with you, I know you're the one that really makes me happy. I need you in my life, Humaira. Please, look into my eyes and tell me yes."

"Sit down so we can talk." He persuaded.

" I can't sit d..down with you."

"You need to sit down with me Humaira. This is not the first time you're coming here, right? We're friends and we understand each other. Look Humaira, I tried not to but I'm fallen in love with you. I love you with all my heart and I wish you could give me a space in your heart too."

"I don't know why you're scared of me and I see that you want to run off. But... Let me tell you this before you leave. Whatever you do please follow your heart. Because I believe your heart stays with me."

"I have you go doctor! I'm sorry... I can't do this with you." She left his house in tears.


Doctor Zayn paid Humaira a visit, since she stopped replying his messages. Same way, she's been avoiding his calls.

Humaira was shocked when she saw him in her doorstep. She just had to let him in.

"I see you've decided to ignore me since I'm less important to you. Was it because of the proposal or what?" He asked in a concerned tone.

"Doctor Zayn. God knows I love you very much. With or without money. I know how much of you've spent and sacrificed for me despite the fact that you're busy. I know you find time to spend with me out of your busy schedule and I really appreciate all your efforts on me." Then she let out a deep breathe.

"It's just that.. there are two things stopping me from accepting your proposal."

"And what is it?" He asked, intrestedly.

She looked at him confusedly not knowing how to start.

"The kind of life I live before I met you. The kind of life that poverty forced me to live." Humaira stared to the ground, fighting the hysteria growing inside if her. She knew sooner or later, she would have to tell him so, she opened up to him.

"Doctor Zayn, I came from a very poor background. Although we were originally rich and my mum had to go through hell for me and Zainab. We could hardly feed, let alone pay my tuition fees. My mum had kidney cancer and she needed one million naira for surgery." She started narrating her story to him.
"I searched everywhere, did lots of mini jobs but they didn't pay me well. I had to meet one of my dad's close friend, Alhaji Musa, he promised to give me the money for my mum's treatment only if I come to an hotel with him. Nixon hotel. I went, hoping everything would be alright but... He drugged and raped me. I woke up the following morning to the pains of all that but... I got a call from my mum's friend saying my mum passed away."

Doctor Zayn looked at her, trying to understand that it feels like. And understanding how unfortunate her condition had been.

"After my mum's death...I realized I'd forgotten the money in the hotel. I went back there but the security guards didn't let me in. I had no choice than to meet the Alhaji, to help me speak with the managers. He agreed and told me the manager asked him to come for it that night so... I followed. When we got there, he asked me to wait for him in the hotel room and... The same thing happened again. I woke up the following morning feeling so used and angry with myself. I hated myself so much bit I promised to report him. He told me he would kill me if I tried to tell anyone. After all of that doctor Zayn, He didn't give me anything." Humaira explained, breaking down in tears but doctor Zayn watched her.

Although, Zayn was flabbergasted to hear this part of her, he wanted to help her through all of it. He wanted to help her out of all the pains, fears and guilt and it was good she's opening up to him in this manner. Zainab had a million butterflies pierching in her stomach that minute but she continued.

"After that... My mum's friend, doctor Azeezah decided to sponsor me and Zainab. Months later, I discovered that I was pregnant for the Alhaji. I had to tell my mum's friend so she went to face him. Alit happened Doctor Zayn. I don't know how to explain everything to you but to cut the long story short, Alhaji Musa rejected the pregnancy and asked me to get rid of it. I was so scared but... This man killed my mum's friend. Making my sister, homeless. Even in school, I had to struggle to live but destiny made it I met an helper. She saved me from the hands of death and she took me in. I later gave birth to a baby boy and I named him Hadee. I loved him so much but a couple of weeks after his birth, I realized that Hadee is autistic. He was sick. All he did was to cry, there was no growth or improvement on his health so... I had to do all I'm my power to get money for his treatment and therapy."

"Things started becoming difficult. There was no money to pay for Hadee's treatment and for my studies.  Star was helping with our feeding and shelter. Asking her for more made me look so ungrateful so... I started selling food. I was eager to change my life."

"All I wanted was to give Hadee the love and care he truly deserves and to be able to sponsor my younger sister in school. All I got was regret so, I started labouring work. This was the worst. Meanwhile, star had a secret. A secret job she invited me into. Prostitution. She sleeps with men for money but trust me, star has a pure heart. Star continued to mount pressure on me to join her lifestyle and I refused."

"I tried everything not to join her because of my past. My parents, my sister, my son and myself. Star sleeps with men for money. And these men sponsors her lavish lifestyle. Things got bad for me, I just had to join. I went out with one Alhaji Tanko... And I spent only six months with him, satisfying all his sexual desires even though I was hurting inside. I cried every night because I hated myself. During those six months, I gathered enough money to attend all my my needs. Everything was okay after then, I thought everything had ended... I built a house. And took Zainab away from the evil couple she revised with. Everything went on well until Zainab's sixteen birthday when Hadee was kidnapped. Not long after, Zainab found out about the kind of life I lived in Zaria. I told her that I had bid goodbye to that lifestyle but she wouldn't listen. Zainab ran out of the house and till today... She's no where to be found. I still blame myself, Doctor Zayn. So, I decided to face the evil Alhaji Musa. He confessed to me that he is responsible for my parent's death and that he also killed Hadee. I tried to kill him in the process but I got arrested. Coping with all of these makes me feel so guilty. I wanted to end my life but death led me to you."

'Humaira, I've listened to you. I might not be able to understand what kind of pain you must have gone through but I want to say I'm really sorry you had to experience those hardships in the early stages of your life. It is sad but it's also true that we are all victims of life experiences. I never knew you'd gone through a lot, Humaira. As I hear you talk I wish I'd met you earlier... Probably in the beginning with you. Maybe if I was in your life, I would have been able to stop any of these things from happening. Stop beating yourself up, it's okay. Ehn?" Zainab stood up and went to sit right next to him.

She held his hands tight and tried to stop her tears.

"Please, forgive me. Even if nothing ever happened between us... Please, just find a place in your heart to forgive me." She begged.

"I'm in no place to judge you Humaira. And I forgive you for anything you might have done wrong. I love you for who you are, Humaira and I want you to understand and I'm not a perfect human being either.

"I love you." She said to him and wiped away the teardrops hanging on the corner of her eyes.

"I love you more, Humaira." He replied her with sincerity in his eyes.

They held themselves in a warm hug.

"The only thing left now is to find zainab.' Humaira said to herself.

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