I'm still here

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It was early morning as Y/N walked out of the cabins, stretching her arms up. "Put some elbow into it!" she heard Silver's loud voice and walked over to the edge to see him and Jim sitting on a plank hanging by the side, Silver teaching Jim, more like lecturing him, about scraping the barnacles off. Y/N waved to them, greeting them with a "Good Morning." Silver tipped his hat to her, and Jim nodded to her as he struggled to get a barnacle off. Y/N sighed and walked over to the pole, grabbed a rope, and wrapped it around her waist. She made sure her lifeline was secure and ran to the side of the ship, jumped over the ledge, and swung towards Jim and Silver. Her feet landed on the side of the boat.

"You look like you might need a helping hand." Y/N smiled at the awestruck boy. "And Silver?" Silver hummed, looking at her as she pointed behind her. "Start making some breakfast and get the crew to work. The captain doesn't need any lazy floozies on her ship." Silver sighed, pulled him and Jim up, and walked off, not before letting Jim back down. Jim passed a scraper to her. "Thanks for coming to help," Jim said, and Y/N shook her head. "No worries. But you should know you and Doc are the ones paying us for taking you to your Treasure Planet." She scraped off a barnacle. "Pfft, you're not going to tell me you don't believe it?" Y/N laughed. "After seeing that trinket? I believe you, and besides, like Silver said, I've already taken a liking to you." She moved over to the other side and started scraping off the rest as Jim stared at her, a small shade of pink appearing on his cheek as he continued working.


It was noon, and Silver and Jim were peeling potatoes. Jim leaned against the wall. Silver glanced over at Jim, who paused his peeling and looked up through the grating of the deck, getting lost in thought.

I am a question to the world

A young Jim looks out the window, his hands pressed against the cold glass as he gazes up at the sky in anticipation, alongside his mother, who looks out the window with a frown.

Not an answer to be heard

Or a moment that's held in your arms

Sarah looked at her son with a frown, pulled him closer, and hugged him tightly.

And what do you think you'd ever say?

Jim held a small frown on his face as he looked up at the starry sky and turned to Silver, who had gotten his attention back. They were on one of the lookout posts, and he watched Silver teaching him how to tie a rope, in other words, a lifeline, properly. Jim let out a bored sigh and leaned his head away.

I won't listen anyway

You don't know me

Silver tied the rope and secured it, showing it to the cabin boy. His eyes widened when he noticed that the boy had disappeared from his spot, only to see a rope already tied and hanging. 

And I'll never be what you want 

He looked over the ledge to see Jim walking on the edge with his hands in his pockets.

Made of pain

He looked at Jim's rope and his, smirking proudly as he glanced over to see him back on deck, talking to Y/N, who was holding a toolbox. Y/N was laughing along with Jim as she walked down to the galley, with him following behind.

And what do you think you'd understand?

Jim had an apron on as he scrubbed the deck floor and looked up to see Silver, who had a grin on his face with his hands on his hips.

I'm a boy, no. I'm a man

Jim slowly stood up with a frown as Silver grinned over him and shoved a bucket of water into his hands and pointed at the deck.

You can take me and throw me away

Jim splashed the deck floor with the bucket and continued scrubbing.

And how can you learn what's never shown

Another memory shows young Jim in the middle of a room, finishing his toy boat, attaching the sail, and holding it up proudly.

Yeah, you stand here on your own

He turned to the door, hearing it open, and saw his dad come in. He stood up to show the toy boat he had made, and his dad only ruffled his hair and walked away.

They don't know me

Jim frowned as he sadly looked at his boat and sat down in the middle of the carpet with his head down.

'Cause I'm not here.

And I want a moment to be real

Jim was kneeling on a bowsprit, feeling the wind blow against his face and looking up at the starry expanse of space, lost in thought. Then, Y/N's upside-down head appeared in front of him, scaring him, and he almost slipped if it weren't for Y/N grabbing his hand and pulling him back up, their noses almost touching. "Hehe, sorry, did I spook ya?" she apologized as Jim chuckled, shaking his head and nodding.

"Yeah, you sure did." Jim rubbed the back of his neck and looked up at her as she sat on the bowsprit, kicking her legs over the edge. Jim saw she had the lifeline around her waist. He sat down next to her, and the two watched the night sky. Then a small bread filled with cream appeared beside him, and he looked to Y/N, who was handing him one as she held one of her own. "Here. Made them myself." Jim took it, bit into it, and savored the flavor. "Wow, this is really good."

Y/N smiled at the compliment and took a bite of hers, and they enjoyed their moment together watching the starry sky.

Want to touch things I don't feel

Y/N and Jim sat on the staircase of the galley, drinking the hot chocolate she made, and they looked over to see Silver telling stories to the crew.

Want to hold on and feel I belong

He put on a show with his arm movements, creating puppets that made Jim smile and Y/N laugh at his stories.

And how can the world want me to change

Jim was scrubbing the last plate, stacking it with the rest, when he turned to hear footsteps and saw Silver drop a stack of dirty pots, pans, and plates.

They're the ones that stay the same

Jim looked at him in disbelief, huffed, grabbed a pot, and angrily scrubbed it while glaring at him. Silver walked up to the deck, passing Y/N, who came down with her eyes widening at the pile of dirty dishes. Y/N came over, tying her hair up and rolling her sleeves, grabbing a stool and placing it next to Jim. She made him look up at her as she smiled and grabbed a plate, starting to clean it. Jim smiled gratefully at her and scrubbed the pot calmly with her there.

They don't know me

But I'm still here

It was nightfall, and Y/N stacked the plates on the counter, wiping away a bead of sweat. She turned to the snoring boy, who leaned against the bowl. She smiled at him and looked up to see Silver coming over with Morph. He glanced at her and the stacks of clean pots, pans, and plates. He looked at Y/N as she raised her hands in a surrender motion. "Hey, I just wiped them dry," she said.

And you see the things they never see

Silver huffed as he rubbed the back of his neck, smiling bashfully while Morph looked at him with a grin. He then took off his coat and placed it over Jim's shoulder, motioning for Y/N to come with him.

All you wanted I could be

Jim's eyes fluttered open, and he looked to see Silver's coat draped over him. He saw Silver's legs disappearing upstairs, with Y/N following him, and Jim smiled.

Now you know me and I'm not afraid

And I want to tell you who I am

Y/N, Jim, and Silver were under the deck, where the escape boats were. Jim helped Silver balance the boat as Y/N opened the hatch. Jim looked at the two with a small smile.

Can you help me be a man?

Silver told Jim to untie the rope from the other side, and he leaped over and untied it, letting the boat go.

They can't break me

Silver was in the boat as he saluted him. Y/N came to Jim's side as she waved to Silver with a smile while Jim frowned as he was lowered and flew off.

As long as I know who I am!

A small memory pops up, a bad one. Jim slowly wakes up and shoots up from his bed, a bad feeling aching in his chest. He looks out his window to see his dad with a bag over his shoulder walking to his ship.

They can't tell me who to be

Jim raced down the stairs and saw his weeping mother, her head in her hands.

'Cause I'm not what they see

Jim raced out the door to see his dad already at the docks, nearing his ship.

Yeah, the world is still sleeping while I keep on dreaming for me

Tears filled Jim's eyes as he raced after his dad, barefoot. He slightly tripped over the rocky stairs.

And the words are just whispers and lies that I'll never believe

Jim reached the dock as his dad walked the plank and took off, and Jim reached out to his dad, watching him sail away. Jim frowned at that memory until it faded when Silver appeared, waving a hand.

And I want a moment to be real

Jim had a smile, and Y/N lightly punched his arm and jumped in, and he followed after. Silver helped them balance on the boat. The two boys sat on each side of the engine, and Y/N sat across from Jim.

Want to touch things I don't feel

Silver explains how to use the boat and how it works as he places his hand in Jim's hands and points into the distance. Surprisingly, Jim knows how to use it, and both Silver and Y/N look at him in surprise. They take off, yelping in surprise, and Y/N is thrown back against Jim's chest.

And how can they say I'll never change?

Y/N gripped onto Jim as he laughed while they flew off, and soon it was night as they chased after a shooting star. Y/N was still leaning against Jim as she awed at the shooting star.

They're the ones that stay the same!

Jim steered the boat and maneuvered it behind the star's path, chasing after it and performing some tricks that made Silver grip his hat tighter while Y/N laughed as she held onto the ledge, leaning against Jim.

'Cause I'm still here!

I'm the one, 'cause I'm still here!

Jim got out of the star's path, and the group had stardust on them, making them laugh.

I'm still here!

They dusted themselves off, and Y/N smiled at Jim as Silver looked away. Y/N quickly placed a peck on Jim's cheek, making his eyes widen as he looked at the girl who was already gazing at the starry galaxy. He smiled and steered the boat back around to the ship.

I'm still here!

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