chapter one

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The wind blew through Moana's long dark hair, as the waves rippled through the water.

Her eyes then fixated upon Maui in his eagle transformation, she looked then towards the open water trying to see if anything was in sight.

It had been a long three years she had been up and down seas, travelled adventures with Maui and being trained by Maui more on her way finding skills. 

Every day was an adventure with Maui and she didn't want it to end but she knew that soon her parents would be asking questions about her love interest is.

It made her angry when her parents tried to set her up with a man, she wants to be in control of her life and not by some man coming along and tell her what to do.

"Moana look land ahead!" Maui shouted gliding down onto the boat, "finally I love the water but I sure miss feeling the sand in my feet" Moana gestured at Maui.

"Who knows what we will find this time maybe more monsters to slay or new villagers to meet!" Maui said grinning as he ran towards the front of the deck.

He's more excited than usual Moana thought to herself, Moana looked around at her parents who both where staring at the new island.

Moana jumped on top of the ships front pointing her finger at an entrance to the island, "let's go in through that entrance!" She says as she and the boat steers in towards the entrance.

Just as they arrive in through the entrance they spot villagers standing with baskets of fruit and friendly waves.

Moana smiles brightly at them as they arrive in more closely, Maui turns back into his eagle form as he flies above Moana making sure she is safe.

Have to end here guys next chapter will be better. I've finally started this fan fiction and watched the movie yesterday was brilliant ! Plus do u think Maui had feelings for Moana? Or more brotherly love hmm read out to find out more ;)

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