Chapter 16: I Love My Husband

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In order to make Qin You's face loss at the birthday party known to everyone, Cheng Hao also arranged several videos and conducted a birthday party to broadcast the whole process.

Netizens clicked in and were blinded by the lights of the flower pool stage.

[Wow, catch up on the live stream, is this the birthday of the rich?] What a envy! 【

All the rich second generation in the city have come, and I seem to have seen a few familiar stars.】

【My little love bean was invited to sing today, and I now feel doubly faced, and I don't know if I can expand my network by becoming a big and a little.】 The

fans on the Bullet Screen were all arguing about who was friends with Cheng Da Shao and who had a better relationship, and at this time someone teased them.

[Governor, still invite, say good, give a little show fee.] Your brothers and sisters' kind of eighteen-line little stars still want to melt into the circle of the top giants, and their dreams are almost the same.

Do you know who the people who are in contact with the big and the young? Still friends? As far as these second generations come today, they are just a little bit of face love between the family and the family, and the real relationship with the family is the Lu family and the Ye family. Lu Yu you know, that is the good friend of the big and the young, the little one.

This person spoke badly, but the netizens who had eaten the melon a few days ago knew very well how awesome Lu Yu was, so the fans did not dare to brag about how good the relationship between his brothers and sisters and Cheng Dashao was.

The canon went on for a moment until netizens caught a familiar figure from the live camera.

It was the anchor Qin You, who had been on several hot searches a few days ago, and of course she had a more topical identity, Lu Yu's new wife.

The camera brother who had long been instructed by Cheng Hao was a close-up of Qin You's face.


I was particularly curious about what Lu Zong looked like, but there were only some backs and pastes on the Internet.

Qin You saw that someone was following her, but she was particularly unreasonable, and smiled at the camera.

There is a live broadcast ah, the camera has been following her, Cheng Hao in addition to secretly rubbing the row to squeeze her, can not blatantly harm her.

[Yoyo baby is so sweet, just now that smile just poked my heart at once.] [


After the last live broadcast and hot search, Qin You also began to have a batch of value fans, and when he heard that there was a live broadcast of the birthday party of Dashao, he came to watch the live broadcast.

In the camera, Qin You is following the waiter to the location where the netizens are gathered, the fans are immersed in Qin You's beautiful world, and the netizen who has just learned a lot about the circle of giants has come out to talk again.

Is she going to sit with those netizens? Hey, sure enough, she was still abandoned, what is the use of marrying into the rich, and the circle of people does not recognize her at all. 【

What's wrong?】 Can't people just sit down? Some people will only rely on it online and actually have no admission qualifications. The

man was by the fans and ended up jumping better.

What am I saying wrong? Cheng Dashao arranged her to sit in the red pile of the net, just don't want to see her, I think she is not worthy. Cheng Dashao and Lu Zong's friendship is so good, can't this attitude explain anything? 【

What does it mean?】 I understand whether the king can shut his mouth, it depends on you jumping all the time. [

It shows that your baby is not taken seriously, and the statement of the Lu Group a few days ago was obviously forced to be helpless.] She deliberately mentioned Lu Yu in the live broadcast room, just to force Lu Yu to admit to marrying her. [

You have also seen that Lu Yu did not come with her today, I am afraid that I did not feel that I would lose my face.] As

soon as he played this rhythm, netizens also believed it a little and began to discuss it on the bullet screen, and the voice of the fans was instantly drowned.

Is Mrs. Magnificent's So Nice? You see that the big and few people don't pay attention to her, really embarrassed for her.

[That shouldn't be this attitude either, and I doubt that Qin You used any improper means to force the marriage.] [

I also think, will it be unmarried and pregnant?] 】


In such a moment's effort, the direction of the canopy completely changed, and it was all about what means Qin You used to marry Lu Yu.

Ji Yaoyao looked at those canonical curtains, and her heart was particularly happy, and she couldn't even stop laughing.

At this moment, the light in front of her was obscured, and she looked up unhappily, and as a result, she saw Qin You, the center of the topic being discussed.

Ji Yaoyao first noticed her new fashion from the C family, but unfortunately, she also liked this set, because the price was slightly hesitant to be robbed.

Qin You looked at her with a smirk.

Ji Yao was speechless: "What do you see?"

Qin You didn't answer the call and went to the booth next to her and sat down.

Ji Yaoyao's expression was awkward, why did so many seats have to sit next to her!

But soon, she was happy again, so good, Qin You didn't watch the live broadcast, and she didn't know what the Scroll Screen said about her. Then he had to show her the canopy and shatter the dream of her rich wife.

So Ji Yaoyao took the mobile phone screen to Qin You's eyes and pretended to be familiar: "Hey, you see that the brain of Internet friends is getting bigger and bigger, saying that you are forced to get married to the throne, or are you pregnant before marriage, is it true or false?"

Qin You looked at her and beckoned the waiter to come over: "Ask for a cup of grape juice, the more sour the better." " Sour

? Ji Yaoyao wanted to be crooked in an instant, is it really forced to marry with pregnancy?

She admired Qin You a little, and she dared to use such a means to threaten Lu Yu, and even succeeded!

Qin Yu swept his eyes at the curtain and sighed.

Ji Yaoyao looked at her as if she had something to say, and even made a serious look of listening: "What's wrong?" It's

best to get a big melon that shocks the whole network, and then she secretly bursts out to earn traffic.

Qin You: "Actually, they all guessed wrong.

Ji Yaoyao sneered in her heart, she must be trying to be cunning.

Who knew that Qin Youqi followed suit: "This cub in my belly is actually not landy. "


Ji Yao's mouth opened into an O-shape.

Is the grooves so explosive as soon as they come up?

She tried to control her agitated mood and said, "What, you go on.

Qin You took a sip of the grape juice and smacked his mouth twice, it was really sour! Delicious.

Then she went on to run the train with her mouth full of mouths, and wrote a story for Ji Yao: "Cub his father and I are at first sight, but who can think that Lu Yu also likes me." In order to get me, he took love with a knife and kidnapped his father to himAbroad, he threatened me that if I didn't marry him, I would kill the person I loved.

This forced reality script smashed down, making Ji Yao's expression completely frozen, completely unsure of what to say, and only the slightest scent of clarity reminded her: "But don't you still have an ex-boyfriend in F?"

Qin You: Oh, she really forgot.

But this one didn't bother her.

"You said Cen Sheng, he was the swag-ray I found, but in fact I have always loved that person."

Ji Yao was shocked, good fellow, there really is yours!

So the current situation is that Lu Zong doesn't care about the takeover in order to marry you, and even your children and other men's children are willing to raise them.

But this also proves one thing, these netizens on the bullet screen guessed wrong, Lu always did not care about Qin You, let alone forced to marry, he simply loved Qin You!

Ji Yaoyao was particularly happy, fortunately, after the last Lu Group's statement came out, she gave up and did not target Qin You again. Otherwise, Lu Yu would know that not only her, but also her family's company would be in trouble.

It is a bit of a pity that after eating such a big melon, she can not say anyone, she can only choose to burn in the stomach, and in the future, whenever this matter is passed out, she will be suspected and will be retaliated by Lu Yu's madness.

Ji Yaoyao really regretted it, she shouldn't have looked for Qin You's gossip, and now she was like giving herself a pit.

She was wary of the surroundings, afraid that what Qin Yougang had just said had already been heard by whom. But fortunately, the few netizens nearby were taking selfies and chatting, and no one was paying attention to them. The camera brother was not close enough to hear them clearly.

At this moment, netizens are curious on the screen.

[That is also the anchor, what is the name of the pineapple, Qin You and her are very familiar? The two had been chatting. 【

Curious about what they said, but the expressions of praise can be screenshotted as emojis.】 【

Can't the camera big brother get close to the point?】 Nothing is heard. The

camera big brother was just about to get a little closer when he was scolded by Ji Yao.

"Hey, what are you shooting, stay away from us."

She pulled Qin You to sit in a different place, and repeatedly used her eye knife to force back the camera of the big brother, so that the big brother could only shoot from a distance.

This one looks like an old hen guarding her cubs.

Ji Yaoyao was really afraid that others could see from the camera that Qin You was pregnant, and this matter must have been a point in Lu Zong's heart that would explode at once, and she was afraid that she would also be involved in knowing the inside story.

She hurried to open the trumpet to broadcast the rhythm.

[Evil is not evil, create this kind of rumor for girls.] Do

you think it's a novel? Lu could always be threatened so easily, and he must have married Qin You because he liked it. 【

If the keyboard men are not afraid of the accused, despite the hey.】 】


After several consecutive launches, the canopy was finally normal, and no one said that Qin You was pregnant before she was married, only that she was not treated well in the circle of the giants.

Ji Yao was relieved.

At this time, the waiter brought wine drinks and dessert snacks over, and Ji Yaoyao looked at the brand of wine and skimmed his lips.

This is also too different, look at what kind of wine the rich second generation drank, even Cheng Hao's group of high school students are much better than their wine.

Starting a family is certainly not bad for this little money, which is not deliberately targeted, she washed her hair upside down.

Qin Yu didn't drink at all, so he didn't react at all, and took a small cake to eat there.

The few online red faces at the same table with them were also not very good-looking, and before they came, they felt lucky to be invited to his birthday party. But here, it seems that people everywhere are being scorned, and such cheap wine, even if they do not order at their usual gatherings, has been used by Cheng Da Shao to entertain them.

So despised what else do people ask them to do?

But these people don't dare to show their anger on their faces, can they still question Cheng Da Shao? They don't dare to offend a family.

There Cheng Hao was talking to several rich second generations, and someone saw the wine drunk at the table of Wanghong and felt that it was a little too much.

"Cheng Shao, how can you see those Internet red today?" You are a little too obvious, Lu Dashao's wife is also at that table.

He kindly reminded, but Cheng Hao didn't appreciate it: "Is it?" The matter of wine is not in my charge, maybe the hotel is wrong.

"Then you shouldn't arrange for Lu Dashao's wife to sit there."

Cheng Haopi smiled and did not smile: "This can't blame me, just because she said that there are acquaintances over there, and I can't force people to sit with us." The

rich second generation all feel that he is yin and yang today, but they are also warned by the family not to offend the family, so they can only bear not to mention it again.

Here Qin You finished eating a small cake, and Ji Yaoyao was still angry.

"It's too bullying, why hasn't Lu Zong come yet?"

She wanted to see Lu Zong come and see Qin You being wronged, and then beat that big and young man in the face.

Qin Yu suddenly opened his mouth: "Have you broadcast live this week?"

Ji Yaoyao's face was black, straight what broadcast, the last live broadcast hit Qin You, she fell into the boss's mold, and also entered the hospital. When she came back, she moved the live broadcast time to midnight, but she couldn't step on Qin You anymore!

She really doesn't open which one bucket.

Looking at the face of her being pregnant, Ji Yaoyao's attitude was quite good: "I changed the live broadcast time to after 11:30."

Qin You meant a lot: "Oh..."

Ji Yaoyao..Oh a fart, but I can't hide from your heat?

Qin You looked at the time, it was almost seven o'clock Lu Yu had not yet come, it may not be finished. Now I have to go back and have all kinds of makeup and testing equipment, I'm afraid it won't be able to come at all.

She saw the exquisite stage not far away, and her eyes lit up.

Isn't this just a ready-made live venue? There is no need to extra light.

Qin You: "Hey, how about doing a joint live broadcast with me?"

Ji Yao was surprised: "In this place? What's the broadcast? Isn't this a birthday party being broadcast? "

Qin You: "You're stupid, just borrow his expensive venue."

And this wave of heat, don't be vain.

Ji Yaoyao.."..."

She was a little dare, "Isn't this a little low?"

Qin Yu smiled lightly, "It's okay, we don't have a good reputation anyway."

Ji Yaoyi said, "Who here can have your bad reputation, sister!"

Qin You's hand: "So, don't you want to rub me?" Today I am the center of the topic. Baby, your chance to be famous has come! Ah

, she really doesn't want to be facetious.

But Ji Yaoyao was indeed a little moved by the claim, and Yu hesitantly asked, "So what are we sowing?"

Qin You looked at the nets: "Are you familiar with them?" We'll do a talent show later, and it just so happens that there's a stage and a band.

Ji Zhenyi went to do the persuasion work of those netizens.

Qin You picked up his mobile phone and called Yu Xiaoqiu, and the voice there was excited: "Miss Qin, my grandson and I are going to your house."

"Change places, you come to Junyue Hotel now, I'll pick you up at the door."

Yu Xiaoqiu was stunned for a moment before he said, "Good." While

Ji Yaoyao was discussing the live broadcast content with the netizens, Qin You got up from his seat and walked outside.

Cheng Hao saw the back of her departure, and his eyes were mocking.

Can't stand to go? I hope she recognizes the reality, divorces as soon as possible, and does not get entangled in depression again.

Qin You waited at the hotel entrance for a few minutes, Yu Xiaoqiu and his grandson arrived, and after talking to the doorman, Qin You took them to the open air and asked his grandson to put the equipment in front of the stage.

Cheng Hao saw that she had returned and brought two strange people with him, and directly and calmly looked for her.

"Didn't Miss Qin leave?"

Qin You: "Hey, just so you're here, don't you mind if I borrow your stage?"

Cheng Hao Na Yao: "What are you going to do?"

Qin Youli was bold: "Live broadcast, we netizens also have to be responsible for the work, ah, can't just come to your birthday party, delay me to make money."

Cheng Hao glanced at the netizens who were walking towards the stage, and it was difficult to hide contempt on his face.

Qin You, like these people, will only rub heat everywhere, in order to make fun of the Internet for so much money, such a woman really does not deserve to be depressed, and will only lose his face.

Then let her broadcast it live here, and when Lu Yu comes, she will naturally be able to see what kind of goods she is.

After Ji Yaoyao took the net red to prepare at the side of the stage, Qin You let his grandson start the live broadcast.

Because it was broadcast early, there were not many people in the live broadcast room.

Qin You thought about it and waved to a camera big brother near him, who came over and slapped her face.

The popularity of the live broadcast of the birthday party is already very high, and more than ten million people are watching.

It seems that everyone is still curious about the life of the rich.

Qin You didn't know that in fact, there were still a small number of people here who were attracted by her to eat melons.

She began to publicize the camera: "Welcome everyone to my live broadcast room, directly click into the Qingguo platform to search for the fairy Ben Xian Qin Youyou, you will receive an audio-visual feast, and our many anchor joint performance shows will start immediately." " Show

show? Netizens are a little curious, a small number of people left, the rest are in the canopy to say that they want to eat melons.

Qin You: This is not difficult, she is the body of the melon, and it is really not possible, she can also weave melons, and even produce melons herself.

"What melon can you eat here?" Immediately after listening to me, I went to my live broadcast room, and I personally put melons on you to ensure that it shocked you for three days and three nights. As

soon as these words were exported, netizens immediately withdrew this live broadcast to the live broadcast room of Qin You, the Qingguo platform. She looked at the data, more than 10 million people were watching, immediately soared to the top of the list, and firmly occupied the best recommendation and hot spot.

It's all money, cool!

The host of the performance show was wrapped up by Ji Yaoyao alone, and Qin You moved his mouth to pull people, and then sat in the best position on the stage, eating, drinking, and watching the online red sisters singing and dancing.

At first, netizens entered the live broadcast room and shouted to eat melon, and they were attracted to the performance after a while.

Isn't it fragrant to listen to a pretty little sister sing a little love song?

Isn't it exciting to watch the royal sister dance hot?

Who remembers what melon?

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room has risen all the way to 20 million, no one remembers any more birthday parties, everyone has come to see the beautiful actress perform.

The live broadcast that Cheng Hao had worked so hard to engage in became particularly deserted, and the netizens who came in with curiosity were also attracted by the stage and touched Qin You's live broadcast room.

After all, watching a group of rich second generation blowing b to each other is really boring.

And the live split screen also engaged in a Qin You's reaction perspective, her expression is particularly rich, seeing the little sister dancing will be excited to crow, listening to the song also shakes with the melody, casually boasting is the mouth of netizens.

[Oh this straight, jump Jazz's ceiling, it is recommended to go directly to the draft show c debut.] 【

Good affectionate peach blossom eyes, it is a pity that my sister is not acting.】 "

Sister, you should dance to the beat instead of stepping on my heart!" 】


Qin You dutifully made a rainbow fart output machine, and netizens and fans hung her up: "You also go up to perform one, I want to see fairies dance."

She smiled gracefully, "No, I'm afraid you'll be overwhelmed by my charms."
this time, Ji Yaoyao came over and said that she was going to the bathroom and asked her to take the stage instead of cue the process.

Qin You had to harden his scalp.

As soon as she took the stage, netizens and fans really thought she was here to perform the show, but she stood up and quickly said the name and performer of the next show, and then went offstage.

Netizens were not satisfied, and the young lady who happened to be on stage took her down and said that she would do a small interview.

Qin You kept moving his two feet on the stage, feeling that the high heels were strangely uncomfortable to wear for a long time.

Miss Wanghong did not want to embarrass her, and asked a simple question: "What is the mode of getting along with you and Lu Zong at home?" Jokes

, there is no mutual encounter.

But Qin You certainly couldn't answer so honestly, she saw that Ji Yaoyao had returned, and she was even more anxious to step down, so she said hi, "Ah, the mode of coexistence, is it not that I escape, he chases, I insert my wings and it is difficult to fly." Ji

Yayao: You really took the heroine script that was forcibly taken by the overlord!

"Don't always ask about this, my husband is not happy that I put these details of the meeting outside and said, usually we close the door ... Realize it for yourselves.

After Qin You finished speaking, he gave the stage to his sister who wanted to perform.

Lu Yu heard this exactly when he came in.

He raised his eyebrows, saw the smile on Qin You's face, and his hands were a little itchy.

Her boldness was really getting bigger.

When Cheng Hao came over at this time, he opened his mouth with a clear and secret praise: "It seems that Miss Qin really loves the profession of anchor, and she does not forget to broadcast live when she comes to my birthday party."

Lu Yu was disturbed, not too happy, and glanced at several photographs in the venue.

"Aren't you also live?"

Cheng Hao choked and said with a dry smile: "I am comparable to Miss Qin, she is not willing to expose your private life on the public platform for the sake of heat, which is really amazing."

Lu Yu furrowed his brows, as if he was angry.

Cheng Hao felt that he had just come to an idea, and he hated being exposed to his private life the most. In the past, a reporter took a picture of his face and posted a photo on the Internet, and also made up some peach-colored scandals, which he found out and sent directly to the bureau, and the whole industry banned it.

This time Qin You stepped on his bottom line, maybe the divorce was not far away.

He was secretly happy, and as soon as he turned his eyes, he found that Lu Yu had walked to the other side of the stage.


What is he going to do?

Seeing Lu Yu walk all the way to the side of the stage, she did not shy away from the live camera, and Cheng Hao was dumbfounded.

Qin You walked to the side of the stage and was about to step down, because the heel was too high, she was walking a little slippery, and she was worried about how to go down.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu came at this time, and calmly and calmly held out his hand to her.

Qin You: "You are really my savior!"

Lu Yu coughed softly, his ears were slightly hot, and his voice was a little complaining: "What do you do with such a tall shoe?" "

Qin You.."..."

He also asked nicely, aren't they all matched by the stylists he invited?

As soon as she was wronged, she was even more speechless: "Then you hold me, I can't take a step."

Lu Yu's eyelids jumped, and this kind of scene asked him to hug, and she figured it out.

He cooled his face: "Come down, don't rub it."

Qin Yu didn't move, and even shrunk his hand back.

That means, if you don't hug, you'll be consumed, anyway, I'm not afraid of the lens, and I'm not afraid of losing my face.

Lu Yudu smiled happily, and at this time, the indifferent turn and left was in line with his consistent principles. But he didn't know what had happened to him, but he actually stepped up the stage and picked up the woman.

Qin You's hands wrapped around his neck and pointed to the couch on the side: "Pick me up and go there, the live broadcast is not over!" Not

to mention that Lu Yu was really comfortable in her arms, she didn't want to come down.

Lu Yu put her on the couch and glanced at the canopy screen, a row of ah-ah-ah, like something was wrong.

He straightened up, pulled out his mobile phone and called Li Zhou.

"Buy a pair of flat shoes or slippers and send them in."

Netizens heard his voice and were even more excited.

"Aaaah, have you seen it?] The president of the land is not losing the top male stars, and the atmosphere is too strong, who can bear it! 【

Princess hug and scream, don't push me, can't I do it?】 [

Help, good darling, immediately let someone go buy shoes for his wife.]

】 [You are all so simple, I can only think of the words that you just said, so is the Lu Zong very strong in that aspect, curious...] [With curiosity, you can share it!]

Hey hey, little face through yellow.】 Qin

You.."..."What is this all about, did she just have that meaning?" Is it obvious?

Definitely not, it's all guessed by netizens.

She immediately put on a serious face: "Let's enjoy the next show." The

netizen eyes seem to be equipped with magnifying glasses.

[You see, the anchor's ears are red.] "

What's more, she didn't dare to look to the side." Aaah

, I have to snort this pair. Qin

You: Dead!

At 10:30 p.m., the live broadcast was almost over, Qin You changed into a pair of casual flat shoes, and the clothes on his body were not obtrusive, because they were all of the same brand.

She kind of wanted to go to the bathroom, so she let Ji Yaoyao come over and finish it.

When she walked to the bathroom door, Qin Youcai found that she had brought out the wireless collar wheat for live broadcasting, so she had to pick it up and put it on the washstand.

This side of Chenghao was snubbed for a night at his birthday party, and he really couldn't swallow this breath.

Seeing Qin You go to the bathroom, he followed her, trying to block her outside and trick her into revealing her true face.

He stood outside the bathroom, dialed the depressed phone, and said, "Don't hang it first."

Lu Yu only felt that he was sick, ZhengWanting to hang the phone, he heard Qin You's voice, and he hesitated for a moment without hanging up.

Qin You came out of the bathroom and didn't expect to meet Cheng Hao here.

The male and female restrooms of this hotel are quite far away from each other, and Cheng Hao is intriguing to stand here.

Qin Youyi looked puzzled, "Ah, Cheng Da Shao?" How do you come to the women's bathroom? Could it be that you have any unique proclivities?

Cheng Hao wanted to silence her, but the phone had already been called, and Lu Yu was still listening, and he could only swallow his breath: "No, I am waiting for you, Miss Qin."

Qin You smiled, as if he was casually chatting: "What do you think of tonight's live broadcast?"

Cheng Hao was poked in the pain, and his eyes were red with joy.

He grew up so big and did not suffer such a grievance, obviously it was his birthday party, but the protagonist became someone else, and she dared to ask him how the live broadcast was!

"Well, it's ok."

He put up with it first, and then there was a time when this woman cried.

Cheng Hao: "I have something to say to you."

Qin Yu couldn't help but yawn, "Then you have to say quickly, I still have to go back to sleep with Lu Yu." "


What is the word tiger and wolf?

Cheng Hao endured the pain in his liver and finally entered the main topic: "Miss Qin, I took what you said that day to heart. If I said I liked you too, would you really be with me and Lu Yu at the same time as I said that day?

Qin You's eyes widened: "Tianyi, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"I said something that gave you such an illusion to sabotage my relationship with my husband."

Cheng Haodun was in a hurry, how could she not recognize the account yet, then Lu Yu could not mistake him.

No, it can't be.

"Miss Qin, all I can give you is Lu Yu, you might as well consider it."

For someone like Qin You, it is most useful to seduce her with money.

Unexpectedly, Qin You was not moved.

No matter how much money you give me, I will not leave my husband, I really love him."

Qin You said, because he was too sleepy, he shed tears, but he looked like he was crying by his words.

Cheng Hao's face changed color instantly.

Marder, knowing that she was acting, couldn't break it down, and was mad at him!

Qin Yu smiled and looked at the hand behind his back, and said that this was too obvious.

There is a similar plot in the original book, when Cheng Hao met the female protagonist, he secretly called the male protagonist, induced the female protagonist to say something that made the male protagonist angry, and then went back to be abused by the male protagonist.

Qin You was not as foolish as his original body.

Through this troubled child, the pear blossoms that wept brought rain and was pitiful.

"Cheng Da Shao, are you humiliating me?" Do you dare to go to my husband with me now and tell him those words that you just said? "

Cheng Hao....."

He hung up the phone, and if he went on like this, Lu Yu wouldn't let him go.

After hanging up the phone, he didn't need to install it, and looked at Qin You darkly.

"What to wear, aren't you just Tuluyu's money?"

The corners of Qin You's mouth bent: "Who said that?" In addition to money, I also like his figure, his face, anyway, you can't compare to the big or less. Look at your face that is virtual, far worse than my husband.

Cheng Hao's face was iron blue, and he was about to come forward with his fist.

Qin You: "Please don't step on me, I can't have a single hair, my husband will be jealous."

Just as she was finished, there was a sound of footsteps in the hallway.

Cheng Hao's face turned white, and when he looked back and saw the land depression on his face, he said in a loud voice, "You listen to my explanation."

Qin Yu calmly wiped his tears from the side and said, "It's cunning."
Cheng Hao glared at her, and she sneered and said, "What, I just put the knife on
Cheng Dashao's neck and forced you to say that you like me?" Lu

Yu looked terrible: "Shut up, come here."

Qin You passed by very sensibly, and was reached out into his arms.

Lu Yu turned to look at Cheng Hao, and Cheng Hao was so frightened that cold sweat came down, and he remembered the last time he saw Lu Yu's eyes.

When he was still in high school, that time there was a little looking for fault outside the school, breaking one of his favorite pens, and he almost beat the little to the point.

Now too, although he didn't say anything, he would surely come back later.

Cheng Hao was a little afraid to think about what kind of consequences he would face.

But he didn't expect the consequences to come sooner than he thought.

Qin You and Lu Yu had just stepped out of the way when they received a call from Yu Xiaoqiu.

"Ancestor, you're on the hot search again!"

Qin You was already indifferent to the fact that he was on the hot search from time to time: "Oh, how many are there?"

Yu Xiaoqiu paused for a moment and asked her, "Do you know that you just didn't close the wheat?"

Qin You: "Huh?

Ah, it seems that there is such a thing, and Mai let her fall on the sink.

Yu Xiaoqiu's tone was heavy: "Just now your conversation with Cheng Dashao has been broadcast, we found out late, and we didn't have time to close the live broadcast."

Qin You thought about it, she didn't say anything against herself, and then she was relieved.

But Cheng Hao's side is exciting!

At 11 p.m., several hot search rockets moved forward.

#秦悠被陸郁發小confession的Reactions# #成昊腎虛# #秦悠多愛陸郁#

#Qin You Live Performance Show #

# Qin You Lu Yu Good Sweet #

Eat melon netizens jumped up and down on these hot searches, and finally they were a little dazed.

[Thank you for the invitation, watched the full live broadcast, Qin You, this person is really able to put, there is a melon she really put ah! 【

Yu Yu cp powder came to report, starting today I will crouch at the bottom of the pit and not leave.】 】

【The giants are really exciting, pry themselves into small corners, and it is such a person to start a family!】 【

Evil heart man retreats, no one wants to tear down my cp!】 Qin

You became exceptionally quiet after getting into the car.

Lu Yu was now like an angry lion, how big would she dare to wave at this time?

Li Zhou was driven out of the car, and Lu Yu reminded with a calm face: "Seat belt."

Qin You was not familiar with his car, and Fei Xunbala got himself a seat belt, which he had not done for half a day.

Lu Yu impatiently leaned over to help her.

The atmosphere was slightly strange, Qin You looked at his handsome face that was very close, and said in the sky: "You are also too tight, in case you are angry and want to do me in the car, how inconvenient!"

Lu Yu looked up at her, his eyes a little fierce.

"You say it again."

Qin Yu flew quickly..." When I didn't say.

Lu Yu stared at her full lips, unable to remove her eyes for a moment, "You like to recruit me so much, are you ready?"

She really learned to be obedient at this time, and kept her head down and did not speak.

Lu Yu thought that the scare had worked and was about to retreat.

Unexpectedly, Qin You suddenly raised his head, aimed straight to his lips, and kissed him.

She kissed and withdrew, as quickly as if it hadn't happened, and said, "Then are you ready to be turned into a love brain by me, turning around me every day, looking at me less is uncomfortable, leaving me for a minute to die or live?"

Lu Yu smiled, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

He approached Qin You again, approaching her lips: "You can try."

In Qin You's surprised gaze, he kissed her fiercely on the lips.

The author has something
to say:
It's late, my network is not very good, I can't send it out, this chapter drops red packets ~

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