Chapter 36: A Table of Mahjong

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About the second male Song Zhiyi of this book, Qin You's impression of him is only one, that is, affectionate eyes.

When the female star agent who was to be interviewed deliberately made difficult, waited for more than ten hours and could not see anyone, and stood under the company building hungry, he looked at the female protagonist affectionately and stood downstairs with the female protagonist and waited downstairs with the female protagonist.

Instead of sending an assistant to go directly to the female star to solve the heroine's troubles.

When the heroine went to his drama team for a murder interview, the heroine was drenched in heavy rain, and he continued to look at the heroine affectionately and accompany the heroine to the rain, instead of letting the assistant give the heroine an umbrella.

There are many similar examples, but in short, this person did not do anything when the heroine was abused, and the light was affectionate.

The female protagonists of other people's homes are all protected by affectionate male companions, and are overbearing and protected by male protagonists who have changed their former wrongs. Only the heroine of this book, from beginning to end, is alone in facing everything, until the heroine's grandparents and uncles appear, and her situation begins to improve.

Yu Xiaoqiu, who was sitting in the co-driver, let out a scream of excitement: "Aaaaa

Qin You's mind was interrupted, and looking at the hotel door, a man with a slender figure and exquisite facial features walked into the hotel surrounded by a bodyguard assistant. The fans shouted the slogan of help, he stopped and smiled softly at the fans, and the hotel door immediately rang out with a deafening cry.

Qin Yu had already prepared to plug his ears.

When Song Zhiyi finally went in, and it was quiet outside the hotel, she put her hand down.

At this time, Yu Xiaoqiu began to use a praise tone to popularize Song Zhiyi with her: "Who would not like this kind of man with a good family, good character, good for fans, and so handsome, gentle and polite?" And his acting skills are also very good, the first two years played a Xian Li drama male protagonist. Oh, he tortured me, he looked at the heroine's eyes so affectionately. "

Qin You." I understand, he has a pair of peach blossom eyes, and he looks at only the pig with affection.

Yu Xiaoqiu's dream girl's heart was completely destroyed by her words, and she looked back at Qin You with a resentful look: "Thanks, I now think of the mirror that abused me, which has been replaced by Song Zhiyi looking at the pig with love and promises three lives." What

the hell is she? Specialized in breaking filters.

The staff of the hotel came over and opened the car door, and Qin You got out of the car with his dress and skirt, and walked inside gracefully, keeping up with Yu Xiaoqiu.

The red carpet event was held in the open air outside the hotel, while the award ceremony in the inner arena was held in the multi-functional banquet hall on the first floor of the hotel, and Qin You completely pinched the dots according to the time and order of walking the red carpet.

Unexpectedly, however, as soon as she came in, she was told that the order in which she walked the red carpet had changed.

"Your order is arranged to the penultimate place, in front of Song Zhiyi, please go to the rest area and wait."

Qin You had long expected that there would be various unexpected situations today, so he didn't care and went to the rest area.

Yu Xiaoqiu re-supported: "Wow, you want to walk the red carpet with Song Zhiyi, maybe you will step on it when you enter the infield, so seize this opportunity to get a signed photo."

Qin You took a glass of juice and really seriously considered her proposal: "How much money can Song Zhiyi's signed photo sell?"

Yu Xiaoqiu really knew this problem, and she went to the kind of scalper who specialized in selling celebrity signature photos and asked Song Zhiyi, a top-notch signature photo, which is very expensive and can be fried to tens of thousands.

"Probably between 2,000 and 30,000 and 7,000, 80,000, what is this for, you ask?"

Qin You looked at her, and his expression seemed to say that you are really stupid.

"Of course, I sold it, and I don't know if I can get 100 in the name of my high school table."

Yu Xiaoqiu was shocked that Miss Qin was actually at the same table as the top stream big star in high school?

Before she could finish her shock, Qin You said, "This doesn't seem to be appropriate."

Yu Xiaoqiu put his mind at ease, somewhat relieved, Miss Qin had not yet reached such a heart-wrenching level.

However, Qin You's next sentence was: "I have decided to make 1,000 pieces of it as a secret object and make a fortune fiercely." "


Yu Xiaoqiu retracted her just thought, she was simply more terrible than the heart disease.

Wait, it just seems that a mouthful of melon has come into her mouth?

Song Zhiyi secretly loves Miss Qin?

"Sleeper!" Yu Xiaoqiu couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise and grabbed Qin You's hand excitedly.

Qin You threw himself away in disgust, took a sip of the cold juice, and felt that he had made a mistake. The air conditioning here seems to be a little cold, and she should bring a coat.

At this time, it was finally her turn to walk the red carpet, and the staff of the organizer came and led her to the red carpet field, and when she stood at the waiting place, she saw Song Zhiyi, who was also walking here.

He was wearing a sequined suit, very fashionable, and walked casually as if he were walking on the catwalk.

Qin You hugged the attitude of admiring Brother Wei and took one more look. At this time, Song Zhiyi's gaze also fell on her face, and her expression was surprised with joy.

He immediately quickened his pace.

Qin You was reminded by the staff sister and began to walk to the signature wall on the other side of the red carpet, she wanted to hurry up and replace the high heels under her feet, so her steps were fast.

This seemed to Song Zhiyi that she was hiding from him.

His eyes were slightly red, and he followed it before he could walk the red carpet.

The staff wanted to say hello to the top star, but they didn't expect him to pass directly in front of him, and without stopping, he also walked towards the signing wall.


Isn't the process messed up?

Qin You walked as fast as possible to the front of the signature wall and took a photo with the host of this red carpet event.

Oh, still an old acquaintance!

Ji Yaoyao held the microphone and maintained a stiff smile.

How could it be her again?

Red carpet awards don't turn into red carpet melon fields all at once, right?

Qin You smiled at her friendlyly, "See you again, baby." Ji

Yaoyao.."... Okay, please Miss Qin come to me first for a brief interview.

Because she has been losing to Qin You on the live broadcast, she wants to develop it another way. The host of today's event was a resource she had so hard received from her cousin, and as a result, she had met this one again, and she already had a premonition that the event would not end peacefully.

Ji Yaoyao chose a few modest questions: "Miss Qin's height fixing dress today is really beautiful, what is your concept of dressing like this?" Qin

You: "There is no concept, the L family gives more." Ji


she laughed a few times and shifted the subject: "You are as humorous as ever, so let me ask again, what are your plans lately?"

Qin Youyi a face, how can you ask such a questionless expression: "Plan to sleep from 11 o'clock every day from 11 o'clock, eat, drink and have fun to watch the handsome and beautiful women relax their mood."

Ji Yaoyao was powerless to ask any more questions, she just wanted to ask another question at will let Qin You sign his name and go to the infield, when the photography and media area in front of her suddenly emitted a series of riots.


"How did Brother Song come to this time, and the previous one has not yet finished?"

Song Zhiyi, who squatted on the Qingguo platform to watch this red carpet live broadcast, was also very excited.

My husband is finally here, and I've been waiting for more than an hour.] 【

Why are workers so unprofessional?】 The previous one was not finished before Brother Song came over. 】

[That is to say, Song Ge's traffic big coffee bit is the last big red carpet normal, why Qin You's net red is in the penultimate ah, don't you also come to a lot of first-line stars today? I can't understand. [

Oh, what's not to understand, do you know who her husband is?] This is all the power of capital. 【

Don't quarrel, don't quarrel, brother is so handsome today!】 Fans

quarreled on the screen for a while and then they all started licking.

Ji Yaoyao reacted, and even the last question could not be ignored to ask Qin You, and made a gesture of please: "Please Miss Qin first leave your signature on the signing wall, and then enter the inland rest area to wait for the award event."

As soon as Qin Youyi was about to leave, Song Zhiyi called out to her with red eyes: "Yoyo, I haven't seen you for a long time, why are you hiding from me?"

He said as he walked over to Qin You.

This sentence made everyone present smell the breath of the melon, and everyone waited for Qin You's reaction, including Song Zhiyi's fans who watched the live broadcast.

Oh, what about I love beans? Won't it collapse?

To everyone's surprise, Qin You's face was not half nervous and weak, she pushed Song Zhiyi away and began to pose towards the photographer.

This is the task given by the gold main brand, and it is necessary to take a few good-looking hard photos as official network display pictures.

Song Zhiyi was about to come over again, and Qin You said without courtesy, "Go away, don't block my lens."

Then she said to the photographer, "If you take a good look at the jewelry on my body, you can't decorate my beauty." Song


Full field photographer and media staff...

Song Zhiyi's fans turned from just being worried to angry.

[She actually pushed my brother, do you know who my brother is?] How many girlfriends are fan? I don't know what to do! 【

Good Faith's speech, who boasts of their own beauty?】 [

One thing to say, she really looks good. Now

is not the time to discuss whether she is good or not, she hates our brother, how dare she? Does this woman have Weibo? I'm going to scold her!" A

group of irrational fans began to persuade on the screen because of one of Qin You's actions to prepare to flush her Weibo.

[Can't go to the chagrin, don't go!] Why

? She was bullied on her brother, and we can't let him suffer such grievances! "

What, I checked, the movie that my brother has not finished is invested by Lu Shi, and this woman is the wife of Lu Yu, the president of Lu Shi! The

wife of the biggest investor, why can't you say you can't be punished?

In case the movie stops filming because of this incident, or the brother is suffering the consequences, those crazy fans will immediately shut up.

Act, for the sake of the brother, they endured!

Qin You thought that he had taken a good photo very respectfully, so he took a signature pen from the staff and wrote his name on the signature wall.

Then she calmly walked into the infield.

Song Zhiyi's soul frequently looked in the direction she walked, forgot to promote her own works during the interview, and forgot to say hello to fans.

I didn't even take a photo, and I just signed my name and entered the scene.

At this moment, everyone can see that he and Qin You really have something, and look at this meaning, it is very likely that it is a single arrow of the top star against Qin You.

The five-flavored noise in the hearts of the fans. Unfortunately, my brother has such a high vision, why would he like a married woman, what if this affects the star path!

These Qin You did not know anything, she entered the inner arena, and was taken to a seat by the staff sister.

The design of the infield is not that of a row of seats, but a dinner scene. Several well-connected celebrities or elites from all walks of life sit at the same table, with fruit and meals on the table, and some fans who come in through the relationship can even sit at the same table as their favorite stars, eat the same food, and drink the same wine.

She was the only one at the table where Qin You was sitting for the time being, she had just prepared to take the small cupcakes in the dim sum plate, and there was someone next to her.

Before she looked up, she thought that Song Zhiyi had followed, and it turned out that it was Cheng Jin, a male star who was crazy and obsessed when she chased the drama before.

"Ah, hello." Qin You held out his hand a little nervously: "I am a fan of Teacher Cheng, and I like the "Burning Love" you played very much.

Cheng Jin smiled casually and shook hands with Qin You, splitting at a touch, very polite.

"I also know Miss Qin."

He had been retired from the circle for many years because of the dormant career, and this time it was also the director of this drama who was his friend for many years before he participated. The drama was initially sluggish, and it was Qin You's unique reaction that ignited the play, and also made him turn red again, and even some good scripts came to him, allowing him to make up for the regret of not shooting before he withdrew from the circle.

Qin You sincerely praised: "Your acting skills are really good, I don't know if it is convenient for Fang to reveal, will you participate in the filming of the second part?" The

drama has now come to an end, and the heroine has found the villain who framed her father's company for bankruptcy and is beginning to prepare for revenge.

The second part is definitely centered around the main line of revenge of the heroine, and then mixed with the emotional entanglement between the heroine and several male partners. What Qin You is more concerned about is whether the role played by Cheng Jin is the male protagonist destined by the female protagonist.

Cheng JinSome playfully winked at her: "Secretly tell you that there is a big reversal in the second part, which has to do with the character I played?"

He was especially excited after reading the short script sent by the screenwriter, so he decided to move on to the second one. He felt that Qin You must not have guessed what this reversal was, but Qin You almost immediately blurted out.

"The big villain who should not be found by the female protagonist is just a cover, and the real big villain hidden behind the curtain is Mr. Tang you starred in, and Mr. Tang is both the male protagonist and the main villain in the second part!"

Cheng Jin..?

Had she seen the script beforehand?

Qin You is still quite humble: "I just love dog blood in particular." Cheng

Jin: "Didn't Miss Qin consider developing into the drama industry?"

Qin You: "No, it's easy to get upset." The

two of them had a good conversation here, and Song Zhiyi was stimulated after coming in to see it. But he thought about it instead, Cheng Jin had been married for many years, and he shouldn't have been.

Song Zhiyi took a cup of champagne from the waiter's tray and walked toward Qin You's table, where he stared at the empty seat to Qin You's right.

Qin Yu glanced at him, dragged Ji Yao, who had just returned from the side of the red carpet past her behind, and pressed her into the seat to his right.

Ji Yaoyao.."... Do you have eyes on your head at the back?
How could
she not escape!

Song Zhiyi's peach blossom eyes were a little wet, as if he was about to cry, and he could only sit on Ji Zhiyi's side.

Ji Yaoyi looked at the two sides, help, she was so stressed.

In addition to Lu Zong, Cen Sheng, that foreign first love, plus Song Zhiyi, how many of these are? What about mahjong at this table?

At this moment, as the owner of the host hotel, Cheng Hao also entered the banquet hall. His eyes aimed at Qin You for the first time like Rada, and when he saw Song Zhiyi sitting at her table, Cheng Hao smiled satisfactorily.

What a good thing he has done, creating an opportunity for a young man and woman who were separated by regret to meet each other again.

Seeing that Qin You still had a polite and handsome male star next to him, and seemed to have a pleasant chat with Qin You, he smiled even more happily.

Before he could finish laughing, Qin You looked up and spotted him and waved at him.

Cheng Hao..?

Sick? What did you tell him to do? How much vendetta had they made before this woman was unclear?

He stood there hesitant to go over, and Qin You directly named him: "Cheng Da Shao came to sit here."

Cheng Hao walked over with a look of hatred on his face and sat down far away in front of Qin You.

Ji Yaoyao: My native language is speechless.

Miss Qin is really amazing, this is more than the number of people at a table of mahjong.

After Cheng Hao sat down, he began to feel yin and yang weirdness: "Look at Miss Qin's left embrace and right hug, I didn't even know that tonight was so wonderful." Hey, I really should take a picture of you and let him see the other side of Miss Qin.

Qin You: "Yes, Cheng Da Shao also together, you said that you have gone to great lengths to chase me here, how can you let you watch alone from the side?" That is also too ruthless, then Lu Yu will definitely be very touched when he sees you in the group photo. The

author has something to say:

Baby, first more chapter and a half, around 10 p.m. will add another chapter of about 5,000 words, to make up for the update owed to everyone yesterday.

If there is a sudden situation in the future, I will also make up for it the next day, so oh

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