Chpater 1🍁

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The silent room of Omkara Singh Oberoi screamed with agony when a newly made clay sculpture was slammed to wall and shattered into tiny pieces.

And the person who did it, Omkara, breathed heavily, gritted his teeth as he stared the the broken pieces of sculpture with rage.

Soon a woman frantically entered the room and her eyes widen at the mess before her.

"Om, what happened? How did it break? And are you ok? Are you hurt? Should I bring the first aid box-" the woman rambled worriedly as she walked up to Om and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Nothing happened Ishana. Now can you please leave? I want to be alone," Om replied grumpily.

"No Om. I won't leave. I want to know what's bothering you so much? You can tell me anything you know? We are going to be a married couple in less than a week," Ishana frowned.

Omkara so badly wanted to lash out at her and tell her to get out of his room but he couldn't do that. It wasn't right. It was true that she was going to be his wife and he needed to respect her. She deserved at least that much. So he closed his eyes, pressed his lips in a thin line and took a long breath to gather his calmness.

"Ishana please. I am really not in mood. Can we please talk later?" He asked, trying to keep his voice as polite as he could.

"No Om. You do this every single time! I am tired of waiting for you to open up to me! But you keep finding ways to push me away. I am tired now Om. Don't you love me anymore? Please say yes. We are about to be married in a week," Ishana said in a broken voice, tears edging her eyes.

That's when Omkara realised what he had been doing all this time. He promised himself that he won't let his past affect his present. But now he was not only letting it affect it but also ruin his present and possibly future too.

He bought one of his hand on Ishana's shoulder and with another one, pulled her chin up to make her look into his eyes.

"No baby. I still love. I am sorry for my behaviour but I am really stressed out right now," he whispered in his nonchalant voice.

"What's stressing you Omkara? Tell me. Please," Ishana asked.

"I don't know,"

Lie. A big fat lie.

He knew exactly what was stressing him. Or more precisely, who. He was going to be committed to the women before him in next few days but his mind was still haunted by a certain girl. He couldn't just get her out of his head. She was stuck in his head like a chewing gum.

"Ok. But I want you to know that I will always be there for you when ever you would need me Om. I love you," Ishana professed, placing her hands on both his cheeks.

Omkara tried to smile.

"O? May I come inside?" It was Rudy. He knocked the door as he asked.

"Yes Rudy. And why are you asking? You can come into my room whenever you want," Omkara replied sweetly.

Rudy shrugged carelessly and chose to ignore the question.

"O I wanted to ask if you are busy this Friday. We have to go to Pune for an important meeting." Rudy said.

"Friday? I don't think that will be possible Rudy..Om said he will take me to shopping this Friday. Am I right Om?" Ishana asked happily.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Rudy? It's Rudra to you! Only my loved ones call me Rudy and you are literally no one to me," Rudy glared at Ishana as he replied venomously.

Ishana who was taken back but the sudden outburst of her soon to be brother in law was broken at how mean he was being to her without any reason.

"Rudy! Is this the way to talk to your bhabhi? Apologise to her now!" Omkara berated, looking furiously at her brother.

"First- she is not my bhabhi. And second- I would never apologise to a person like her. I came her to inform you about the meeting. My work here is done. So I am leaving. Enjoy your evening with your soon to be wife," Rudy spat, filled with rage and disdain. He walked out of the room without any further words, leaving behind a very angry Om, his hands balled into fist and eyes red with anger.

"It okay Om. Rudy is very young, infact still a kid. I really don't mind what he says. Now c'mon let me show you the catalogues of designer wedding lenghas I bought. They are all so beautiful!" Ishana said excited as she tried to pull Omkara towards his bed.

"No Ishana. Please not now. I'll see them later. Right now I have to go to the office urgently and please tell someone to clean off all the broken pieces," Omkara said as he released his hand from Ishana grip much to her unwillingness, grabbed his car keys and walked out of the room.

When he reached downstairs, to the main hall he was surprised to see everyone so happy and laughing excitedly. It was surprising because giggles and laughter was something that was rarely herd in OM since last 2 years.

Everyone, Anika bhabhi, Rudy, Shivay, Bhavya, his mom, dadi had a genuine happiness on there faces and were busy talking to someone.

On seeing them that way Omkara couldn't help from smiling either. He walked down the stairs and went to Anika.

"Bhabhi do we have some guests?" He asked.

Anika grinned at him.

"Yes! We have a really special guest Om. Look who is here, your wedding planer," Anika announced.

Omkara wanted to tell her that he really didn't need a wedding planner because he wanted a simple wedding but it was too late. The wedding planner was already there. So he decided there won't be any harm to meet her now. Plus she or he had already impressed his family so he was also kinda excited to meet the person.

Soon specialguest finally stepped out of the crowed everyone had made around her.

And when Omkara saw her his jaw dropped.

"Gauri Sharma." Anika said.

It was her. Really her..his ex wife

So here was the first chapter 🖋
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