Chapter 1: Introductions.

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{A/N: This story takes place 13 years after Dragon Slayer Mating Season [COMPLETED] took place. Let us begin...}

Soka sat on top of one of the tables sitting cross legged, eating a slice of chocolate cake. "Mmmm... so good."

James kicked the doors open yelling, "Altaris!" He began to collect darkness to create a ball of shadows. Once completed, he aimed and fired it at his sister.

The ball of shadows came hurdling towards its unexpecting victim. BANG. It struck its victim's back causing her to drop her cake, the plate shattering as it made contact with the hardwood floor below.

Soka just stared at her cake for a moment. "M-my cake..." was all she could utter before she completely lost it and jumped up clearly enraged. "WHO DID THAT?!?" She yelled scanning the guild, her eyes finally fixating on James.

"I did!" James smiled and waved at his sister.

Soka jolted towards him, not stopping, she uppercut him. Sending her older brother flying into the sky, and landing in a nearby tree. "Serves you right!" She huffed and went back to the bar to get a new slice of cake.

Mack ran out of the training hall and right into Michi. "Oof." He fell back and looked up at Michi. "Hey Michi!" He smiled as he got up and helped her up as well.

"Hey Mack! So what are you doing?"

"Running from my dad. He wants to train me some more, I don't like his training styles! Please help me Michi!" He fell to his knees and hugged her legs.

"Um," she hesitated as Laxus walked out of the training room.

"Mack! You have to train if you want to get stronger!" Laxus called.

"Eep! I'm not here!" Mack moved to behind Michi in attempt to hide from Laxus, though he's taller than Michi.

"Mack. I can see you."

"Leave him be Laxus." Mira smiled and walked over to Laxus.

"Okay. Fine. But if Natsu's kid is stronger than him, don't come complaining to me!" He whined.

Mira smiled and kissed Laxus on his cheek. "Come, Master wishes to speak with us." Mira took Laxus' hand and guided him to Makarov's office.

Mack sighed after his parents left. "Thank you mother."

Michi smiled.

"Hey! What's so funny?" Mack huffed.

"You're a momma's boy!" She laughed.

"So! At least I'm not a daddy's girl!"

"Wah! I am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am Not!"

Lexis walked over to her brother and Michi sighing at their stupid fight. "Would you two shut up!" She bonked the two on their heads.

"Owie!" Both Mack and Michi fell back, tears in their eyes and rubbing their heads.

"Do you have to be so rough?" Mack looked at his sister as he stood up.

"Yes I do!" She prominently put her hands onto her hips, looking all high and mighty.

"You two stop fighting!" Soka walked over. In her hands, a fresh slice of chocolate cake.

"Scarlet, why are you always eating cake?" Lexis growled at Soka.

"Because I like it! Have a problem with that?!?" Soka growled back.

"As a matter of fact I do!" She took Soka's plate - with cake and all - and threw it across the guild.

James happened to walk into the guild at the right time to have the cake smash him right in his face, which caused him to fall back.

"Oops." Lexis grinned.

"My cake!" Soka growled and tackled Lexis.

The two then commenced a battle.

Mack and Michi just stared at them.

Poor James laid helplessly on the floor with Soka's cake and plate still on his face.

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