Chapter 12

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"They're what?!?" Laxus exclaimed. He nor anyone there knew that First Master and Zeref would hit it off so easily.

"Believe it!" Gajeel exclaimed. "I saw it with my own two eyes!"

Natsu growled. "He promised Gramps that he wouldn't hurt First Master! He still owes me for my scarf he once tarnished!" Natsu was ready to fight Zeref but Lucy held him back.

"We need to strategize." Erza commanded. "Team A goes around the front and Team B goes around the back!"

"There's only one problem with that plan Erza," Mira pointed out to Erza that no one knew what team they were on.

"Well it's simple. Team A are the girls and Team B are the boys."

The teams were decided. The boys would go around the front and the girls would access the back. Natsu, Gajeel, Laxus, and Jellal snuck around to the front of the house while Lucy, Levy, Mira, and Erza stayed near the back of the house.

Once surrounded, the teams each chose a member who would go in and surprise the two.


Zeref got up off of the First Master. His body soaked in sweat from going too hard. His breaths were deep and heavy. He looked down at his First Master and smiled slightly.

He was about to give Mavis a kiss when the front door was suddenly flung open.

Zeref turned to face Natsu who was standing in the frame. "Natsu...?" He blinked.

"Zeref!" Natsu growled. "Let First Master Go Now!"

Zeref got up and stood in front of Natsu with his back to Mavis. "She's mine." He suddenly became serious as he put a pair of pants on.

Natsu growled and ignited his fists. "Let her go now!"

"She's mine!" Zeref growled back and the two began an intense stare off. Each waiting for the other to make the first move.

Mavis was out cold and barely breathing. A figure - unseen by the black wizard - leaped through the window, lifted up the first master's ghostly body and slip back out the way they came.

Natsu grinned once the figure had secured Mavis and was completely gone. Zeref looked at him; confused by his sudden grin. It was only when Zeref turned around and saw his beloved Mavis missing: was when he realized why Natsu had suddenly grinned.

"Where is she?!?" He growled turning back to face Natsu, but Natsu had already joined the rest of the guys outside. This made Zeref furious.


Natsu - with the rest of team B - ran towards the boat that was waiting with Team A aboard.

A dark cloud began to form in the sky behind the boys as they raced towards the boat.

"Run Natsu! Gajeel! Laxus! And Jellal!" The girls called as the dark cloud gained on the boys.

"GIVE ME BACK MY MAVIS!!!" The cloud roared.

"GO!" The boys yelled as they were paces away from the boat. The girls didn't hesitate and let the boat set sail.

Once the boat was on its way, the boys took a giant jump and leaped into the boat. Their mission was complete. The eight were safe once again.

"Once we get back, we should get Wendy to check on First Master." Lucy told Levy, Mira, and Erza while the boys were busy withdrawing their meals into the water and onto the outside of the boat.

Momentarily, the women ignored the expiring of the boys as the boat safely made its way back to Magnolia.


{this is the end of this chapter. Sorry for not posting in so long... First I was stuck at what exactly to write and then I was busy with the end of school. And now it's summer, I'm free to write more!

Till next time,

     .X.      }

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