The Reveal

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{A/N: in case you were wondering where the Fairy Tail Characters were going to show up, this is that chapter. They will appear in different chapters than the kids until the two plots/story lines meet. Enjoy!}

Erza, Mirajane, Lucy, Levy, Juvia, and Wendy sat in a cell accompanied by Mavis Vermillion. Jellal, Laxus, Natsu, Gajeel, Romeo, and Gray sat in a different cell away from their girls.

"Let us out of here!!!" Lucy growled banging on the bars. The faint cries of Lucy could be heard in the boy's cell.

Natsu growled. "Lucy and them need help!"

"But Natsu, we can't even help ourselves!" Gray told him.

"We can try!" Natsu got up and bit the bars attempting to break them, but it was no use.

Mavis sat in the corner of the cage and hid her head in her legs. "This is all my fault." She mumbled.

"Of course it isn't!!" Mirajane bent down to Mavis in attempt to calm her.

"But I refused to do what he asked, and so he did this." She sniffled.

"What did he ask you to do?" Juvia looked at Mavis from across the cell.

"He wanted me to be his. But I wasn't ready for it and he did this."

"Do you know what's happening here?"

Mavis looked at the other girls. "He's going to use us as slaves until he gets what he wants..."

The girls gasped. "He can't!" Juvia exclaimed.

"But I already am...." A man with slick black hair, red eyes, and wearing a black and white robe walked over to the women's cell.

"What do you mean?" Juvia looked up at this man.

"Part one of my plan is complete. Part two is in progress as we speak." He grinned.

"What's part one and part two?"

"Part one was to get you all here, part two is to brain wash the men to do all my biding." The man grinned even more as screams from the men's cell could be heard as echoes by the women.

"How Dare You Hurt Them!" Erza growled getting up, "Requip!" She called but nothing happened.

"Silly Titania, this space is magic proof." He chuckled. "No magic works in here, so don't waste your breath trying." He turned away. "The only thing to stop you from your friends, is if your first master will by mine." The man laughed darkly as he walked away.

"What are we going to do?" Levy looked at everyone.

"Juvia doesn't know...." Juvia quickly glanced at the hallway as the scream of pain from the men seemed to suddenly stop.

"I'm scared." Wendy whispered as she hugged Mira's legs, slightly shivering.

"It'll be okay Wendy," Mira tried to calm her down.

"But how do you know?"

"I don't...."


{A/N: sorry for not updating for so long, I had minor writers block, it was the holidays, and I was busy with other things.... I apologize for the short chapter, as I said, I don't really know what to write anymore... but I'll try my best to update frequently. Till we meet again... Xfang.}

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