Part -12 enlightening

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Work of fiction


Jyesth ? Shree Krishna voiced .

Yes Keshav ! Yudhisthir replied .

I want to talk with my Sakhi for some time ! Can I ? Shree Krishna asked .

Why not ? Always ! Yudhisthir grinned at him and went outside .

Sakhi ! He called Draupadi .

Hmm yes !

You know what I want to say he said .

What ...?

I know that you already realized that he is suffering as you are suffering ? Don't you ?

Ye..yes.. I came to know...

Then ? Did you talked to him ?

No.. didn't till now

Why .. ? He asked softly .

I was feeling .. awkward...

Awkward ? Isn't he is your husband ! Then ?

I don't know whenever I am trying to say 'I forgave you' , at the ultimate moment I am losing courage ...

Losing ..? You are the bravest of women .. and you are losing courage ?

She remained silent , she herself didn't knew why she was losing courage , he was her husband , never she hesitated to talk then why now ?

Sakhi , I know you can , you know what ? Seeing you anyone will say that 'don't forgive atleast him' , people can only give opinion but when it comes to your own , you are the owner of your fate , his has already written a rough copy with his invisible ink , it's you who make it golden or blackish . None will able to understand what circumstances you are facing ! On oneside it is dignity of women and other side the lost peace between family . You are stuck in middle . People will say choose one ! And leave other ! Bit they could not understand leaving any of them will only increase your pain ! Of you choose the dignity only then you won't he able to get may peace and as human everyone want to see the face if happiness , you will die inside without it  and if you choose happiness then society will only curse you for choosing your own happiness ... Are you understanding what I am saying he asked .

Yes , this is my current situation , I want both , I can't leave one of them ! You said once right , "don't  enlighten the flame of revenge so much that before giving light of justice it burns other"  but of o lessen the flame then how will I be able to get the light of justice ? It will remain the coldness of injustice around .... She said hurt .

But human can also adjust the flame ! Just keep it in middle , not too high not too low , and see , you get light also and it won't burn you either ! Mend you relationship with you husbands but don't let the wish if justice be less , keep it in medium level and at time it surely wipe the darkness/coldness of injustice ! He said .

You are right... I understood but when it comes to talk with him I am just feeling helpless at times ... I want something else but happening something else... He almost cried in frustration .

Wait for right time , you will get soon , if he remains regretting only them how will you 6 together will lit the torch of justice together ? If the 5 brothers are the fingers of a hand then you must be the palm , if any of the finger get hurt or cut then it won't create a punch , so for giving punishment first unite yourselves and wish to almighty you will get suitable chance soon he finished relieving Draupadi much .

How are you so good ? The least confusion I was having regarding forgiving him are cleared now ! Draupadi smiled , she felt her heart eased after getting the advice .

Anything for you all ! If you was at my place you also have done the same ! He patted her head affectionately .

Okay Sakhi , it's so late now , I must go back ! Meeting you after losing my was really nice ! He got up from his place .

And for me meeting you is always fruitful and helping ! Give visits like this and keep clearing my confusions also ! She said the last part with a teasing tone .

Yes ! Yes ! I am the only one you 6 have gotten to clear your confusion ! What a fate ! He said  holding with head in his hand as Draupadi laughed .

They both able outside , Yudhisthir was waiting .

This soon ? He asked .

Why you expected it more ? Shree Krishna said playfully .

Ummm... What should I say yes or no ! If I say yes then also trouble and if I say no then also... trouble Yudhisthir laughed a bit .

You're becoming intelligent ! Shree Krishna said again he smiled .

Okay then bye Shree Krishna said .

But before going he said one thing to Yudhisthir

Don't drown in your grievance this much that makes you fail to see your front !

Yudhisthir was Abit confused , yes he was grieving for whatever he did but is infront , he only knew that there is justice to be established infront , is there something else ? If yes then what was it ?!


Done !😅

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