Part - 6 something is going on ?

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Work of fiction

Draupadi saw their hands intertwinned and smiled a bit .

She turned at him as he was not able to look at her so he was looking at the other side .

She really felt bad for him , because he was always very shy to express his feelings , even before the dice game also , he used to shy like a girl before her .

But today he was not shy , his head was down due to guilt feeling .

In these months he never got a chance to apologise , because they talked occasionally only . She knew he wanted to say sorry to her but she never gave him the chance to say so .

She also felt bad but her mind and those scenes of dice hall had always drove her crazy , she always told to herself that she wouldn't forgive him , whatever happens ! But with the each passing day the vow had faded and would tie around her only .

She wanted to forgive all of them , she wanted their sweet relationship to comeback again , like they all used to stay happy with their cute family and children together ! But fate was always a traitor with their happy moments , it always shed a shadow of sorrow whenever they were enjoying their relationship .

Everything was nice at Indraprastha , perfectly fitted , she , her sisters , her husbands , their children ! How fine and happy it was . Would those days ever back again ?

She knew after all the 13 years when they would back , a bloodied war would start and again loss , loss and loss , these are the lines of her fate .

She sighed , keeping the thoughts aside she focused on the person before her , he had something to say her .

Do you have something to say ? She asked still coldly but not rudely , a bit softly this time .

He this time looked at her with hazy eyes , filled with thick tear line , threatening to fall anytime . And this is something she hate from her husbands , to see them crying , it's something she could not take in .

Please .. don't .. She told him . He rubbed his eyes to get off the tears . His heart is aching profoundly today after getting a touch by her . Like the dam of emotions were threatening to fall and her touch was the very last drop to break it .

But he couldn't because she could not tolerate this emotionally . Now he was in a dangerous situation , neither he break down nor he could tolerate .

What a Dharmasankat ...

For how long he would held her hand without saying anything ? He had a lot to say but couldn't say .

So he freed her hand from his grip .

Draupadi had expected something from him but he didn't say anything .

She sighed and went . All he could do only looking at her .

After some days at midnight

Yudhisthir was following his daily routine again . And that was to jerk off from his sleep and sitting under a tree .

Then coming back again and lieing down on the straw bed and spending the rest night sleepless .

Meanwhile when he was trying to sleep more precisely pretending to sleep , Draupadi woke up from her sleep .

Rubbing her eyes she hid up and came outside .

As Yudhisthir was not sleeping only lieing closing eyes , got to know easily that she woke up at midnight .

She was looking here and there , she was unable to know that why her sleep broke suddenly .

She came to the side where he was already lieing . She looked at him for once .

And for unknown reason her heart wished to touch him for once .

She knelt near his back looking at his sleeping figure . She was going to touch his head but paused .

Her mind told
He had done wrong to you, didn't he ? Then why ? So emotional for him ?

Again Draupadi was confused , she again looked at him .

No , he can't be all time the reason of my disgust , if I continue like this then how in life I will get peace back ? How will I be able to live without them ? They also deserve my trust again , should I trust them ? But...

No , the live could not be this fragile ! Their love for me was not a showoff ! I ..I felt their love , it never had any pinhole ! Then ?

By what I will judge that incident ! They didn't even stood for me ? When they were ready to give their life for me ! Then why even Dharmraj bet on me ! Not only that , they didn't even stood for me when that monster tried to strip me off ! Where I will keep this sorrows !

She started sobbing again , sitting near him . He was not sleeping he could hear the sobbing sound . His heart was wrenching for her . He was closing eyes still his tears wanted to betray him by falling anytime . He tried to act as sleeping but was failing to do so .

She stopped her sobs and wiped off tears as Yudhisthir sighed in relief or else it would have went impossible for him to be quiet anymore .

She slowly touched his hairs with her fingers and slowly her index and middle finger touched his hairs as she taken aback for a second but then touched his hairs with her other fingers also and slowly drew a stroke in his hairs .

Here whatever are the consequences but Yudhisthir was just overjoyed with her this act , he had a feeling of get up and take her in his embrace but it would drive the future consequences more problematic for him . So at that very moment lying still without being emotional was the only secure way for him .

Maybe this act of her was a sudden flood of emotion , that could hit anyone anytime but he wasn't sure that this act mean she forgave him , absolutely not ! But he couldn't take this distance between them after he was the reason behind this .

After all touching his hair and stroking it was something that for some moments let Draupadi forget that what happened and what will happen , all the time heart couldn't sit with getting things to it , sometimes it also forget things .

For sometime she just lost in admiring her husband . It happens , midst of all sorrow also heart sometime forget everything .

As it was middle of a night so she again felt sleepy and after sometime she lost her consciousness out of sleepiness and didn't realize when she slept beside his head .

After getting a little affection from her his feverish heart also felt so immense peace that he too didn't realize when she fallen asleep as well as he also .


( A/N : Many of you must be thinking how can this possible ? This is not her year with him so how they can sleep together , so for clarifying she slept beside his head not with him , and they didn't broke any rule , they felt sleepy that's why they slept and none of then did this intentionally , and most importantly they didn't touched each other for making love so everything is fine 💞)

What will happen next ?

To know read further ...
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