Bonus Chapters: Alice's Choice part I

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Welcome to the bonus material! In honor of reaching 100k reads ( still in shock) I have decided to release a pov not included in After Humanity. When writing difficult scenes I will often imagine them from a new perspective to " get them right."

Alice is a character who peaked my curiosity from the moment she popped into my head and I think seeing her from Rachel and Magnus's perspectives often doesn't do justice to the true inner thoughts in her head. Thus, I actually wrote quite a few scenes from her pov to portray her more faithfully on the page.

One instance where she looks particularly monstrous? Olivia's death. After all, Torvald implies she had a choice in who might face slaughter. But what would that section of the story look like from Alice's pov.... you are about to find out! Enjoy😊



"You have to choose Alice," Torvald said.

It was what I had been dreading since Magnus's brother first arrived on the estate. I knew he would not allow me to exist without some degree of suffering. I had hoped he could not be so cruel, but there is was. A command


How could I possibly do so? The horror of the moment felt surreal.

"If you do not, I will," he prompted. "That girl you keep by your side perhaps..."

"Rachel is the most valuable slave he owns," I replied, trying desperately to keep the panic from my voice and remain respectful. He was not asking my opinion as an equal. He was purposefully torturing me. If I was not careful there was no telling what he might do.

"She will not be if he keeps her much longer," Torvald countered as he shook his head and sighed. "But it was not the child I was referring to."


A cold shiver traveled through my body. No. I couldn't let him take her. Not Kathryn. I'd worked too hard to keep her with me. I couldn't lose her! I could see that my fears were entirely transparent as Torvald watched me intently. His mouth curled into a cruel smile.

"If you have another suggestion I would be willing to consider it," Torvald mused, as if it were not the life of the girl I loved that hung in the balance. "The animal that lives in your kitchen is often followed by another similarly appetizing creature. Her name begins with an O I believe." He looked at the ledger in front of him. "Olivia."

The sick feeling in my stomach only grew. Kathryn's best friend. Olivia was a sweet girl and one I cared for greatly. She was kind and generous. She was the youngest of Magnus's flock aside from Rachel herself. Only barely seventeen. Even younger than Kathryn.

"Well?" Torvald prompted, clearly enjoying my pain. "This is your job is it not, Alice? You are overseer to my brother's human stock. I wish for advisement and these are the two animals from which I will choose." He paused, allowing the horror his words to sink in fully.

"Or perhaps I should not ask you at all and make the decision on my own if this makes you uncomfortable. I have always suspected that Magnus was wrong about your true capabilities."

I knew I could not lose the chance to protect the one I cared for so much. I could not risk Kathryn. I could not take the chance he might call my bluff...

"Olivia," I said. The name tasted like bile in my mouth as I fought to hold back the nausea rising from my stomach.

"And why might I choose her over the other?" he pressed.

I closed my eyes for the briefest of moments and took a deep breath to steady my voice and remove as much thought and emotion as I could from my mind as I prepared to do the unthinkable.

"She is the younger of the two," I answered. "I know that your preference is for younger animals. She of an excellent weight and shape that I'm sure will please you. The tenderness of animals so young with such fat cover is quite desirable. She will certainly yield a premium meat.

"Kathryn is of value to me in controlling the others for the time being. They trust her as one of their own but she is entirely loyal to my command. I can control her and she, in turn, can control her companions. Moreover, I suspect that Olivia has at least six pounds on her friend."

I spoke with as much calm as I could muster, trying my best to keep the tremor from my voice as I condemned the poor girl to death and then, I held my breath. Would he listen to me at all? I wondered. Would he take Kathryn from me out of spite? But after another brief glance at his ledger of Magnus's stock, his eyes met my again and he smiled.

"Perhaps you have more expertise in the field than I'd suspected," Torvald said. "Listening to your assessment I understand how my brother can sometimes question your true species. You are quite cold and calculating. Aren't you, Alice? It is almost as if you are sibla yourself."

I didn't answer, pressing my mouth into a flat line to avoid the snarl I felt trying to surface. The frustration and anger inside me bubbled up and I could feel my cheeks turning red. How dare he! He'd forced me to speak so. I couldn't allow him to kill Kathryn and he'd given me no other choice. But shame filled me as well. Perhaps he was right. Perhaps I was nothing more than a "cold and calculating creature". That was what all the others believed me to be. Now Kathryn would as well if she ever found out that I was the one who had killed her best friend. She might never forgive me for such betrayal and I would lose Kathryn either way. Worse? As much as I wanted to blame Torvald, I knew I could not.

This was the position I had agreed to. I was Magnus's overseer. Just because Magnus had spared me the less pleasant ramifications of that job title in the past did not mean that Torvald was obligated to do so now. Perhaps this torture was exactly what I deserved after so many years of indifference as I watched hundreds and hundreds of my own kind face slaughter without a word to stop it. As I stared at Torvald's smug smile I wondered if I had been deluding myself for thirty years. Perhaps I was the monster I had fought so hard against becoming. Perhaps I was indeed the greyskin that so many believed me to be.

"I must say you make some valid points," Torvald continued as he made a notation in his book. "And I must also assume that my brother would be unhappy with me if I were to take one of your precious little pets without his permission."

His smile only deepened at the nauseous expression I was certain must be showing on my face. It was a trick. He'd never intended to take Kathryn. He'd only wished to make me suffer. To ensure that I was the one who named the condemned and tainted myself in doing so.

"I am having a guest for dinner this evening," he continued. "One who will be happy to sample some of my brother's famed product. Your help is most appreciated. Who better to select the proper animal than one who knows Magnus's flock so well."

Still I kept my mouth closed, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall in a mix of anger and disgust. But it was not Torvald at whom my rage was aimed. I had no one to blame for my situation but myself. I had fallen for his trap. Or perhaps I had merely revealed my true self.

"One of the workers will process the animal by this afternoon," Torvald said. "I believe my guest will be arriving around eight o'clock. I expect hors d'oeuvre at eight thirty and dinner at nine. I will ensure the meat is in your kitchen no later than three. Is that sufficient time to prepare?"

I nodded, knowing I could hardly argue with him. It would have to be sufficient time and I would make it so.

"Send the animal to meet me by the main house within the hour and I will take care of the rest."

I nodded again. My whole body was trembling now in frustration and helplessness. I closed my eyes again to breath in deeply, hoping to control myself before he might notice.

"Well?" he said sharply as he turned back to his papers. "What are you waiting for? I am through with you slave. Get back to work."

I stood on shaky legs, still horrified at what I'd done. Yet I knew I could not allow my emotion to stand in the way of the ominous task ahead. I had to clear all of the girls from the main house. If Torvald had a guest coming, the house would have to be immaculate, but I did not wish for any to still be working there when the company arrived. And of course, I had to find Olivia...I took another deep breath to steady myself. I had to focus least more be forced to pay for my mistakes.

Olivia was set to work with Kathryn, Rachel, and I in the kitchen that afternoon, but I could not risk Torvald's men coming to take her in their presence nor in front of any of the others. The panic that could be caused if they watched Olivia dragged away to slaughter would be unimaginable. I might not be able to control them and if any were to fight against Torvald's command there was no telling how many more might suffer punishment or even death for their transgressions. No, I had to ensure that Olivia was isolated.

I set off for the garden where I knew the girl had spent her morning. If I wished to ensure that Olivia's death was swift and carried out unnoticed by the others I would have no choice but to send her directly to Torvald with no hint of my intentions. The idea filled me with a new wave of discomfort. Was it not bad enough that I had condemned her? Now I would send her unknowingly to her murder. This sweet and innocent child...

No, I reminded myself. Now was not the time for sentimentality. Only one would die. If I did not perform my duty to the best of my ability more would be at risk.

I found the girl washing her hands at the water pump near the pig barn. She must have been finishing up her morning tasks and preparing to come meet us in the kitchen. I was lucky to have caught her alone.

"Olivia," I said, calling out to her.

The girl looked up in surprise.

"Alice?" she answered uncertainly. "I thought I was meant to come and meet you in the kitchen."

My throat felt dry, my tongue numb.

"Is something the matter?" she asked.

"There has been a change in plans, Olivia," I managed to say. "Torvald needs aid and has asked for you specifically."

I could see the slight hint of fear in her eyes. She was no doubt afraid of our new master and how he might treat her. She had no idea I was sending her to death. She would never be able to conceive of something so horrible...

"Just do as he says," I told her, feeling the words of false hope tear at my heart. "Whatever it is, do exactly as he tells you and everything will be alright." It was the same message I had given them since his arrival and it was the truth. At least I hoped it was the truth. That if she offered no resistance, he would not be cruel to her in those final moments and that the sibla who took her life would do so with some level of compassion.

The girl nodded, comforted.

I wanted to take her in my arms. I wanted to pour out my regret and sorrow. To beg her forgiveness for what I had done. But informing her of her fate could only serve to cause panic now. She would never be given the chance to bid farewell to her friends, to make peace with her end. I could only hope that Torvald was not a complete monster and would grant her a swift and painless death.

"I will see you later, child," I said taking her hand in mine and squeezing it slightly for reassurance, though I knew that the next time I saw her, she would be nothing more than an object. A dead thing. A piece of meat and nothing more...     "Remember to comply with whatever he asks of you," I told her. "Do that for me. Do that for yourself." I forced myself to meet her gaze as she looked into my eyes with so much trust.

"I will," she said, donning a small, determined smile. I felt my heart shattering into a million pieces but still I reminded strong.

"Good girl," I said, forcing myself to loose my grasp. As Olivia turned and went to meet her death I wiped angrily at the tears in my eyes. There was no time for emotion. I still had to get back to the kitchen and ensure that Rachel and Kathryn were kept busy for the rest of the afternoon. I could not have them there when Torvald brought the main ingredient for his evening meal.


So now you know the emotional pain Alice suffered in condemning Olivia to death. There are 3-5 parts to this section of Alice's story ( depending on how I split it). Ready for the next? You already saw these next scenes from Rachel's pov. I wonder how it will be different from Alice's perspective...;-) Question for readers: What do you think of Alice's pov voice. I seldom write in first person but for some reason Alice came to me naturally that way. Are you interested in hearing more of her story? As always, I would love to hear your thoughts:-) Update on Monday

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