Chapter Fifty-Two

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We've been talking about Rachel a lot in the past couple of chapters, but does anyone else miss her pov? She was very happy when last we left her. Glad to have Magnus returned, grateful to have regained her sense of safety and freedom on the estate. Let's see how she is now...



The sun shone brightly that morning, its rays piercing through the windows to gently rouse Rachel from her slumber without even needing Kathryn to shake her awake. As Rachel opened her eyes she felt alive with more energy than she'd felt in a long time. Perhaps the effects of Torvald's reign over the estate were finally gone, she thought to herself. Or perhaps it was merely the beauty of the early fall weather that was causing her good mood. As she rose and went to the window to stare outside, Rachel could see the spots of orange and red that had begun to paint the leaves of the trees, regaling them in their autumn finery.

The fire was already roaring in the hearth and Rachel breathed in the lovely mixed sent of cool air and burning wood. It wasn't quite cold enough to need the fire yet, but Kathryn had likely woken early and decided to give them a small treat to make climbing from beneath the covers a bit more pleasant. Rachel was grateful. The soft warmth it added to the room made her smile as she went about washing up and getting dressed along with the other women.

Kathryn had laid out her favorite dress for her and no sooner had she slipped it over her head, then her friend appeared by her side.

"Good morning, Rachel," Kathryn said cheerfully as she buttoned the buttons Rachel couldn't reach. "It's a lovely day outside. You wouldn't have believed the colors in the sky this morning."

Rachel smiled. Kathryn was always an early riser. She knew the older girl often went out into the field to watch the sunrise. She wished she had gone with her to see it.

"Will you wake me up tomorrow to watch the sun with you?" Rachel asked.

"Of course," Kathryn answered. I just wanted to let you sleep a bit longer. I did start a fire though. I thought everyone might appreciate that."

Rachel nodded.

"So, my friend," Kathryn said. "How would you like to wear your hair today? A french braid perhaps?"

Rachel nodded again, happy to see that her good mood was apparently shared by the others as well. Indeed, as Kathryn lovingly brushed and braided her hair Rachel could see that every one of the other women seems a bit more cheerful today. She wondered why. Perhaps like her, they were merely grateful to see their lives so returned to normal. To see the beauty of early fall.

It would still be at least two months before any would even have to think about the possible harvest, but even that seemed less important now. She'd heard the other girls speculating that perhaps none would die this season. After all, Magnus and Alice had not bought any new slaves in the spring. Their numbers remained small, with only fifteen out of thirty beds filled in the main sleeping quarters.

Rachel donned her coat and followed the others out of the hall to a mix of "good mornings" and "have a nice day"s as she and Kathryn set off for the kitchen.

Kathryn was right, Rachel realized. Outside the day was beautiful. A perfect compliment to her good mood. The sky above was the clearest baby blue with only a few ornamental white clouds. The sun shone brightly, its gentle warmth cutting through the cold morning air and warming her face and other bits of exposed skin where they poked out from her coat. The grass was still green and in the trees along the path to the house she could see the apples hanging, begging to be picked. She would have to ask Alice if she might go later to do so. They had been waiting for them to ripen after all and it seemed the time had come.

In the kitchen, Alice was already hard at work. When Kathryn and Rachel walked in she greeted them both with a smile that was almost uncharacteristically warm before laying two plates of scrambled eggs and sausage on the table.

"Eat," she said. "This morning I decided I could make breakfast myself. I have even baked biscuits and scones. A veritable feast for all."

Rachel stared at the array in wonder. How early must the old woman have risen to complete so much work already? Kathryn too seemed surprised.

"Are you certain you don't need any help?" Kathryn asked.

Alice only shook her head, her smile unfading. "Enjoy yourself, Kathryn," she said. "You and Rachel work so hard. I wanted to give you a small treat. Our Master has engagements on a friend's farm today so our chores will be minimal. He will not be back until after dinner and has already told me we needn't worry about any of his meals. What better chance might we have to be a bit more selfish for a change."

Rachel saw Kathryn hesitate for a moment longer, casting a skeptical glance at Alice but the old woman only laughed.

"Don't we deserve some happiness, Kathryn?" she said, placing her arm around the younger woman and directing her to the table, a basket of fresh pastries in hand. "When the other's come they can share in our meal and serve themselves."

The morning was lovely. Kathryn had finally relaxed and Alice was more jovial than Rachel had ever seen her before. The three of them ate together and talked until the others came in from their first round of chores and joined them, filling their own plates and enjoying the luxurious array of good food and cheer. In fact, Alice seemed entirely oblivious to the clock as their breakfast extended far longer than it ought to have.

"Thought we might make some cookies," Alice said as Rachel and Kathryn finished clearing the dishes when the others had left. "A nice treat to share after dinner in the slave hall. I fear I have not been spending enough time with our flock. I have just been so busy helping Magnus return to his normal routine. Forgive me if I have been neglecting the rest of you."

"Not at all, Alice!" Kathryn exclaimed. "We know how much you have been through over these past few months. All are grateful."

Rachel eagerly nodded her agreement. It was true. Alice did so much for them. This random showing of excessive kindness only proved what she knew already. Alice cared for them all fiercely and was tireless in her efforts to make sure they were provided for.

Alice smiled at them and to Rachel's surprise, suddenly embraced them both in a hug.

"You know how much I care for you both don't you?" The woman asked. Rachel was eager to reciprocate the gesture, allowing herself to be pulled in close to the older woman and pouring out her gratitude in her embrace. Alice needed to know that her efforts were not unnoticed. She marveled at the fact that only a year ago she had held so much distrust towards her. But it was as Kathryn had always said. Alice was their protector. She was the reason the reason they could enjoy such luxuries as they all did. The reason they were safe.


The rest of the day continued to be extraordinarily pleasant. After prepping vegetables for dinner Alice suggested that they all take a walk together, something they hadn't done together since her very first days on the estate. The weather had grown warmer as the sun settled in the sky, and Rachel was able to leave her coat behind, enjoying the gentle touch of the sun against her exposed skin as they walked through the green fields and picked a few apples from the trees to munch. Though Alice had to go check on the others at their tasks she suggested that Kathryn and Rachel continue on their stroll, assuring them both that she could manage dinner without them.

Of course they immediately set off for the lake, running and laughing the whole way there until they collapsed by the water's edge and basked in the sun, staring up at the clouds and making up stories of the creatures they saw in their white fluffy shapes.

As the sun moved further west, Kathryn suggested that they go and check up on Alice to see if she needed any aide and Rachel readily agreed. Alice had been so generous all day, it was unfair to take advantage. But when they arrived back at the house they found that Alice had already asked a few of the others to help her start dinner. The smell in the kitchen was heavenly and Rachel knew immediately that Alice was making her very favorite dish. Lamb chops and mashed potatoes. There was even fresh corn.

The old woman welcomed them warmly and accepted Kathryn's offer of help but when Rachel tried to do the same. Alice only shook her head.

"You may stay if you want," she said, "but truly we do not need any more aid."

"Are you certain there are no more chores I might complete?" Rachel asked, guilty that she had spent nearly the whole day relaxing.

    Alice gave her a tired smile. "You have become such a good, obedient, girl," she said.

    Rachel was proud to be so praised. She wanted to please Alice after all.

    "There is really nothing much left for you Rachel," the old woman said. "Go, do as you wish for the rest of the afternoon. Go outside, play with the animals, whatever makes you happy. And tonight, I shall tell you a story."

     Rachel looked at Alice in surprise. She had never volunteered to tell her stories. And there something was wrong. Something in her expression that looked far less cheerful than before, in spite of her kind words. She looked sad? Ill?

    "Are you well, Alice?" Rachel asked with concern.

    "I'm fine, child."


    "I simply need some time to myself," she answered sharply. "Time with the others who need less supervision."

    Rachel shrank back, surprised by her sudden change in tone. Alice sighed.

    "I'm sorry, Rachel," she said. "I didn't mean to snap. I suppose my mind is preoccupied. We have had such a lovely day, but tomorrow we will have to face the reality of our daily lives once again. I suppose I just need a few minutes to think and I know you wish to engage in activities more enjoyable than watching my silence. Leave me now." The woman gave her a small smile and Rachel relaxed again. Alice had given them so much free time today. It was not surprising that she was now anxious to prepare her mind for tomorrow.

    "Yes Ma'am," Rachel answered dutifully

    "Oh and Rachel," Alice said, stopping her before she left. "I almost forgot, Magnus has asked for you tomorrow morning."

    There was a catch in Alice's words and Rachel nodded solemnly, guessing the task her Master likely wished for her help with.     "He will slaughter one of the lambs?"

    "Yes," Alice answered. "But do not think on it now. It is beautiful outside. The perfect day to run free. One of the last beautiful days of summer weather we might have. Enjoy it." The old woman smiled more genuinely this time and Rachel followed in kind.

    "Thank you," she said happily, "I will see you this evening."

    Alice nodded, but her smile had faded again as turned back to the others, walking to the counter and resuming her work. As Rachel ran for the door she did not see the tears welling in the old woman's eyes.

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