Chapter Forty-Nine

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So, Magnus has returned. Let's see how Rachel feels about that. This chapter is sorta short and sweet ( acting as a bridge), but I promise that Friday's chapter will contain something a bit more substantive ;-)



With Magnus returned to his position life soon went back to normal on the estate. Though Torvald remained for a few more weeks to ensure that all ran smoothly during his brother's recovery, their true Master's presence erased the potential danger that anything would be done without Magnus's approval. Alice had even permitted Rachel to move back with the others and though she did not so much mind the older woman's company anymore, she was still glad to be back in her own bed with Kathryn and the other girls by her side.

The summer was once again in full bloom across the land, and with her freedom returned, Rachel took advantage of any time she was granted outside, savoring the luxury of safety her Master granted in his protection. She'd even been permitted to once again help with the other livestock and loved playing with the young lambs and piglets. Even once her chores were complete she often spent more time with the animals before setting off for the lake where she could refresh herself from the summer heat.

When she saw Magnus around the estate with Alice, trying to slowly trying to take back his position fully, Rachel realized she no longer feared him and was in fact truly grateful he had recovered from his illness. Living under Torvald she had finally begun to understand the horror Alice always spoke of, emphasizing just how lucky they were to have been acquired by their Master. Other sibla men were cruel but Magnus was truly kind. Though their Master still kept his distance from them, as was his custom, Rachel could not help but notice more clearly than even before the compassion he exuded as he looked over his animals and all the humans he cared for. A compassion that had been entirely lacking in Torvald's affect.

Rachel did not hesitate when the now fully recovered Magnus asked her to help him slaughter a few of the spring lambs, glad to be of assistance. Of course she was sad to hear that the creatures of her beloved flock would die, but she was grateful for the chance to help the animals to a painless end. Rachel did not even flee the room once the lambs had been dispatched, choosing to stay after the life had drained from the creatures' bodies and watch the process with a certain fascination as Magnus transformed the gentle living animals into the meat that served to nourish them all.

The positive outlook Rachel now felt pervading her life seemed to be shared by the other girls as well. Gone was the fear and despair of Magnus's illness and even Alice seemed far more pleasant than she ever had in the past, granting Kathryn extra time to escape the kitchen and join Rachel in the fields. Rachel was glad her friend seemed to have been fully forgiven for any argument she'd had with Alice under the pressure of Torvald's cruelty. Kathryn belonged in Alice's favor after all.

Now that they had no need to fear Torvald's discovery, they could even pick wildflowers and lay them on Olivia's grave under the oak tree. She knew that Kathryn liked to sit at the spot to honor the spirit of her good friend and Rachel enjoyed joining her there, shaded from the hottest hours of sunlight by the tree's graceful shade.

Watching Kathryn sit in peaceful meditation Rachel even tried to imitate her, taking the shiny black pebble around her neck in her hand, filling her mind with memories and sending them to the spirit of Mamma and Papa and Olivia and Sarah and Judith and all of the others she had lost. She realized that Alice was right. Those who had passed were not forgotten or lost. She remembered them. She vowed to keep doing so for as long as she was able.


As I said, it's short. Was there more you might have wanted to hear from Rachel at this point? ( just curious. this really IS a bridge chapter).

So.... I suppose the story could end at this point. I mean it's a pretty happy ending right? Magnus is back. Alice, Rachel, and Kathryn all survived Torvald's reign on the estate. Everyone seems pretty darn happy. I mean one day they might get eaten but hey, it's a nice farm right?...But, there are still 5 chapters left. Next chapter will be up on Friday and then there will be 4 chapters next week to FINISH THE BOOK!!!! 0-o For all who have been following to this point? THANK YOU! I can't tell you how exciting it is to update and see so many people flock to read. You guys are the best <3

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