Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Everything has been going so very well. Magnus and Alice's relationship is on the mend, the nastiest/most threatening of the human flock are now gone, Rachel feels safe and content ( she may or may not get eaten, but hey that's life. haha) ...So the book's over right?........Maybe not;-)



The signs of spring had finally arrived again, beginning to drive out the cold and snow that had settled over his lands for the past few months. The winter had not been too harsh and he was grateful for it. Already the frost had melted allowing preparations to go forward for planting without fear. The winter season was always one of rest to a certain degree, but spring was a time of work and Magnus was eager to see his lands wake from hibernation.

In spite of the promising weather and the surplus the previous year's harvest would allow him to invest in his current crops and flock however, Magnus had been feeling ill for some time now. He'd hoped it was merely a minor cold brought on from the change in seasons, but the general malaise refused to leave him. When Magnus awoke yet again with a throbbing in his temples he knew the problem might not be one easily remedied.

The pressure in his head been there for days growing steadily more pronounced, but as he tried to open his eyes that morning, he found the pain nearly unbearable. Nonetheless, there was too much to do for him to sleep in.

In spite of the wave of dizziness that swept over him as he climbed from his bed, Magnus still managed to dress and make his way to the dining room. Perhaps a strong cup of coffee would clear his mind of this strange fog, he thought to himself. Still, as Magnus slumped into his chair at the dining room table, he realized how hard it was to even keep his head raised.

It was not long before Alice came into the room carrying his breakfast on a platter. The smell wafting from the plate was tantalizing. Eggs, bacon, and bread so fresh he could still make out the scent of baking. Yet he knew from the nauseous churning in his stomach that he had little appetite.

The expression on the human's face instantly registered concern as she looked at him.

"Whats wrong, Magnus?" she asked. "You look terrible."

"It's nothing," he answered shaking his head. That was a mistake. With even such a small action the pain radiated down his neck from his head with such force as to send dark spots to his vision. He put a hand to the spot, closing his eyes against the pain.

Alice immediately put the tray of food down and rushed to his side.

"You're ill," she said.

"No, no," he insisted.

"You are!" She put a hand to his forehead and withdrew it quickly. "You're burning with fever."

Magnus shooed her away. "Truly, Alice I can't afford to be sick right now. The sewing of the fields must be complete today and I must be there. The men I employ are not half as reliable and dedicated as the girls you oversee. I cannot trust them to the task alone."

It was the truth. With the spring thaw, he knew he had a limited window to ensure his crops were properly seeded. And then there were the lambs and piglets that would have to be cared for. Many of his flock were due within the next few weeks. And preparing for the spring markets....As the tasks piled one atop the other in his mind his headache only worsened. He noticed Alice's frown had not abated.

"Try to eat some of your breakfast, Magnus," she replied. "I will go brew you a strong herbal tea I think might help reduce your fever and perhaps help ease that headache you seem to have acquired. But please promise me you will be careful. You are too important to risk your health. Oversee your men if you must but then come back immediately. I am ordering you to bed as soon as your work is complete."

He laughed in spite of the pain and nodded dutifully. "I will," he promised. "You know this is why I never took a wife, Alice," he commented. "You care for me far better than a sibla woman ever could."

She did not join in his laughter, concern clearly plastered across her face. "I will be back with the tea soon," she said. "Do not leave until I return. I expect you to drink the whole cup, no matter how unpleasant the taste."

He nodded again. "Yes, Master," he answered, hoping that his small joke might finally ease her worry. Indeed at his words, he saw a slight hint of a smile twitch to life on her lips.

"You are impossible you know," she said, shaking her head as she disappeared out of the door.


By mid-afternoon, Magnus could barely keep his eyes open against the pain in his head. Though Alice's remedy had indeed eased the agony, with the sun glaring down, beating against his skin, the unbearable heat seemed to penetrate to his very brain. He cursed the unusually warm weather.

He'd already shed his scarf and jacket, though he knew Alice's would chide him for it later. But now his body seemed both hot and cold all at the same time, a strange chilling sweat covering every inch of his skin. As he stood atop his tractor, trying to oversee the other planters, he found the world beginning to loose focus.

"We are almost done here, Mr. Kendrick"

Magnus heard the words and saw a figure standing by him, but he could not make out the man's face. He nodded nonetheless.

"Just one more row left and then we'll be done for the day."

Just one more row

Yes, Magnus thought. And after that, he could lie down. He wondered how long he had been working. Longer than he should have most likely. Alice would be angry. He looked to his wrist to see the time, but the numbers on the watch face blurred together. He needed water. He needed sleep. Magnus squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that the momentary relief from the sun's burning rays right help.


He heard the call as if in a dream. Turning his head he saw Alice's image come blearily in his periphery, a small shape by her side that he realized must be Rachel.

"You promised you would come back in within the hour. You have been out way too long. And there is still a chill! Where is your jacket? Come back to the house and get some rest."

Magnus tried to respond to her, but his lips seemed too parched to open. His mouth felt as if it had been filed with cotton and the breath he tried to take in seemed to catch just short of his lungs.

She was walking towards him more quickly now, the blur that was his beloved human. Though he could not make out her face clearly he could practically feel the concern radiating from her.

"Magnus, what's wrong?"

Again he forced his mouth to open in hopes a reply might reach her ears, but the effort seemed futile. His dry lips opening and closing wordlessly like a dying fish struggling for its last breaths having been being torn for the thirst-quenching waters from whence it came.

"Get down here now. Please!"

Words that seemed to make no sense.

"You are not well. Just answer me. What's wrong?"

Her desperation pounded in his ears in tandem with his throbbing temples. Magnus managed a deep breath and stepped forward in an attempt to obey her command. He would go to her. He would answer her. Stop her fears and concern. Assure her that everything was alright...But as Magnus's foot reached for the next step he found the solid metal of the tractor did not make contact. His foot grasped only the air, and the movement had propelled him too far to stop his momentum.

Suddenly Alice's image was no longer in his view, only the brown of the field rushing towards him filled his vision but he was helpless to stop his decent. Then the ground met his body with a hard thud and the world went black.


Well...I bet you weren't expecting that? I did promise that something major would happen hehe. Was this a surprising twist? Magnus is ill( very ill from the looks of it). What will that mean for all the others???....0-o You will have to read on to find out! hehe. Things are looking a bit worrisome in the present timeline, but what about the past? When last we left Magnus, he had begged his brother's help in rescuing Alice. Wonder how that played out....As always, thank you so much for reading!

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