It all started...

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This story initially started as a daydream branching from the end of the below book series. ❤️📚💯

It all started when Anabelle came running down the hallway into our classroom wearing nothing but a bright pink sports bra and black Spandex shorts.

At least, that is when I, Blu Destiny Sparkfield, say it started.

Others, such as Jared, may say that it started that one crazy but spectacular Halloween night.

Jason would say it started, for him, that first day back to school.

Some say that it never happened.

And even more would say it really started centuries ago in ancient times.

But back to quiet, smart, and sweet Anabelle - who came running into our classroom, basically jumped into our new teacher's lap, and proceeded to make-out with him. 

To say the class was stunned is an understatement.

I'll spare you the long story and details, but basically Anabelle was referring to herself in third person and was like kinda possessed in some way, and then her friend Bailey came in and saved the day. It turns out that Anabelle, along with a bunch of other crazy stuff that happened that day, was caused by some weird weakening of the barrier between our world and their world.

The fairies and the like. In the world of faerie, in other words.

Are you now mind boggled? 

Call me crazy, but for some reason, as I learned more about this kind of stuff and my new double life, I kept my mind and my cool. Many others in my group couldn't do that. I'd say Jared and I were the top two hopes for the future. Now it's just 1.5 of us - just me and kinda Jared - especially since he has a different role to play in this game now. Plus the others that I don't know about in this secret society.

So since I gave you the cliff notes version of when I say it all started, I'll tell you the way that Jared says it all started....

"Hey Blu, you comin' tonight?" Jared asks me as he follows me to my locker after school. 

"Sure, why not? I payed money for my costume, so I might as well wear it." I respond, turning the combo until I hear the fateful click, opening my locker and throwing my books inside.

It's Halloween tonight, I'm not doing any homework this weekend.

"Ok cool, then you gotta help me figure this out" Jared says, taking my hand and pulling me along behind him.

"Whoa, slow down there Mr. I'm-so-pumped. Why are you so excited? You've been to parties before."

We break through the school's jammed doors into the bright, warm sunlight as he says, "I heard it through the grapevine that tonight was gonna be spectacularly special - and spooky."

Suddenly he stops, "My gosh, I must be going crazy. Did I tell you about the latest weird thing to happen to me? An actual fucking grapevine told me this - I was walking home- and you know those grapevines by my house? - one freaking reached out, poked me, and told me that tonight was going to be crazy. Weird right?"

"No, its Halloween man, someone probably just played a prank on you. You sure it wasn't Jason?" I ask, picking up the pace so Jared wouldn't see the blush creeping into my cheeks at the mention of his younger brother's name.

Jared and Jason were practically inseparable, despite being a year apart in age. They both looked almost like twins, but Jared was like my best friend, while Jason.... well let's say our relationship is a bit more complicated than that.

"No, he was in his room practicing that violin of his - I swear that thing is attached to his hand. So if you plan on it... good luck getting him to stop practicing." he says before running the rest of the way to his house two blocks away.

I sigh before jogging to his house. I know that Jared probably knows about how I probably maybe not most likely really like his younger brother of my same age, and I guess he's okay with that, but sometimes I wish he would stop trying to drop hints that mess with my mind.

"Heineken, Corona, Modelo, Coors, or Bud?" he asks me as I walk in the door.

"First, why do you have some many different types of beer? Second, you seriously brought me over to ask me what type of beer you should bring?" I ask with exasperation, flinging myself on their plush couch.

He shrugs, "Yes and no. Now do you care or not?"

"Not really, since I'll only have one or two. Anyways, the others probably won't notice and won't care. No one has refined tastes at this age."

He turns to head upstairs to his room, and toward the sound of Jason practicing, again, "Okay cool. It doesn't matter... that sounds great."

I follow him up the stairs and come to halt in front of a small empty room with beautiful melodies emanating from within.

Jared knocks, "Hey Jase, Blu is here."

"You don't have to tell him I'm her-"


I hear the music come to an abrupt stop, the music stand crash to the floor, and the quick shuffling of papers that follow soon after.

"Oh, hey there." Jason says with a smile, swinging open the door while attempting to lean coolly on the doorframe, but failing miserably.

He swipes some of his slightly curly brown bangs from in front of his eyes, and solely focuses his dark chocolate orbs on me,"I didn't hear you guys when you came in. How are you Blu?"

"Wow, what a nice way to greet your brother." Jared retorts playfully.

Jason rolls his eyes, "I know you are fine Jared, now just go back to your 'Galleria of Jewelry'. I just wanted to know how Blu was, it's been at least few days since I last saw her."

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." I say with a little giggle, deciding to point the spotlight back on him, "Are you coming tonight?"

"No, y'all know I don't do parties." he says, beginning to retreat back into his practice room.

Jared peeks his head out of his room, "I've been trying to get him to come - even saying that you will be there - and he won't budge."

I turn back to see the slowly retreating Jason, trying to escape.

"It's okay Jason" I whisper with a small smile, "you just stick to your gut and yourself, and don't let people like JARED, try to make you do something you don't want to do."

I turn and make my way down the hall to Jared's room, trying to calm my nerves.

To this day, it still think Jason being kinda shy is one of the cutest things ever.

"I just want him to live a little, ya'know - get out of his comfort zone." Jared says from his closet as I walk into his room.

"I'm sure your definition of living and his definition of living are two very different things." I defend, sitting down on the edge of his bed.

Jared turn around holding up two costumes, "Should I wear this one or that one?"

"Whatever one."

"Oh c'mon. Choose."

I roll my eyes,"That one."

"Yes, I was hoping you'd say that." he mumbles with excitement, putting the other costume back in his closet.

Now you may wonder why I'm a bit closer to Jared while Jason is the one that is my age and in my grade. And quite simply, it is because I have more advanced classes with people in the next grade up, like Jared. Don't blame me because I'm smart, and I will always refuse to play dumb.

Being a bit worn out from my long day at school, I doze off to the sound of violin. 


"Blu, you better wake up. Time to go." Jared says, lightly shaking me.

I instantly shoot up, "Wait what time is it? Did I miss it? Where's everybody? Please don't tell me I missed it!"

Jared chuckles, "No Blu, you didn't miss it, but its almost time to go - don't you need to change into your costume?"

"Phew! Yes I do need my costume." I state as a matter-of-fact, standing and heading towards his closet.

"Oh shit, I left it at home!" I say, dashing out of his room.

I stop in front of Jason's room, seeing that his door is slightly ajar.  Looking inside, I see him with a small light on, sitting up in bed drawing something.  The look of bliss on his face, his smile, the way the light hits his eyes is just so perfect, I swear I could stand there forever and look at his happy face and totally forget about the stupid party.

"C'mon Blu! Let's go!" Jared says from down the stairs, snapping me out of my trance.

"Bye, Jason" I whisper, before running out the door to catch up with Jared.

About a block away from my house, Jared suddenly stops, "Did you see that?"

"See what?"

"That" he says, pointing his finger at the animal in the middle of the road.

I take a glance at it, not really understanding why he stopped just to look at some random animal.

"It's probably just a skunk, c'mon we don't have that much time or we'll be late."

"NO, look Blu!" he insists, blocking my path to my house.

I roll my eyes with an exasperated sigh and finally look at the skunk.  As if sensing our stares, it stands up on its hind legs and turns around.

My jaw drops to the ground as I look into a small, human-like face.

"It all starts anew with the great power of our eve and the time of our kind come through to play again, you wait and see." it snickers before bounding across the street and disappearing into the woods.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask Jared, stuck in my place with shock.

"I don't fucking know.  I could've swore I saw something like that a few weeks ago."

I turn to face him, "This better not be one of your pranks mister, or you will definitely be going to that party alone tonight."

He cracks a smile,"So what, so you could go stare at Jason whilst he sleeps?"

"I'm serious Jared."

"No, I don't know a thing about it.  But I've been telling you, weird things like this have been happening to me all month."

"Well, lets go inside so I can put on my costume. We can't let this be the thing that makes us late."

We walk the rest of the way to my house in silence.  As I open the front door, the sounds of videogames invades my ears.

"Cam! Turn that shit down!"

He looks at me, then returns to the game.


He smirks, clearly enjoying his ability to piss his older sister off.

"Cameron Starburst Sparkfield! Turn that down!"

He scowled at my use of his full name before slowly reaching for the remote and turning the game down.

"Now that's better" I say in a normal tone of voice, "How was your day today?"


"Okay.  Well, as you know, I'm going to a party and I'll probably just crash at Jared's -"

"-Okaaaay. I already know, now can you just leave already?"

"Fine." I say, motioning to Jared to follow me up the stairs, "We'll leave you alone to improving your intimate relationship with videogame characters."

I walk into my room with its instantly calming lavender walls and head toward my closet as Jared shuffles in behind me.

"This one or that one?" I ask, holding up my costumes.

"Whatever one" he says, mocking my response to him earlier.

"Well, it doesn't matter 'cause I already chose one. Now shoo!" I reply, pushing him out my room.

"Then why'd you ask me?" he complains from behind my closed door.

"Because I wanted to make you look like an idiot." I say as I shimmy into my costume.

"Fuck you."

"Why I'm flattered, but I'm sorry, but I'm already taken."

"By who, a violin?"


"Then who?" he asks, genuine concern creeping into his voice.

"A boy. Whose name starts with a 'J', and has gorgeous brown eyes - unlike yours."

"Uh, last time I checked I had the most beautiful eyes in the world."

"When then" I say, swinging my door open, "Stare into my soul and make me melt."

Our staring contest last for 20 seconds before he gives in, "You know I suck at these things called staring contests."

"I know." I state, turning to walk back down the stairs toward my brother's lair.

"Is that a fairy costume?" Jared asks, trailing behind me as I tentatively take steps in an effort to not rip my wings.

"Yes, and you're a prince - it's the perfect match."

He stops at the front door, "How?"

I leap out into the crisp night air.

"Their both magic."

This is kinda what Blu's costume looks like, in case you were wondering.

Hello all! Thanks for reading my new story! I'm just as excited about this one as I am for Camp, so I'm hoping I don't disappoint.

Y'all know the usual- if you see any mistakes, please point them out.

And don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

Much love ❤️ 


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