the kiss

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g pov ( can't spell names, so g and l are them) p.s only version sorry p.p.s i <3 Merome 

OMG i get to finally kiss aphmau lets hope here lips are warm and soft like spirkles *cry*. Anyway i did my part as romeo and i felt aphmau lips were wonderful, but when i open my eyes i saw that i just kissed l in front of a crowd. i blush red thank god i had a mask on so my blush was hidden. i looked at l and he kiss me AGAIN not for acting but not for acting, but for the fangirls ( note rest of fanfic make l and g have sexy voice because its cute) this time it wasn't rushed and hard it was smooth and long everyone in the crowed was cheering and claping while l and i made out and Travis,danta,aphmau and Kwaii Chan are laughing alot 

l pov

i went to throw the potion and Kwaii Chan pushed me and i switched places with Aphmau and kissed g instend, but to my superised g lips were good . I kissed/made out in front of a crowed. When g found out it was me he blush even tho he had a mask but with no reason I kiss him again for the fangirls of course but to my supersized he kissed back probably thinking aphmau was there, but after words g and me looked at each other and smiled my first kiss with g. i hope he loves me?

Meow sorry took longer than usale school. But pelese like/love it first book ever and get next chapter soon bye..................      

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