Welcome to the World Maddie

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I give Tia a kiss and hold my baby, girl.

Tia's po.
I let out a deep breath and cry. My gorgeous, baby is born. Adam gives me a kiss and goes to hold her. He brings her up to me and I kiss her forehead. Welcome to the world Madison Tahlia Lafort. I wipe the sweat of my head and hold her, she so precious. "Ok, I'll take you blood and check you and the baby out, to see if you guys are alright. By the looks your all okay." Cassie says. I don't pay attention to what she's doing, I'm just forced on Maddie. She cry and little and Adam takes her to rock her. I smile and start to tear up. He loves her so much. More then I imaged.

Life as a new mum is a little hard. She's I week old and is crying and hungry a lot. I rode Boomer on a short trail ride, he was ancie at first but I suppose I deserve it I have rode him for a year soooooooo.
I hear Maddison scream in her cot, she must of had a bad dream again. I get up from the couch and walk up stairs to get her. I quietly walk into her room and slowly turn on the lights. "Hi, my beautiful chicken. How are you?" I walk over to her white noise and tire that off. I then turn her light tree off too. She whales a little as I pick her up. I rock her gently and she calms down. We walk down stairs to find  Adam home from work. He went back to work three days after Maddie was born. "How's my Pumpkin?" He says with his hands out. I give Adam Maddie and she snuggles her. "Hey Babe how was work?" He says give I go me a hug with his free hand.
"Good but I have something for you."
"What?" I say confused.
"Come on its outside." He gives me back Maddie and takes me outside. "Now, I know that you've always wanted an other horse, the was chestnut with cream tail and mane, and you wanted her name to be Champagne. So this is your push present." He opens up the trail and out comes a beautiful horse. She just what I wanted. "Baby." I say. "Ohmigod she's gorgeous, what does so specialise in?" I hand him Maddie and take Champagne lead rope. I pat her white stare on her head. "Trick ridding." My month almost drops.
"What, you want me to learn trick ridding." I say.
"Yeah, you could try. I know you will try anything so, yeah." He kisses my forehead.
"This is AMAZING." I laugh.

I read up on trick ridding, a lot and I can't wait to try it. Mickayla has come over with Charlie and she is willing to help and look after her God daughter. I tack up Champ with her new saddle and take her out to the sand area. "Ok I'm just gonna warm her up and work in my balance." I say to Mickayla, she nods and puts Charlie down to focus on me. I mount and push Champ into anti-clockwise, working trot. She's a nice horse, I've been riding her for about three day but this is the first time I've been in a trick ridding saddle. So, we'll see how it goes. It does hurt to ride a little. After about four laps I let go of the rains and pull my feet out of the stirrups. I kick her into a canter and I wobble a little but get the feeling. I slow Champ in a walk and I pull my feet up to the saddle I try that in a trot and a canter. It's really different but I can get the hang of it. I put my feet in the upper stirrups on the saddle. I push Champ into a trot, I slowly get up. I hold onto the rains while I stand up, I let go of the rains. He goes into a canter and it's amazing. We go for a couple of more laps and then I get back down. "You looked so good out there." Mickayla says.
"Thanks." I give Champagne a pat. I ride her to the gate and dismount. I open it and hand MK Champ, I take Maddie out of her pram. "Hello gorgeous." I tell her I hold her in one arm and take back Champ. We walk to the stables. "I'll untack her." Mickayla she's.
"You sure." I say.

A little after we sit down and have lunch. "I can't wait to get further with Champagne." I say taking a bite of my salad sandwich. "Well I can't wait to see you guys do some cool tricks." She says giving Charlie some ham. "When are you guys getting some more animals"
"We I definitely want to get a dog or two. I also want a cat. And maybe a herd of cow. Some sheep or pigs but we're really in a pickle with money now." I say.
"Yeah, I get it." We sit in silence for a bit until we finish our lunch. "We better get going it Charlie nap time." Mickayla says getting up.
"Ok, it's the same with Maddie." I says. I hug MK and say goodbye to Charlie.
"See ya Maddie." She says.
"Ok, see ya's." Mickayla leaves and I take Maddie upstairs to her room. I put her down and turn on her white noise, her light and turn off the mane light. "Night baby." I rock her to sleep while singing a lullaby.

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