Chapter 19| Put the Damn Gun Down

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Stan's POV

I heard my dad stomp up the stairs angrily and start to pound on the door. "Open this door dammit!" he yelled, slamming his fists on the door. That son of a bitch better not break the door down again. "Randy stop it!" my mother yelled from the hallway. "He's being a little bastard again!" he yelled. "He's going through some tough stuff. Just leave him alone," she said in attempt to calm him. "I'm getting my shotgun," he said, walking away. "WHAT?! DAD DON'T SHOOT ME!" I yelled in fear. "RANDY! I TOLD YOU TO GET RID OF THAT THING!" my mother yelled.

"I need it in case my kids try to have sex in the house!" he replied angrily. "What the actual fuck?!" I asked in anger and confusion. "Open the door birch!" my dad yelled, I'm assuming with his shotgun in hand. I pushed the desk away and opened the door shakily.  "No more swearing will be done in this house, GOT IT?" my dad asked angrily. "Y-yeah," I replied nervously. "Also! I know you have a boyfriend now-" "You aren't kicking me out are you?!" I asked fearfully. "Wha? No! I don't want you two fucking in my house!" he exclaimed.

"What?" I asked in complete confusion. "You are not allowed to have sex in my house! Have sex on the bus for all I care but I am the only person who gets da booty in this house!" he yelled in demand. "Randy!" my mother yelled in objection. "That's final! No fucking in my house! Or blowjobs or-" "I GET IT! Please don't go into detail!" I begged, not wanting to hear my dad be so graphic. "Alright, SHELLY THAT GOES FOR YOU TOO!" my dad yelled as he walked towards my sister's room.

Why is my dad so fucking stupid? I sighed and walked back into my bedroom followed by me flopping down onto my bed. "Oh by the way! You're grounded you little bitch!" my dad yelled from my hallway. Doorway "I thought you said no cursing!" I mocked. "I can swear all fucking want! And now that's 2 days of being grounded!" he yelled in reply. "That's it!" I yelled jumping off the bed. He pointed the gun at my head and glared at me. "Don't move you little shit!" he yelled in drunkenness. I then slapped the gun out of his hand.

"Get out of the way!" I demanded as I pointed the shotgun at my dad. "Go ahead, shoot me!" my father mocked as he threw his hands up. "STAN! PUT THAT DOWN!" my mother yelled in fear. "I will shoot you if you don't move!" I yelled as a bluff, still pointing the tip of the gun at my father. "If you have the balls be my guest," my father said. "I-uh," I threw the gun down and bolted past my father and down the hallway. "Get back here dammit!" my dad demanded as he ran after me.

"Stan! Get back here now!" my mother yelled as tears ran onto her cheeks. "What's going on?" Shelly asked as she came out of her room. I ran out the front door and started to sprint down the road towards Firkle's house. "STAN!" my father yelled as he caught up with me. I felt him throw himself onto me and slam me against the ground. "Get off me you fucking asshole!" I yelled as I tried to wiggle out from under him. "You're grounded! 6 months! I don't fucking care if you're pissed about it!" he yelled, dragging me up by my collar.

"Get off me!" I demanded angrily, trying to swat him away. "I have no idea what's gotten into you but it needs to stop!" he spat sternly. "Why do you hate me?!" I asked angrily as I managed to pull away from him. "I don't hate you! You're acting like a brat and I'm trying to deal with you!" he replied. "You don't understand what I'm going through!" I replied. "I don't but that that doesn't mean you can yell and scream at me whenever you want!" he replied in a strict voice. "You don't actually care about me..." I muttered, looking down.

"Stanly of course I care about you. I just don't understand why you're so angry all the time," my father replied. "I-it's hard to explain," I stuttered I reply, tearing up a bit. "You can tell me anything," he said. "I'm just worried about Kyle and his parents....they're in Denver now and I think they're trying to move there," I explained. "I'm sorry Stan. That really sucks but that doesn't mean you can just scream at me. I'm still your father," he replied. I sighed and started to walk back to my house in silence.

"You know I just want the best for you right Stan?" my dad asked as he led me back to the house. "I guess," I mumbled in response. We approached the house and I walked inside to see my mom and sister sitting on the coach. "What was that?! Stan I hope you know you are grounded and-" "I know mom," I mumbled. "Why did you fucking do that?!" my sister asked angrily. "I-I don't know," I replied. "Go upstairs Stan," my dad instructed. I started to walk up the stairs solemnly. I could've never shot him...

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