Chapter 21| Punishment

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Stan's POV

"I want to see fucking Kyle!" Sean yelled in rage. "Are you on crack or something?! Get out!" I demanded as I pushed him back. I then noticed a whitish powder underneath his nose. Holy shit, he's on fucking cocaine! A 6 foot tall angry man is high on cocaine in my house in front of me and my mom. "Kyle's in Denver! Get out now!" I yelled, pushing him out of the house forcefully. This is such crap! I locked the door and turned to my mom. "Call the cops if he does anything crazy," I said simply before walking up the stairs.

I didn't want to deal with Sean or any of his crap at the moment. If he started doing anything too crazy I'll just call the police. He got high and angry so he tried to find me. This still leaves the did he get my number? Maybe Kenny gave it to him or something...whatever all u know is that he's kinda taken care of. I then heard my mother stomp up the stairs and swing open my door. "Stanly! Why is their a man high on cocaine outside my door?!" she asked angrily.

"He's just some guy Kenny knows. I met him at a party and he's now crazy about Kyle. I know nothing else I swear. I'm not even his friend," I explained. "He's gone now but he won't come back right?!" she asked in rage. "I highly doubt it," I replied. "This is bullshit Stanly. You're ground for 2 months and to make sure you don't skip school tomorrow which I know you will I'm paying Shelly to babysit you! I-I can't trust you anymore!" she yelled. "What do you mean by babysit?" I asked nervously. "She's going to follow you to school. She's going to watch you in class," she replied.

"What?! Shelly's gonna fucking watch me at school?!" I asked angrily. "Yes! We're paying her quite a bit too because you're just too much to handle right now!" she yelled as she slammed my door and stomped away. GODDAMMIT! I fucking hate my mom and my sister! I hate everyone in this entire fucking world! The only good person is Kyle dammit everyone else just fucking sucks ass! I clenched my fists tightly and tried to restrain myself from attacking the wall in rage.

Timeskip~ Afterschool the next day

I started to walk home as Shelly continued to follow me. The entire day was extremely embarrassing and I kept trying to ditch her but she wouldn't quit. I even hid in the the boys bathroom and tried to climb out the window. She still managed to catch me! How in the hell am I supposed to get to Denver with her constantly following me?! Why are my parents going so fucking overboard with this?! "Shelly! Please go away! I'll do anything!" I begged as I turned around to face her. "Mom and dad are buying me an apartment in New York if I do this!" she replied.

My parents were too damn dedicated to this..."Shelly you don't understand why I need to go," I began to explain. "Oh? And what's your brilliant excuse?" she asked sarcastically. "Kyle's parents dragged him to Denver and are forcing him to stay there! They're abusive assholes Shelly! I can't let him stay there!" I argued as tears emerged from my eyes. Goddammit I won't cry! I can't cry! Shelly looked at me with concern. "Kyle is fine Stan. You don't need to save him," she replied in annoyance.

"You don't understand!" I yelled as tears rolled onto my cheeks. Fuck I can't cry in public like this it's gross! "Stan calm down!" Shelley yelled as she smacked my left cheek. In response to her slap I swung a hard punch at her neck an knocked her to the ground. "OW!" she cried out in pain. She looked up at me in fear since I was stronger since our last fight. "Fuck you. I'm going to Denver," I muttered coarsely as I ran away from her. I ran as fast as my legs could take me all the way to Firkle's house.

I reached the front door and knocked as loudly as I could. Footsteps were then heard from the inside and Firkle opened the door up to me. "Stan! Why didn't you ditch today?!" Firkle asked angrily. "Long story, let's fucking go!" I exclaimed, grabbing his arm and pulling him outside. "Damn! Ok how are we getting there?" Firkle asked as he adjusted his jacket. " We're taking the bus. Follow me to the bus stop," I said, guiding him towards the bus stop that was a few blocks away. I could only imagine the horrible things Kyle was going through.

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