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A/n: it was really hard for me to update using my phone. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter ♥️♥️


EVERY single person has a regrets on their lives. Sometimes, they will do something stupid so they could forget it. But let me tell you one thing, doing something stupid won't erase your regrets. It will just help you to stop thinking for it – for a couple of minutes, hours, days or maybe a week. But after that your mind will remind you – your own regrets.

Hurting you all over again.

In my case, I regret my foolish action last night. I wasn't even sure how the fuck did I drink all those alcohol that Sting order. I slowly open my eyes before a groan escaped my lips. I frowned when I saw an unfamiliar ceiling. I forced myself to sit up on the bed as I gently massage my temple because of my worst hang over.

"Oh, you finally awake"

My mouth parted as I look at the source of that unfamiliar voice. The woman in front of me is wearing a loose t – shirt, her long hair is tied into a side French braid, and her emerald eyes are now looking at me innocently as her thin lips slightly parted.

She frowned – confused on my reaction "You don't remember me, aren't you?" her voice is too soft and very relaxing.

"I – I..." I don't know what to say to her – for the past ten years of being a CEO – President of our company this was the very first time that I don't know what to say. It was like my mind can't comprehend right now.

She chuckle "Don't worry we didn't do anything, okay"

"Why?" I asked confused. If we didn't do anything – why the fuck I'm naked right now? Aside from that, this beautiful woman in front of me is too beautiful and hot.

We stayed staring on each other for a minute before she blink her eyes twice as if she finally understand my question, she laugh whole heartedly "I can't believe you really asked me that question."

I asked frowning "What's wrong with my question?"

She clear her throat and tried to swallow her laugh that trying to suppress on her mouth "There's nothing wrong with your question, Sir," she said "Is just that – I just can't believe that you are asking me why we didn't do anything last night"

"Because you're beautiful" I say truthfully which I think caught her off guard "That is why, I can't believe that I didn't do anything to you last night"

"Well," she shrugged "I think you are too drunk for that. It was really hard for me to bring you here in my house. You are too heavy for me," she pauses before she stare on me for a couple a second before she continue "Anyway, I used wheelbarrow to bring you here"

What the heck! Wheelbarrow that meant for garbage! Shit! Now that she say it, I smell awful. Shit! Shit! Shit! I will never be drunk again. Damn it!

"If we didn't do anything then why I'm naked?" She scratch the back of her neck then bit her lower lips like she was trying to stop herself from laughing again "I'm asking you"

"You stripped your clothes last night" she said which makes my eyes grew wider. She laugh once again before she fend off some of her hair behind her ear "It was a fine show. I really enjoy it" she said before winking on me.

My mouth parted in shock as I look at her face. I can't believe I just did it. No! She must be bluffing. She chuckle then she get her phone on her pocket and played there 'that' sinful video. What the heck!

"So how much for my silent?"

I GENTLY massage my temple after I adjourned the board meeting. I fix my tie before I stood up and went towards my office. My secretary is following me as she remind me about my schedule. I sighed and massage the bridge of my nose when I saw the head of marketing team inside my office.

"Good morning, President" he said. He waited for me to seat on my swivel chair before he handed me the folder.

A frowned embedded into my face when I saw the cover page "I don't like this. Come up with another plan" I say "Go," I dismissed the head of the marketing team.

"So I just want to inform you about your meeting with the representative of Mosaic Group Construction." She reminded me.

"The what?" I frowned, I don't even know about that. Why I wasn't inform?

"Oh, it was a project that Mrs. Dragneel approved last week."

"What kind of project?" I ask massaging my temple. Last week? That was probably the time when I was absent because of my hang over and that... shit! I really don't want to remember what happened that day with that woman.

"It was a new resort and the MGC will handle the project"

"Where are the files?" my brows furrowed "Why no one give the background information to me?"

"I'll get it for your, President"

After she handed me the files. My mouth formed into a small 'o' when I saw their past projects like the building, hotels, condominiums, houses and etc. the designs were impressive and the construction looked firm and safe.

My eyes went to the list of names that part of the project "Engr. Mavis... Vermillion"

My secretary remind me again that the representative of MGC about the meeting this morning. I sigh, and ready myself. When I entered the room, the people inside immediately stood up to pay respect to the CEO, which was me.

I did not smile. And I just continue making my way to my chair. Everyone was quiet and some were nervous. No one dared to talk when I entered the room. It was like someone cut their tongue. I travelled my eyes around – I almost held my breath the moment I saw that pair of emerald eyes staring back at me.

I can see confusion all over her face that I know mirrors mine. What the heck?

"President? May I start?" the woman asked me politely.

"Yes, you may," I nodded but my face never leave her face.

I saw her bit her lower lips as she tried to ignore my gaze. I smirk, she was probably thinking on what she did to me last week.


Until know I can believe that I paid six digit for that video. Damn!

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