Chapter 4: One And Only Night

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"I will hold you through the night
Until the sky turns light
The Journey now begins with you and I..."
-from "The Journey" by Scott Alan

He was shattering under her hands. She wrapped her arms around him, and moved his hair from his forehead. His eyes were open, gazing into hers. She didn't want to know the answers to all the questions she had about him in her heart, but she wanted to know this one thing: was this the last time she would be in his arms? The last time she would be able to touch him and kiss him and look into his eyes? Her heart pounded in her ears, and she had to close her eyes, focusing on the touch of his body against hers. He was trembling. He had never known what it was like to want something so much, and care for another so much, that he was afraid to breathe in for fear of letting her go. Holding her close, Enjolras had another reason to fight; for Marie, the love of his life.
He kissed her. Marie was frozen, unable to move. She was afraid that if she let go of him, he would be gone for good. A million thoughts rushing through her mind, and she had to think of something, anything else but this.
And she looked into his eyes, a look in them she had never seen before. She knew that he was fighting back tears. She held onto him as she had known she would, as if he was the air she breathed; and to her, he was, for she would die without him in her life, now and forever.
She kissed his fingertips, his arms and traced every curve of his face and body. Marie was free from fear; the only thing left was love.

She looked at his face in the firelight; the only light in the room; the only thing that was real at that moment. His eyes called out to her soul; there were no words, nothing spoken. He brought her close to him, and she heard his heart beating.
Nothing could break them apart. No one would take Enjolras away. Marie was all he would ever need.
His fingers whispered across her belly, then, lower. His breath was against her neck; his voice was against her ear. She felt his heart quickening, his breath coming in rhythm with hers.
No one could come between them, not even his Revolution, nor hers.
They would have one night; forbidden, pure, and no one could touch them. Not even death could separate them.
"I love you, Marie." He whispered.
"I love you too."
The two stared at each other, willing their eyes to meet. It was like looking into the eyes of the world.They were linked together forever, and nothing could break them apart. Enjolras lifted her chin and kissed her; a kiss that stole what little breath there was left in her. "I love you," he said again.
"I love you too, Enjolras.
The logs in fireplace burned down to embers and the candle guttered out as the night wore on; the dying firelight casting their entwined shadows on the bare wall. They knew it was their first time with each other, and they knew it might be their last time. All the rest of the world fell away as they lay together. For those few hours, that one single night of passion, they had no fear of what tomorrow would bring and with every kiss, touch, breath, and sigh they loved enough for a lifetime. A lifetime that they knew might never come. Before they knew it, it was over; their passions sated. Just when they thought they had run out of love to give, they had found that love could endure even to the end of the world. Exhausted, they laid beside each other, her head on his shoulder and her arm across his chest.
"I'm afraid about tomorrow; the thought that you might not come back." Marie whispered, half asleep.
"Don't be." Enjolras said into her hair, kissing her on the top of her head. He almost wished that the night would never end; that he could stay in this dark room and hold her forever.
Marie held him tightly in her arms. She was a little tired, but for some reason, she felt very alive.
"I don't want to let you go." she whispered.
"Neither do I."

"What if you leave before I wake up; that I never say goodbye to you?"
"That won't happen. I'll never leave you without saying goodbye."
When she didn't answer, he tried to change the subject. "When we get married, what kind of house do you want?"
"A big stone house, with a split rail fence and a garden. What will you do if your parents don't like us being together?" she said, looking up at him.
"I'll get a job as a schoolteacher, and the only house you'll have to worry about cleaning is our own...and raising our eleven children." He rolled over onto his side so he was facing her. Marie was so beautiful laying next to him.
The two stared at each other for a moment, smiling. Enjolras reached out and gently caressed her hair, pulling it back from her face.. She smiled back at him and as they continued to look at each other, he leaned in and kissed her.
"Not eleven, only five." Marie said, smiling.
"I'll take all I can get." Enjolras whispered, pulling her close.
"Go to sleep; I'll be here when you wake up." Enjolras whispered, kissing her softly on the mouth and stroking her hair.
"Then hold me, so I know this is real." Marie murmured.
Enjolras tightened his arms around her. This couldn't be just a dream.He had been in too many dreams before; some nightmares, some actually nightmares. He hugged her closer. No, this was real, as real as if she were in his arms. He had never felt anyone so soft, so delicate, so beautiful, so desirable. She looked so innocent lying here in the end of the candlelight. He hugged her again. They fell asleep in each other's arms, knowing that the one thing that would come was morning.
"I will hold you through the night." Enjolras whispered, and this time he meant it.

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