Chapter Two

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Epona's hooves tore up the ground as she galloped swiftly through the great Dueling Peaks that rose above our heads, covering us from the shining moon in the deep purple sky. She went at a steady pace that I found to appease my mind.

Past dueling peaks and across the Twin Bridge we met up with a stable, so I leaned back and pulled on her rough riens to get her slow down to a walk. I was still wearing the blue champions tunic because it was about the nicest thing I've really owned, so I got a lot of waves and bright smiles but I didn't return them.
Instead I turned my head forward and kicked Epona to get out of there. I didn't need all those looks. I didn't need anyone. She neighed and rushed off rather quickly, kicking up dry dirt in Beedle's face, causing him to plummet to the ground with his overly sized beetle back pack.
Epona ignored him and took a right towards Hateno Fort. She galloped on the dry trail past all the lifeless guardians that stared into the depths of our souls. It was nice to see them inactive for once, especially since they have stripped the lives of so many inocent people.

I forced myself to shake it off and before I knew it I saw the Hateno Village entry way. The torch light licked at words engraved into the wooden sign. Epona walked with her head down and breathed heavily from the long journey she had just took to get here. I hoped off and flipped the riens off her back and into my partially gloved hands.

Her hooves were clanking against wood of the bridge we crossed to get to my house. As soon as we made it I gently stroked her head and released my grip on the reins.
Walking into my house with my eyes focused on the interior, I saw the dust that caked the table and many different weapons displayed on the white stone walls including the Champions' weapons that were past down to me.

The now dead Champions that is.

I grunted and stormed up the stairs to my sleeping loft and plopped down on the bed.
"I can't believe I just got up and left her! I'm such a jerk!" I yelled at my self and kicked my boots off the loft.
I heard glass breaking in to tiny pieces right after I kicked it off. A scowl quickly stuck to me and I walked down the stairs to see I broke a glass cup that was before sitting upon the wooden table. Now it was everywhere, on the chairs, the floor, and scattered across the table.

I grabbed one of the biggest shards of glass cup, not bothering to pick up the rest of the mess. I ripped my leather half gloves off my hands when I made it back to my bed and pulled one of my sleeves up, revealing my bruised but muscular arm.

Sadness was all I felt anymore as I gazed with my cold blue eyes at the glass shard I grasped in my hand. I took it and lightly traced acrossed my arm then started to slowly add pressure, it stung like a bee but I've felt way worse. Deep red blood peaked out from the slit I made. The glass now having blood dripping off the clear sharp tip.
Suddenly the door burst open and made me jump so hard that the glass cut deeper into my arm, blood now spilling everywhere. I cried out and grasped it with my other hand, blood now getting trapped between my finger prints.

"Link?!" The deep voice cried out as it fluttered up the stairs.
It was Teba, the tall white feathered Rito Warrior and Champion Decedent. I cornered up against the wall on the bed and hid my bleeding arm as best as I could but I had forgotten about the glass shard that dropped on the floor.

"What the? Link show me your arm now" the Rito said through his deep voice.
It felt like lightning struck my insides when he said this. I lowered my head and fought back the tears like rain from a storm.

He grabbed my arm with his feather like fingers and squinted at the deep cut in the skin that was now barely visible from the blood that soaked my arm and the bed and now his feathers.
"Link..." he sighed and then left the house to grab some supplies.
He came back quickly and wrapped my arm with soft white bandages that were quickly dyed red from the blood eating it up.

He frowned at me and I glanced back down at my arm. I didn't care about it and Teba saw that. "Link, I don't even know what to say about this monstrosity, it ruffles my feathers to see you doing this to your self. Anyone would die to be you, your the luckiest man alive! For crying out loud you've got a princess...not saying I don't love my wife or anything, let's just make that clear." He said to me and started to clean some of the glass on the floor with a deep sigh.

"Why don't you just leave" I said rather hastily and forced myself to lay down in my bed which still had some blood stains covering it.
Teba flew up to the loft and frowned. "This isn't you...I thought you would want to do something, we are going to castle to talk about this with Zelda whether you like it or not" he said with complete confidence hurtling in his voice.

And with that he ditched the cleaning and flew out the door. I leaned back on the wall with a annoyed grunt.
"Stupid bird! You caused this!" I yelled out but I knew he was long gone, already consumed by the night's darkness.

I ignored all the pain surgding through my bloody, but wrapped up arm. I covered my face with my hands and smelled a strong scent of blood. Yet again. Didn't care. But did I care about anything anymore?

  My mind started to wrap around what just happened but it put too much stress on my shoulders so I decided to shrug it off. At least for now. Yeah, wasn't working too well.

  I leaned over the bed and opened a wooden drawer that revealed my sheikah slate that used to hang around my waist on my adventure. I grabbed it and flipped through the album section and saw a picture of me and Zelda that I immediately stoped to look at.

As soon as I lay eyes on her emerald eyes I froze, getting lost immediately as if the lost woods were on display. I eventually forced myself out of her eyes and looked around the picture to see my arm around her and smiling.


Haven't done that in a while. It frustrated me most of all though, I didn't feel anything anymore, only hatred and sadness and I have no explanation for it.

I soon turned it off and shoved it into the drawer it was in before. My bloody hands ran across my face, dragging stress along with it. I clenched my hair firmly and sealed my eyes shut. That is untill somone barged in the door again.

"My Hylia! Teba, go away!" I yelled at the door as I stormed down the stairs.
But it wasn't Teba this time. The man was already in the house with a glass bottle in his hands, and a black hood that covered his face, and unfortunately that's all I saw. He swung the bottle hard on my head and everything with black.


  Hi guys! I'm going to post every Sunday for now! If I get a lot of free time on my hands I'll post Wednesday too! Not likely though, lol.

Thank you all for your support, I only had one chapter and already 91 views! I appreciate all your support!💙

Make sure you check out WolfyLover_444 and PeacefulAnarch for their fanfiction!

Well anyway, hope you liked the mini cliff hanger muhahaha.

To be continued!!

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