Bonus Chapters?

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    Hey! So I've kinda been playing around with this idea in my head for a couple weeks now. But I've decided to do it anyway.

    The idea was that you guys - the readers, could choose some scene during this book that did not happen, but yet you wanted it to I still not making any since?

   So uh, it would be for instance, like during the week Alex was depressed and I didn't really write anything about what went on during that week. You, could tell me something that you wanted to happen (Anything!) and I would write a short chapter (probably around 2-3 thousand words) about that specific thing.

   Do you get it now?

    So I'd basically be writing a short story based off this book and what you wanted to happen.

   This is how it's gonna go down:

   If you're interested, fill out this form down here in the comments section! ⬇️

   If you're still confused, then comment that you don't understand and elaborate on what it is you don't understand.


   1.) What would you like to happen? (It can be anything!....within reasons XD - like another nightmare, [one that you come up with or one that's based off one I already did] something someone did, etc.)

  2.) What chapter would it be associated with?

  3.) Who's POV should it be in?

   Alright, so I think that's everything. Feel free to request one! It's for anyone to do, anyone at all!

   So if you've got a idea brewing in your head after reading the book, don't leave it there. Request away!!


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